Brazil GDP

Brazil GDP

2011 : 2,614 b
2012 : 2, 460 b
2013 : 2,465 b
2014 : 2,417 b
2015 : 1,774 b

What happens there ?

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Holy shit now I see what you mean OP


They are niggers, that is all you should know about this



whats taux du fromage

no more oil monies, but lots of leches lying around. A huge state with huge tariffs, bad tax system (for both people and companies) and even worse redestribution system

it'll only get worse as their economy slowly colapses under the weigh of their state. It's exacly like argentina was a few years back

% unemployment
also congrats, that's better than ours


Suffering a pro-US coup does that my friend. Now that the coup has blown out on the perpetrators face and they are being impeached themselves. And they have failed to arrest the ex-president that made us a BRIC and he is now the absolute favorite to win the 2018 elections

they are sooooo fucking stupid.

wait, is lula2018 is a thing?
you people are doomed

Currency devaluation, my economical illiterate friend

Hopefully he stomps conservatard face.

No it isn't. He wont even be eligible to run.

Stop trolling, other might think you are serious

Ah yes, he sure is going to be pleaded guilty without any evidence but testimonies by two judges, including one that has already absolved João Vacari Neto because he was convicted by Moro without proofs

Bitch please, I'm on another level, you can't fish me with your crap baits.

yeah, he is like 20% ahead of every one, also PSDB and PMDB are dead due to Temer

it's not a bait it is a fact.

Kek, he has a 60% rejection

Keep fishing, kid

>Kek, he has a 60% rejection
in paraná only
>Keep fishing, kid
well it's ok to deny reality