Why don't the Asians in California ally with the Whites to kick out the Spics?

Why don't the Asians in California ally with the Whites to kick out the Spics?

Don't trust whitey.

Why should they?
In the event of a White Victory they'll most likely be kicked out or shunned unless they're Japanese
If the spics win then they'll have a place at the top because they'll replace the whites as the ruling upper caste.

we are genetically closer to spics than to whites, and blood is thicker than water

Same reason why the Native Americans won't

Ally with the negroes

Ah yes, the 'ol 'just because they're not rioting and they tolerate us asians must love how they're treated' meme

Yeah whats up with Cali Asians being obsessed with Mexican food? I noticed that

Around wh*tes, never relax

if they wanted to ally with the whites, they would have moved to red states already, turns out only import whores with no option of self respect would go to rural america aka conservative shit hole

That's only Koreans in L.A. Other asians don't try to fuse their cuisine with Mexican cuisine.

A nice old white couple back in the day helped me out while I lived in Chicago, Illinois as a poor college student. They wouldn't want me to do something as brazenly brash as to kick out Hispanics from the land of opportunity, or to even to drag the rest of Whites from the community into helping me to do it. No, I am sure they would expect me to help these immigrants the same way that they helped me.

Therefore, no. Asians will not ally with white trash to kick out spics.

A majority of them are from SEA shitholes

Do Asians dominate a lot of the businesses in large Californian cities? If they are similar to the Indians in other African-tier nations, then they make a lot of money out of their business enterprise and benefit greatly from it.
That, or, you know: maybe the Asians aren't insecure about their ethnicity as the """""white""""" Americans, Mexican American and """""African""""" Americans.

Why are Americans so tribal?

>you know: maybe the Asians aren't insecure about their ethnicity

well, they're the largest demographic group in the SF area

South Asian here. We're conservative and love America. Don't worry bro. We got your back.

nice taqiyya

>South Asian
Had me worried there for a second.

shitskin containment board

I'm pretty sure the reason behind that is because all of the Native Americans are fucking dead.

You gotta go back Jorge. Finish mowing my lawn first doe.

It doesn't matter that PoC ally with each other. What's more important is any non-whites allying with whites.

Fuck off.

A lot of Latinos look Native American for some reason

I'd rather have a million spics than 1 single mainlander. Chinks are fucking subhuman

>for some reason

God damn fucking summer posters get the fuck out

>implying there's one kind of asian

SF may be 33% asian, but it is 21% Chinese, 5% Filipino and 2% Vietnamese. In the event of social breakdown expect gang wars reminiscent of the 1977 Golden Dragon massacre.

>If the spics win then they'll have a place at the top because they'll replace the whites as the ruling upper caste.
Wishful thinking at best. Mexicans don't like Chinese people. The TorreĆ³n massacre was the largest murder of Chinese people in the entire Western Hemisphere. Asians can expect to see their property confiscated.


Brown amerind feet will stomp on chinese pagodas

omg shut the fuck up

>implying we won't be sitting on the sidelines watching you and the blacks destroy one another

LOL, we're taking over this motherfucker

and don't forget Texas.

Can a Puerto Rican/Italian looking guy blend in with the local Mexicans?

We need them to pick the food dumb fuck.

But I don't live in the Green part