Why don't Mexicunts and Argentinians like each other?

Why don't Mexicunts and Argentinians like each other?

Because nobody likes Mexico.

Argentinians think they are Europeans. They think that in order to be European they have to act racist towards more brown people. That's it.
Argentinians and South Brazilians are the most arrogant people in the continent even though they aren't the best in anything.
Argentina loses to brazil in gdp
South Brazil loses to the southeast.
It's just that stuff about people who try to compesate in order to fit in in a certain group. They act more extreme than the group they want to fit in.



Memes, IRL nobody cares about each other

why do you care?

actually there is no such thing as rivaltry between countries... usa vs mexico, england vs france, israel vs palestine for giving some examples is just online bantering, no one would care a shit irl if internet didnt exist

This, when I worked in a restaurant everyone got along with the Argentinean waiters
Now that I work in the manufacturing industry everyone gets along with the Argentinean project managers

mmm your sentence was doing fine until
>Argentinean waiters
there si no such thing and you all people know it
why do you mexicans try to force this meme so much? why would anyone ever want to go to mexico in search of a job?
i know plenty of people here fleed there back in 2001 when we fucked it up, but it doesnt even compare with the number of people who moved to spain or italy... i mean,its like you all are wanting us so bad to be your chicanos what the fuck?
mexico is a shit country worse than fucking bolivia deal with it

I'm not memeing, the restaurant is called la Vaca Argentina and it's owned by an Argentinean
My neighbour is also Argentinean, he's a body builder/personal trainer

more like why no one likes them

Fucking this.

They are just trying to hide their love

Argentinians always seem angry with us for no reason like and , I don't really get it either

Mexicans are annoying as fuck too, more than Argentinians. We just don't hate Mexicans because we don't speak Spanish

Because we have shitons of immigrants too, and he already told you there are Argentinean waiters and Argentinean managers, not just one type of Argentinean immigrants.

no, we aren't :3

>we have shitons of immigrants too
we do?

You are. Actually you love to brag about your country bashing another Spanish speaking countries. No wonder every neighbour hates you, Peru, Chile, Argentina, etc.

but we don't do that?

>Israel vs Palestine isn't a real rivalry
lol tf?

On youtube? You do a lot.

yes you are

Why do brits and americans hate each Other?
Also Just envy bro every spanish speakers has that eternal butthurt against us,exeption spaniards

I hate mestizos and most mexicans are mestizos.

>40 million people country loses to 200 million people country in gdp
You're so fucking stupid you justify the racism of Argentinians and sulistas alike.
Fucking monkey

We must end this, put an argentinian and a mexican in a pit to fight until death. who wins?

You are a mestizo.

No one from the carib thinks or cares about Mexicans.

No u

Mostly of here don't know anything about S.A outside brazil, meanwhile a bunch of indians hates us and i don't know why

t: literally the most annoying nigger country in all of South America

but literally all sudacas and island niggers hates mexicans,they cannot handle the banter

>be CHIC
>hate Mexicans
>like Argentines even more

Probably has to do with the fact that I'm one of the few that is smart, doesn't do any drugs, doesn't hang out with other chic, and has a white gf who speaks Spanish too.

theyre the most dislikable of the continent, and mexicans are envious of argentina so they try to shit talk of argeniggers anytime they can. argentines dont care but they look down on all the continent. so theyre basically meant for each other, one has superiority complex and the other has inferiority/victim complex

I dont understand how you guys are so butthurt about us disliking the continent and the subhumans that live in it, like are you people unable to tell you're living surrounded by shit or is self awareness only possible with a 3 digit IQ therefore being beyond the reach of the greasy little paws of mestizos

>envious or argentina
lol what

>mexicans are envious of argentina so they try to shit talk of argeniggers anytime they can. argentines dont care but they look down on all the continent
You literally described all thoughts of sudamericans of mexico, we don't know afuck but you always has a inferiority complex of us and its weird

Could you stop replying every sudaca post and bumping this shit thread?

Just shut the fuck up

These cunts have to be the most annoying motherfucker on Sup Forums.

This board would improve 100 times if your whore mothers had swallowed instead.

White people plan their babies Jesus

Well more less.
According to the INEGI we have ~1 million foreigners living here but they don't detail where they're from.

i only want to know why all these shitholles hates us, so much inferiority complex appears

what argentines think doesnt bother me at all, im just saying things as they are. keep playing being yuro or whatyever

fuck off

Southamericans in general has such inferiority complex, and hates México

Idk senpai they both try to LAARP as something they're not so that rubs everyone in the wrong way. But I don't know this is just based in YT videos comment section I refuse to believe they're that delusional in real life.

I don't really think they care at all. Except the butthurt during the world cup when Argentina rapes Mexico

Mexico is full of mestizo subhumans. Argentina is also full of mestizo subhumans except they pretend they're white. Since Mexico falls for the memes they have an inferiority complex because they also wish they were white.


So having basic knowledge of Latin American relationships and demographics makes me a chicano? No wonder the average IQ in Mexico is below 90.

>this guy actually thinks he has knowledge of Latin America
Holy kek


We dont hate Mexico. We dont care about you. You are as important to us as Colombia or Venezuela. Our main bound is with Argentina.

t. 74 IQ 163 cm mestizos

Funny that you didn't deny the first part of the post.

>this coming from the guy who says salvadorans look like southern euros

Brazilians here are always hating on Mexico

Hues on here are the rejects of society. They think they are the reincarnation of hitler. Don't judge us by them.

Mexicans do the same to Brazilians

Well you no,but mostly spanish speakers do a lot like this indian
and we don't know why

Maybe I don't know that many ArgenTINOs but the ones I met aren't like that.
They were all good folk.


The four Brazilians I've met IRL love Mexico

Tu gfa :v hueheuehuehue

>Taking Youtube seriously


Tu envidia me hace más grande

Ódiame más

>tfw no brown mexican gf

Inferiority complex, thats all bro

Because Argies are horrible soulless people.

It's not true at all honestly.
I'm half Rican and have never heard Mexico brought up except for some mentions about TV.
Extremely neutral about Mexico in general.

Carib Lats hate Dominicans though.

No, mostly from caribe but the majority buttmad comes from another spanish speakers from the continent
>Hate Dominicans thought