Yellow fever fetishposting

How did KPOP GENERAL become the largest general? It's the most active community by far but all they do is post pics of half-naked korean girls. Nothing wrong with that, but how the fuck haven't these yellow fever manchildren been banned to /s/?

Other urls found in this thread:

this is nothing

because kpop is the best music genre ever

Because we love the music.
Here, give this a listen:

>implying this is any different from 80% of Sup Forums

a famous idol just killed himself so there's lots of posts

moot said it's okay right before he left


we are all celebrating

mu is a containment board for kpg

you're locked in here with us

make Sup Forums white again

grimes is pure

How do those threads fill up so fast?

because they're not talking about music

it's a waifu board now boy

Grimes is shit

Honestly they keep to themselves and don't swarm other Sup Forums boards, so I'm okay with them. I just wish they consolidated themselves better

happenings/award shows

Why can't they get their own board to post at? We should seriously start a petition or something.

kpops lil peep died. Have some fucking respect

You should thank us for posting on your dead board

and yet they have more music than /rym/ general. but yes its a pure waifu thread that belongs to /s/

We must support Kim Jung Un and his struggle to nuke South Korea.

because muh basement and muh too much time on muh hands

korean worshiping is the worst thing to have happened to people born in the 90s

These things can't be human.


i've poked my head into kpg. they may not discuss music 24/7, but they do talk about sales charts and occasionally stream kpop related bullshit.

They have more merit than the grimes/lauren/clairo/bjork/kate bush ones since they don't pretend these sideways vagina sluts are musical geniuses

talking about sales there is greatly frowned up there because it triggers fans of groups with really shitty sales

we'll do better next time

kpg also makes a lot of memes.
essentially it's just a slow board contained within a thread, so it goes by very quickly.

>How did KPOP GENERAL become the largest general?
The variety of content and hight quality of the music that have the music
> but all they do is post pics of half-naked korean girls. Nothing wrong with that
Not true.
>but how the fuck haven't these yellow fever manchildren been banned to /s/?
Because it based on music.

Thats part of the music experience.

It have extroverts and apasionate fans.

You should ask yourself why the other threads are boring dead while those people just happily past their time posting about artists 24/7.