What percent of American women are blonde? We never have blondes here

What percent of American women are blonde? We never have blondes here.

I couldn't really tell ya, but it seemed as if 40-50% of the girls at my highschool were blonde

Where are you?

>We never have blondes here.
This is why Montreal, the GTA and Vancouver need to be rangeb&

I dunno. They're common where I live in the South, but not overly so. I'd say 25-30% of the white ones are blonde.

Did they get blacked?

>We never have blondes here.

The fuck are you talking about??? We have a fuck ton of blondes

In Canada like 5% is blonde one in 20. It's untermensch central here.

OP confirmed for non-white

Lol, no just no

Oooh. Yeah, I mean, we all have yellow skin and black hair and no souls.

there were no black people at my highschool

Btw of that 5% 98% are dark blonde. The kind of blonde in op pic is 1 in 1000 and I'm not exaggerating. I went to two different high schools and never saw that shade.

You're in Quebec I assume?


Ontario south. I have honestly never seen platinum blonde hair irl. Americans always post pictures of girls with natural platinum blonde hair and it makes me jealous...

I reverse image searched this. It was made by some dude on stormfront lol. It's bullshit

before anyone asks, yes the black holes are indian reservations

>not accepting stormfront propaganda at face value
off to reddit

why would he post something like that here

Where in Southern Ontario? You're insane, I live here too and I see it every day

I don't know


I don't want to dox myself but just outside the GTA. I have never seen a very light shade of blonde hair in my life. I'm in my early 20s. Where are you have you seen one?

>lives in Brampton
>"dude why there are no white people in Canada?"

>My gf is as blonde as those girls
>My hair is literally black
At least I have blue eyes and pale freckly skin so I'm not ruining her genetics right?

I'm white my area is 80+ white.

dox youself? Nigger the GTA is the most populated part of Canada. I live in Ajax the most nigger and poo filled part of the GTA and I see blondes every day. I have no idea why you're lying about this. Is this a thinly veiled blacked thread for you cucks or what?

>so I'm not ruining her genetics right?
Your hair is black, if it was brown it could have been passable. Nigger.

I'm from the same general area and have never seen one. I visit ajax regularly. I don't mean dark blondes. I mean platinum.

Ajax doesn't have lighht blondes I'm from there born and raised (left now) stop lying.

do you live in a city with a big italian/portugese population.

blondes were somewhat rare when i went to a catholic school here (mostly just italian-portugese with a few french/irish), but common in public schools.

Yeah, I see natural light blondes everywhere, I work with a few of them, I have some in my family, IDK what you're on about.

Majority of the girls in my high school were blonde.
I'm from CT.

Tell me about Ajax then you lying fuck

Most people are Anglo some southern euros. I'm from durham. I have lived all over durham and went to numerous school and have had jobs at numerous locations. Never seen a natural light blonde in all my years.

Literally never met a southern euro here. My family is Anglo, both my sisters are platinum blonde. If you've been all over durham you know Oshawa is FULL of blondes.

>We never have blondes here.
Weird. I've met like 12 leafs and almost all of them were blonde, except for like 3 chinks.

Pakistan and niggers are moving in. High schools include durham, Pickering, and j Clarke. There's a metro near the library

Ignore OP

I have never see a blonde in oshawa. Dark blondes yes.

Well, fine you check out. Not sure why you're saying there are no blondes though. You know that's not true.

lol at that blackhole of vancouver hk

Alright, whatever you say. You anecdotal experience vs my own. Neither can prove eachother wrong. You're either lying or you never leave your house.

It is, why are you lying. It's okay if there are no blondes in Canada. Maybe its frog ancestry. I'm from Balkans but born here.

Oshawa town center is the only place I visit there. It's full of non whites but all the white s are brunettes.

Frogs stay in their containment province. Ajax is turning into a paki town but I still see a lot of light blondes. Although most who grew up here are moving away from Ajax now.

There are just no blondes here in Oshawa, we're all brunettes.. wat?

I have seen blondes in downtown Toronto. Mainly because of population density, millions of people are there.

I mean platinum blondes. Not hair dye with dark roots.

I know what you mean dude.

Florida, california, midwest, trailer parks in the south

daily reminder that dark girls are better

a decreasing one

pic unrelated?

Mehmet, please.

turks like blondes
I'm german

Conectticut new england? Marljority blonde?

I was one month in Vancouver, everyone was blonde or Asian, stop lying

>We never have blondes here.

Have you tried venturing outside of whatever multicultural paradise you seen to be living in? Go to any of the western provinces, the prairie provinces or the rural Maritimes. There's blonde hair everywhere.

maybe he's from Saskatchewan or something