be kiwifag

> be kiwifag
> actually have political parties that work together to make their country better

Amerifags don't know this feel

>The united asian party
>The kiwi asian party
>The Chinese party for labour
>The communist party (chi cho ching chong)

Wow, so you're so kewl NZ

>Chinastralia talking about chinks

oh i am laffin

>to make their country better
How do you define your concept of good?



Does New Zealand even have complex problems that require the attention of more than three people?

I seriously doubt it.

literally the most dramatic thing to happen in Poo Peeland was the French sinking a hippy boat

Our political parties do work together, but to make our country worse.

Making sure no nuclear powered vessels get near their "country."

>our poolitical parties working togethor to make the country better

they fix one problem and create two others

what a fucking meme that was
they're lucky our geographical positions aren't reverse and they can rely on the Big Strong Australians to act as a buffer

uppity little sheep fuckers

>Poo Peeland
So these are the famous Southern Hemisphere bants I hear about

>big strong australians
the only thing big about you sissy boys is your ego which disappears entirely when i give you little twinks a good dicking

cheers for the dole payments too mate

saved to my Poo Peeland banter folder


>but to make our country worse
As long as political parties make those who fund them happy, that is really all they have to care about.

Keep the cringeworthy shit for drunken Sup Forums shitposting, yeah. You're better than that.

t. zhang

t. bruce chang

>you mean there can be more than two parties? and they can form alliances and shit?

T. Deng Xiaoleaf

Too bad all of our parties are shit

>be poo peeland
>be too underdeveloped to have cardless ATMs
Why the fuck are kiwis too poor to afford skycash