
dixie edition

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hankering for a wankering

cute boys

That's a kot





hate yanks
love the south
simple as really

post the fat chink singing dixie

ummmmmmmm racist much?

women are dogs

The south will rise again (referring to the cycles of my getting an erection throughout the day)

there are a bunch trucks in my town with confederate flags on them for some reason
such is life in alberta

Is that your excuse for eating them?

reckon i could do with a british bf

canadians are literally yanks

there's no point saying you're northern yanks or snow yanks or what have you because it's unnecessary

wish I was a yank

im late night /brit/ and you must be new because we didn't have fag interlopers for quite some time

used to see them all the time back home too living up north

canucks are strange polite but sometimes spastic yanks, and then there's the quebecois, who really deserve a firm slapping about

we hate yanks we're rebels

Pot, kettle



come on in lads, the water's fine x

Stop browsing Sup Forums after being banned for awhile for gayposting tbqh my lad

got drunk last night instead of eating dinner
diets's going well I guess

Canucks are Irish and Scot. Have ye not heard dem speak eh?

reckon i could do with an aussie bf

the south is just the right wing version of canada
we will break free from yankee opression

This language sounds like people making up a language as they go along.



reckon a quick and dirty genocide of the w*lsh wouldn't go amiss

reckon the very same

just be a nice person and put on a trip
would be nice of you to do that.

brits are just protoaussies, yanks are western aussies, and canadians are snowaussies


nearly went to shag a prossie but luckily I blacked out instead
wew close call

no zealanders are just a state rite?

Brythonic son. Native Briton. Ancient shit

aussies are literally desert yanks
only the kiwis are pure

new zealand doesn't exist, it's a social construct and very open to interpretation

wish I could say i had close calls for all the time and money I spent going to asian massage parlors

got a few good ones though but overall return on investment was pretty low

Weird to hear a fricative sound coming from the old island languages

there's been many other occasions I've went through with it and like you said it's rarely ever worth it
need to stop doing it but seems like a good idea when I'm smashed

Love heinz. Wish i was a Cowboy so i could eat beans all the time and have sex with men

NEED a rasheed bf

toil ends in 30 minutes

Tell Carol I said hello

>Disabled MP forced to miss Commons debates because he has nowhere to sit
Ah yes, the so-called tories

suddenly interested in pre-christianity religion in the british isles

bad reckon
reckon american bfs

toil commences in 42 hours


being alive is toil
put that in your tailpipe and smoke it

using duckduckgo because google is a CIA honeypot but the search engine really is shit

you mean Islam?

not an argument

greetings black person


Forgot pic lol!

Read it in highschool, it was pretty interesting. Might dust off my copy and peruse it's pages once more.

Tree worshippers in an almost inconcievably large European forest.
Spoopy neanderthals stealing human babies.

Need a mate

Can assess your sexual exploits from these posts alone

can't stand homosexuals

i learn't the game from william wesley you can never check me

why is this news? the BBC is fucking awful these days

doing a browse of reddit.com/r/TotallyStraight/

we going for pints later mate?

reminder the beeb is publicly funded

are the fags also the leftypol posters

fucking embarrassment


read some books on prehistoric britain then, Julian Cope 's Modern Antiquarian and Megalithic European are good for monoliths and the like. After The Ice by Methen is a good un for an all round look at prehistory culture around the world and quite a comfy read too.

>Although this sub's for guys who identify as straight but get off to gay porn, every gender and sexual orientation is welcome. We also function as a sexual fluidity and spectrum-sexuality support group.

Doing a think

This one is called the siege of angband
but i dont remember this bit
thought angband was underground anyway
don't know what john howe was portraying here

don't rate willies so you're wrong

great post


mental how hard it is to find protein powder here
ironically easier to get steroids


love the 'ion


dude just eat chicken lmao

fuck how do i forget a pic twice

Good bit, Huan the hound defeating tonnes of shit, Morgoth included.
Bad bit, the star houndlad speaking.

i am

that's what I do
its like $100+ for 2.5 kilos of shit Chinese protein powder but like under $5 for a big chicken

want his thighs to smother me

mental that when you write a post some bloke in a desert on the other side of the planet will read it, and if you're lucky enough he might even reply

w e w l a d

you've got no proof for this bizarre theory

>Speaking for the third and last time, he wished Beren and LĂșthien farewell, and died, with Beren's palm upon his head

ate 4200 calories today

#sorrynotsorry x

shopped sorry luv xoxo

post a pic and confirm his theory, but get the press in first your end so you get the credit and the glory.

benders reproduce through abuse

This one is better

it's like 9am big boy

he's still alri tho

9/11 was a tragedy

>Morgoth included


Legs are the best part of men.