Got trolled into not going to University by Sup Forums trolls saying it's a "Jewish scam" and "you'll never get a job...

>Got trolled into not going to University by Sup Forums trolls saying it's a "Jewish scam" and "you'll never get a job with a degree so just work minimum wage for the rest of your life"
>Then got trolled by /r9k/ trolls into not even working because they kept posting that fucking smug Pepe with the "How can a man wake up and make a living for himself instead of being a parasite off of hardworking people...... etc Noam "Communist Kike" Chomsky quote

>No I have no degree, no job, no money, nothing because I listened to righty neets from pol and communists from r9k

Other urls found in this thread:

They were right desu.
Why would you give more money to your boss?

prepare for the BANgarang

What did you mean by this?

Deceptive post by a uni sucker

>University graduates making tons more than highschool grads on average
>Being a sucker

Ah yes im sure a future at Wendy's is very appealing.

>he didn't do an apprenticeship
Foolish choice

>Got trolled into not going to University by Sup Forums
If this had been true then you don't belong in uni anyway.

>He has to work doing the shittiest tasks for a pittance of a licensed tradesman for years before he can work
>He crawls around on his hands and knees like a cuckold for his profession
>His clothes are baggy and always dirty
>His wife is overweight with saggy tits
>He has back problems due to a life of physical labour
>No one respects him when he says what he does for a living so he copes by drinking which makes his body even worse which in turn gets him even less respect as hes known as "that fatass plumber who always smells like piss and shit, probably gets cucked by Dequantay and Tyreese"

Lmfao dumb ass tradie

Ridiculous projection

You'll never get a job with a meme tier degree like Political Theory or Sociology like Sup Forums

Absolutely spot on in the vast majority of cases. Be honest man how many tradespeople have you seen and went "Man I want to have a life like that guy"? I've never seen one. They always talk like retards and just overall have shitty lives.


Educate yourself with youtube videos, podcasts, and the Alex Jones show.

so if someone intellectual became a tradesman he'd suddenly turn into a mouthbreather? youre a fucking clown.

>listening to Sup Forums
>listening to Sup Forums
>listening to people on the internet

>Picking a very specific exception
You know what I meant. Stop nitpicking.

are you the same leaf who constantly posts pics of his tits?

>taking naything Sup Forums says seriously
you deserved it

>taking advice from Sup Forums and /r9k/

you ask for it

Sup Forums is extremely anti-intellectual. They also can't think in future terms so automation of manual labor jobs doesn't pop in their mind when they chose a career. Also they ironically defend capitalism at every term but somehow hate the results of capitalism like jobs being shipped overseas or immigrants getting the jobs because of cheaper pay. As long as you choose STEM, medical, law, econ, or business you will be fine.

No, the people that become tradesmen usually are one before hand. It's the type of job you can have swamp ass all day while chewing tobacco and your boss wouldn't care.Your looks and outward persona don't matter in these type of jobs.

You deserve this


Kukeku kekkity keku


Literally their advice tho

Well Sup Forums did get a retard elected President (you probably were larping as an American on a proxy for free for comrade Putin), so yes this site does ruin people's lives now.

>this site ruin leftist's lives who are nothing but a trash
Cry some more, baizou.

>Taking life advice from Sup Forums

Sup Forums didn't do shit

>"he must be a leftist for hating on BASD God Emperor Trump and Holy CZar Putin. Shadilay. KEK Magapedes"

>Trump retweeted a pol meme
>Le Nazi frog
Idk senpai you have to admit some influence

>Well Sup Forums did get a retard elected President

1. Try life
2. Read Sup Forums
3. Repeat step 1 (possible 2) until comfortable enough to stay on step 1.

Welcome to Sup Forums, fit and ck! Good luck!

Leftist in a closet from leddit, in other words.

Int is worst board. Ck is garbage. Fit has been shit ever since /SIG/ died and all the good trips left.

>you have to admit some influence

literally zero, we are just the edgy kidin the back of the classroom, normies don't giver a shit about "our" 10 degree jokes and meme

>other people are responsible for my problems

your kind is the problem tbx

What are you talking about man. Sup Forums is like a top 400 trafficked website and Sup Forums is the busiest board by far with millions of unique visitors per month. That obviously has some effect on public opinion.

Go back to 1 immidetly. Your shit palette is developed enough!

and ? television, mass media are still the biggest source of information for the mass, "we" have influence only on people who were already open consciently or not to our ideas.

>literally working your entire life in servitude of someone else

>Went to university, got 2 degrees and a well paying job with an assured future career lined up, loving my current job and all prospects of the future

>tfw its that same cancuck who has been posting about the same whining shit about nojob for at least a year

feel free to stop posting anytime, or at the least try and make your shit more interesting by packaging it with a greentext or something.

Delete this please... evil Chinaman