I'm half Polish half Turkish, I'm a double citizen. Ask Me Anything

anen BIG TURKISH COCK'a dayana madı mı xdd.d

How do your grandparents feel about each other?

Sup Forums'e girmeyeli 6 ay oldu hala burada mısın moruq:DDD

They cant communicate since the languages are different, but they dont have any issue with eachother they're just happy that my parents found eachother and happily married

Where's more comfy to live turkey or poland?

I've only lived in poland for 6 months but it seems more comfy. I havent been in the big cities of poland but the towns are really pretty, there's lakes everywhere, people are comfy. Turkey might be a good place to visit as a tourist but not the best place to live.

Do you know Polish?

Little bit. My goal is to learn Polish in 1-2 years. I only can say basic things like that i'm hungry,hello,how are you and things like that

you are born to immigrate to Germany

What do you mean? He is in Germany.

Actually my mom and my dad met in Germany, they were both immigrants in there haha

double kek
Is your dad a muslim or did he convert to christianity?

Opposite, my mom converted to islam but my mom was christian for the first years of their marriage if i remember correctly she wanted to convert by herself no one pushed her or anything like that. We're probably the most secular family of Turkey.

are you muslim ?

Thanks to god, yes i am

>Opposite, my mom converted to islam
Poland not stronk.
>We're probably the most secular family of Turkey.
A lot of muslim diaspora tend to be like that. They drink and party year round until their fasting shit arrives and then they stop.

slavic women are made for Big Turkish Cock.
"'our"' women love strong, handsome and masculine high-test Turkish Men.
thank you Guys for filling "'our"' women with your Superior Semen

how greek are you?
i am level 56 greek

Holy shit did that roach marry a fucking ghost?

we russian "'men"' can't wait till the end of the summer to see thousands of "'our"' women coming home from Turkey while being pregnant.
we russian "'men"' are so happy to see "'our"' women sexually satisfied by Big Turkish Cock.



what the fuck is wrong with you

Do people in Poland hate you? Ever got threatened with being beat up? This is assuming you're brown or look like a Muslim. I know Poles hate Muslims/Arabs/Turks

i am just a good person and when i see "'our"' girls are happy and satisfied it makes me happy too.
we russian "'men"' are weak, pathetic, impotent low-test losers and can't satisfy "'our"' girls.
Turkish Men are so alpha, You are so alpha, so strong, so desirable. russian girls love You a lot and You can easily satisfy them with Your Huge and Delicious Turkish Penis and make them happy.
we russian "'men"' just wanted to say thank you for fucking, impregnating and making '"our"' women happy.

She is just a lardfat from 2ch, nevermind.

ignore the cukc poster

don't take the wrong way but it give me a little hope because if a turk can marry a polish maybe i can too...

Absolutely disgusting thread, the mere thought of it makes me wanna puke

viyananın öcü alındı elhamdülillah

No never, i dont understand the "polish people are ....." meme well i've been there i never got any threat everyone is so polite. Either i look like polish(people say this all the time) or those tough polish dudes are only spend their times on Sup Forums bragging about how they're superior because i never seen one
Sure dude why not, i didnt even wanted something like that but a polish girl found me online and wanted to talk with me got her number and stuff. If you want something like that go for it.

What do poles look like? On average

The women are pretty cute some of them have light eyes and colors while others look very swarty and the guys aren't very tall but they have broad faces and are generally heavy built.

come here, marry blonde karina and live

like this


In College i had a half polish half turkish proffesor, is that you?

they look french desu

what about these? villagers/rednecks tend to look more characteristic for their respective nation IMO




Anyway stay away from Poland, there is a 100% chance you will get beat up.

t. Someone who lived there for 6 years

they can pass as native. European nation are meme, race is everything

which country do you feel you belong to more?