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Is the AR chassis good?
What about the MA chassis?

The best I ever had was Dancing Doll.

Do Filipinos with Chinese ancestry tend to speak Tagalog more nasally?

I don't know the types of chasis. The last time I played this was 14 years ago but I remember that I bought a Tamiya chasis to replace the original one because it came with 2 gear connecting the engine to tires instead of the default 3. I also swap the rubber tires to soft spongy tires. I still remembered that my RM9 engine car beating an adult with RM50 engine car.

How do I love Isis?

not really

>wanting to love an organization that is on the decline

I was told they represent the true teachings of Islam

How different are the northern Philippines compared to southern Philippines?

>Another girl "confessing" her love to me

And this is not a humble brag either. Both are hideous so it actually affect my self confidence. While in high school a fat girl keep sending me gifts. Am I ugly too since they apparently think that I am easy target for them?

Fuck off Chad

I'm only Chad for ugly/fat girls. Not sure if you want that.

Okay we get it, you're an alpha with lots of gf.

No I never had any gf

That's because you're a playboy, you switch women every week. God, handsome men get away with everything.

hey kiasu, watcha' doin?

Who voted for no?

all nuclear countries absent
all nato, or US aligned countries are also absent; except netherlands who voted no - didn't open e-mail last night, probably frantically sms during meeting
then there's singapore, who attended and abstained

How much does Tagalog inflect? Does it have many endings and forms like Greek?

Uh oh I have bad news for you

You're dead man.
Women are crazy.

Gofood is online food delivery service.

Sat silence
Eyes the world
Rancor in solitude
Execrate general.
There's nothing to be done but wait.

Does this mean we should succ meneer‘s dicc for next 300 years?

World is yours
Only if it's yours
You are a slave
From the day you're born
To the day you depart
Seize it now

Commie is the only way

Seems pointless.

A new oligarch arise
From the ideas of men for men
There're no true red
Only whores of maskva
Depart while you can
Before the whore claims you

>"Hindi pala umuubura ang puro lang ako, bihira nga naman naiisatao ang sagot"

Is it actually possible for flips to make a good Pinoy anime?

Probably not. DBS is poorly animated, and Super Inggo and The Nutshack were awful.

>be sundanese
>work in east java
>learned javanese so I can get cheaper price when buying something
>bought food with saying it in javanese
>people didn't understand my words
>told my friend about it
>"javanese in sunda accent is hard to understand"
>tfw I learned javanese for nothing

You're all just Indons to me.


Javanese here.
What you are saying?
People can always tell by the accent, east java foods are cheap usually desu

I mean I'm talking about it finanically wise, more like culturally. If people put enough money and effort into a pinoy anime, and invest in the right people, I'd bet my life on it that it would be good. Of course, Anime is a culture, if there's a Japanese culture for anime, then there should be a separate culture for Pinoys too.

not talking*

I mean China's got animes, Thailand's got one, Korea's got one too. I'm just saying that it could be a really good business and a potential to surpass those of other countries.

Holy shit CSA Makati girls are fucking hapless outside of their microcosm, and they fall for you immediately if you're the type of guy who can blend in with any social scene.

*helpless rather.

I've seen this kind often in Chinese cartoons.

>CSA Makati
I swear they look like my grade 3 classmates there in PH.

You have to be rich tho

which region in Indonesia is full of gay clubs and stuff?


Go local la, support the economy!

Unrelated, who still smoke here?

locals are too demanding, expensive and ugly.
smoke is for teenagers. succ living cigar is the trend now

I quit almost 5 months ago, 11 February 2017 12:30. I used to smoke Marlboro reds, Luckies and Mild Seven originals for 6 years and almost a pack a day.

>I quit almost 5 months ago
Good choice. Smoking is bad for you and the environment.

Why not just take a train to Siam?

They're farangs used toys, so no.
Also, I don't understand them.

I only smoke when I am stressed. I don't know why but I never get addicted.

Anime is christian

Always remember:

Kali > Kirito

Kirito's got no skills, no class, all he does are basic one-two attack movements that are easily counterable

We Trinity Blood 2.0 now

Does Indonesia still have those rentals where you can rent manga


tlk dot io/asean
come here asean

Yes, it's called library.

Jokes aside, I haven't seen them in ages considering that manga has become more accessible and cheap here.

>become more cheap

I think it's not because it's getting cheaper, but because we have a faster internet to read mangafox

Indons explain this:


>and actually it's kinda cheap here.*

I mean it's cheaper here than any other country.



Don't tell me that you read manga online WITHOUT buying it!?!?


Anyway, I don't think most Indons actually read from mangafox and instead they rely on shoddy translation from local rip site.

i read from mangahere because tsukommis are funny

It's a parody of our local tv series. We have a lot of tv series with this badly drawn dragon and bird cg so that it becomes indons meme.
Anyway this I believe is targeted to become viral on internet which is a success.
Never said I do.
But someone who rent comic would not have a problem not supporting the mangakas.

There's a place like that near my house

>day 2 in shah alam
>still no water
>had to drive 20km to my grandma's house (Damansara) just to take a fcking shower
>conserve water limited to drinking and cleaning piss
>relatives visits for raya today and we had to sacrifice most our water into cleaning the toilet
>had to skip evening shower with my skin sticky and sweaty

fuck this im voting for Bersatu in the next election i cant bear with politicized water rationing and suffer this way again in the upcoming months. any Utara fags should take their votes elsewhere and fuckoff back to kelantan

How much is a typical volume now?
Still below 20 000 rupiah or more?
Your locally translated official ones have greater number of titles compared to Malaysia. Better translated too compared to the ones here. I used to buy them at some bookstore that gives 20% discount and wraps them in plastic for free.

>can't afford a real tamiya when i was a kid
>bought auldey instead


M8 Bersatu is on the same side as PKR

Last time I bought manga, it was 20k IDR. It was a year ago though, and I bought shoujo manga series, don't know if the price is different.

Bed soon.

with mahathir as the head and the absolute authority which brings back the good ol days, Pakatan didnt work wonders because of conflicting interests and i expect that to happen last PRU because having 3 active leaders to manage a country is bs

>going to bed

not even a wagecuck sleep this early u gayboi

I bought Gunslinger Girl, Strawberry Marshmallow and Jigoku Sensei Nube.

Is Sup Forumspcbg guy active here too?
Nixia in OP right now.


Depends on the type of the manga, if it's ordinary tankobon then it's around 20,000 rupiah, even less if you know where to buy. That said, I do admit we have broad selection of manga, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or even local.

How's the local manga scene in Malaysia? Here it's still going strong.

Not the same user but all I see at bookstores are manga in chinese

Head of what?
Bersatu with one party and seat? Pakistan?
I thought that other ex UMNO guy is the head of Bersatu too.

How do you race those?

Are they like slot cars?

So how was PAM? It was last week. Was it a success?

Malaysian manga scene is crap.
You know Kotaro Makari Tooru? The title here is Pakar Judo. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? Penjelajah Jojo.

You now remember Kreko.

Damn. I mean manga that was made by local mangaka, Malaysia kino. We have a monthly manga magazine now.

Chinese, haven't read those kung fu comics in a while. In Indonesia they sell a number of volumes in one at a more expensive price. Also notice there's no Ma Wing Shing titles.

They have special track. Usually with timer sensor installed.

I remember Saju Uchiha or whatever the Chinese translation name they used for Sasuke in Naruto.

okay, so they are similar to slot cars

with slot cars of you go too fast you fly off the track

what is the name of those?

The biggest one is probably the ones under Gempak Starz. They produced quite a number.

>any Utara fags should take their votes elsewhere and fuckoff back to kelantan
Rude, blame PKR instead for pulling Kajang move resulting in delays on water deal with feds in its aftermath thus delaying Langat2 plant.

Dance from Manila, the capital in the north: youtu.be/Jsy2P-RBxy8
Dance from the Maranao people of Mindanao to the south: youtu.be/8R_EWyqu_ck
Sandwiching in the Visayans from the middle of the country, because why not: youtu.be/xQkV996Gns8

Same. You have to put metal around to to add weight. They're called Mini 4WD.

Post songs you're listening to for the night.


Out of the loop here, what does CSA mean?



Don't you know everything is UMNO's fault?
Just vote Pakatan, they would instantly agree on who will be PM and Malaysia will be saved.

here u go senpai