What are the black people like in your cunt?

What are the black people like in your cunt?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is this board so obsessed with blacks


thieves, welfare leeches, zoo animals



I honestly can't picture a negro speaking Finnish

Either people on business or those couple thousand blacks in Karachi that are descendent of immigrants from a long time ago.

where tf you at

Mostly students from Patrice Lumumba's Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



In response to OP: Variable, depressed, pledge fealty to the successful, spend their days using Islam to virtue signal in front of other

In London pretty assimilated.



cause this board is the most beta board on Sup Forums

Then theres that little bit of a s c e n d e d people that are depresseed but enjoy civilized conversation with each other, and not screaming HAHA UR A NIGGER HEHE SHITSKIN
How the fuck do you get internet there, and why do you show up as unknown

The president lets a distinguished citizen use his laptop every two weeks

you retarded animal, do you think that all of africa is bunch of niggers running around with spears?


Were running around with AKs now

Dear God, I have no words

why sudan flag is missing. you had your flag always

We had to sell its intellectual property to keep our healthcare programme afloat

violent with bad manners but not butthurt at whites

the only blacks I know are two somali families in my block, and a few bantu looking africans at my job. of them, everyone is well adjusted and has jobs. the son in one of the somali families might be hanging out with a bad crowd, though.

what, the alium is sudanon?

Yes, they took my flag out of jealousy

this fault is all from the Sup Forums owner fuckyuki. he should kill himself. or maybe from int mods.
cant you have your flag on other flag boards?

less smart than the average but pretty chill with nice bantz

All the blacks i have personally known have been pretty much somalis and normal, well adjusted human beings. I even met two while conscripted.
Not a day goes by when magazines wouldn't have at least one headline about a negro raping someone or causing disruption some other way, though

Same in Sup Forums

I think my ISP blame, they're crooked people

fuckyuki should be all blamed. you dont need to care about it. though you need to put up with it for awhile cause you are automatically gonna stick out and everyone is gonna recognize you like ikibey

Thank you for you your heartwarming concern

Besides the refugee ones, they are pretty much okay and get way too much trashtalk just for being black.

Idk the 3 we have all looked scared to death


What if Sudanon used ancient Nubian kang powers to ascend, and is now posting from the Black Galactic Empire?

Their presence is very much appreciated here in Transylvania

I still haven't got laid


Barely see any desu, unless you go for a piss in a nightclub, always one of them trying to spray hand soap on you and ask for money for doing so.

They create criminality when they are young and roleplay as victims "If my country is shit it's because of you, pay reparation" when they are old.

Upstanding repected people. Only racist drumpf supporters disagree


They are dumbfucks