
It's so dead I had to make the thread edition.

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Wonder if we can surpass 80 posts today


Just over 2 months until danganronpa v3, I hope you haven't spoiled yourself on it.

First for /deadheadphones/

I am of the belief that lewd posting in /bant/ would significantly increase the number of posters we have.

>hope you haven't spoiled yourself on it
Thankfully not.

How expensive were they?
I bought a pair for about 180 because Sup Forums told me to but I don't notice the difference between them and a pair for 80.

Don't know a single thing about it. Managed it with Persona 5 too. I was spoiled on something about the first case months ago but I've since forgotten it

>posting worst girl

Always knew Leinster rugby players were a bunch of west brits.

I didn't post her though

Best girl.

>Thankfully not.
>Don't know a single thing about it.

Good lads. I'm optimistic for it, I even enjoyed the future & despair anime despite most people being mixed on it.

About 200 but I've had them for a couple of years already

I'll have to replay 1+2 and power through Ultra Despair Girls on PC before it drops in September. Bought it on Vita at launch and wasn't impressed but it's easily pirated.

A few years ago in an interview Heaslip declared starting for the Lions in the failed South African tour was his proudest moment as a Sports player ahead of winning the first Grand Slam for Ireland in 60 odd years. Really grated with me.

Wasn't a fan of ultra despair girls either, I don't think I ever really warmed to Toko as a character.

Not sure desu. If there weren't so many inbreds from the other community up there it would certainly be better.

>was his proudest moment as a Sports player ahead of winning the first Grand Slam
Christ, and we choose him over Ryan.

I didn't even get as far as her. I finished the prologue and never went back to it.

Seen Baby Driver last bight. The main character is gonna be the new meme character in "characters that are literally you" threads


I predicted these threads would come to an end and die soon and it looks like I was right.

You must have quit after 15 minutes. Can't say you missed out on anything though.

The way they wrapped up the ultra despair girls plot in the future anime was pretty hilarious though, it felt like it was mocking anyone who took it seriously to begin with.

You'll be going to brit then I assume.

/eire/ is cyclical in nature. It will inevitably die but be reborn again stronger than before

Is /éire/ a new irish mythological cycle?

Forgot about the anime too, have had it downloaded for months but not jumped in yet. I know it's better than the shitheap that was the first anime

Well worth watching. I still need to see the Nagito OVA that followed it.

>but I don't notice the difference between them and a pair for 80.
There is an argument to be made that once you go over €150 with headphones, the difference in sound quality starts to become negligible (provided that you're buying from a decent brand).

>tfw I've been spoiled for several major details including who the mastermind is
I wish I could go into v3 blind like I did with DR2.

>Yep, thanks

Based Chiaki

Ah, we've been through slow patches before. This is the worst since the revival though.

A slow thread is better than a bad thread

>Leo Varadkar will send out weekly video messages of how he's getting on as Taoiseach
Didn't Enda promise something on a monthly basis when he was elected Taoiseach and then never did it?

Couldn't sleep a minute last nigh lads. No matter how hard I tried. My sleep schedule is so fucked :( Who else here suffers from fucked in sleep?

Very true.

*something similar

The only time I ever have trouble sleeping is when something's severely worrying me, otherwise I'm out like a light every time. Wouldn't wish sleeping troubles on my worst enemy, though. Sometimes it's the only thing to look forward to after a shit day

>weekly video messages
Trying to be hip and trendy, but he'll never beat Gerry.

Fucking jealous. Thank god it's Saturday and I don't work because I'll most likely fall asleep at 1-2pm and wake up at like 8pm. What the fuck is wrong with me. Monday is going to hit me like a sack of bricks.

Alas, how's everything with you?

Who are you?

I'll make sure to buy some of his merchandise to support his career as youtube-president

just a friendly visitor. Should I leave?

>Should I leave?
Nah, you're alright for now. Just be careful what you spout.

Mostly just spout my non stop depression desu. Was anything else expected? Its at least better than the korean guy here who posts that one red headed chick 24/7.

Where in Ireland are you?

Christ almighty. I have a decent pair I got for €20 I'd never spend that much on something like headphones.

Mise. I was exhausted last night and it still took me forever to fall asleep.

time to OD on melatonin

Saved 6 snails lads. Reckon my karma is through the roof.

>letting those bastards eat more plants
You monster.

Does not matter I am the snail God now.

Will pellet you.

I murdered like 10 moths last night whats my karma finna look like



I can buy 10 replacements for the price of one of yours. Don't try to justify your retarded wastes of money.

>I can buy 10 replacements for the price of one of yours
And I could by 20 pairs of 1 euro headphones for the price of one of yours,but to each his own I guess

Headphones not earphones.

Sound quality and build quality are a thing though.

Yeah buy some headphones if you like them better than earphones,I don't mind

No sound is worth that much.

>build quality
Again who cares about how strong they are if it costs you so much. They can be the strongest pair in the world but they'll get damaged and break eventually.

It depends on your priorities, user. I've found headphones around €80 to be my own personal sweet spot for quality and value.

>Not just spending 7€ on headphones in Tesco until they break in a month

Remember when every wanker had Beats by Dre?

IIRC he was the highest earning artist in a year at one point just from Headphone sales.

I've only seen like 10 people with them in my life. I've more people use them in product placements in movies than IRL
>For ages I taught the b on the headphones was the Bebo logo

They're still at it aren't they?

I thought you potato niggers spoke mostly in irish gaelic in these threads, what a fucking disappointment...


>theres a dedicated lane for public transport and bikes in most of Dublin centre
>locals are kind and happy to help
>young people everywhere
Why is Dublin so based? Deffo one of my top five favorite EU cities

Gerry a best.


Same, wich is the difference between /eire and /brit threads then.

>tfw doing a jaggy

>Goals 5
>Shots 4
Poinaldo statpadding again.


Fuck off Willie, I'm the true Rí.

anyone here on eirgoy for internet and not have much of a choice in their area?
my connection is fucking sluggish as hell today and they're telling me everything is grand and probably rigged speedtest to show everything as being fine as well

>probably rigged speedtest
Give testmynet a try.

Anyone watching the Mayo match later? I'm sure things will be less calamitous for them this week.

It's fine for me, I haven't had any issues with them in years.

Vodafone here and it's been bad lately too. Doesn't seem like the other services are much better though.

>Dark Souls 3
>get summoned as a spear for the spear boss fight
>don't know what the fuck I'm doing
>get annihilated

>have to fight summoned spears for the spear boss fight
>they all take advantage of the fucking bullshit healing they get and fuck me
Dark Souls was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

yep, speeds are still grand.
The problem is any form of media, like images or video seem to hang and take about a minute to load after the webpage itself has loaded, on any device, on any browser.
i've already tried the usual pajeet tech support stuff like power cycling, might just be something on their end that'll get fixed soon.

Sounds like something with the DNS, you could try using openDNS until they get it sorted.

yeah, I've been reading up on those and while there are privacy concerns among certain people, it doesn't seem to be anything more than tinfoily redditors rambling about "da corparashuns"
I'll give it a go

>last year
>me, dad and brother supposed to go to the bog
>dad doesn't bring brother, says he deserves a rest despite not having done any manual labour in God knows how long
>he did the same thing the year before
>this year I'm sick, thank Christ an excuse to get out of it
>brother will have to make up for leaving all his work to me
>find out they didn't go today because it was "too hot"
>it's colder than it was last year
>realise they're trying to delay going until they can drag me

Sauce? Because it's fucking cringy.

Apple owns Beats now.

>theres a dedicated lane for public transport and bikes in most of Dublin centre
I've been a number of cities in Spain, and those sort of lanes exist there too.

>young people everywhere
Not necessarily a good thing.

Just found it on Sankaku.

>Wonder if we can surpass 80 posts today
Looks like it.

>buy chocolate biscuits
>they melt on the way home

>download speed
>49% slower than the IE Average
>upload speed
>94% slower than the IE Average

/brit/ is awful for 20/24 hours of the day and those 4 hours are still bad.

How did ye manage that

Lomza Unfiltered doesn't taste like the other Lomzas at all. Heavy urine after taste. I bought fucking 5 of these things

Maybe I could sell them to some kids?

Here we go again.

It's certainly never boring watching them

>the skype cabal was replaced by the steam cabal

like poetry

It was very warm outside earlier today.

>0-09 to 2-08
How long before they fuck it up?

/tumblingdown/ imminent.

Did you have them in a bag or were you holding them? That seems too hot.
And what kind of biscuits?