American beaten to death in Greece

Wtf is Greeks' problem?

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blackboi forgot hes not in USA anymore

That's what you get for not carrying your gun.

greeks really are above subhumans

Typical American girl.

>American student on Greek island vacation is beaten to death by 10 attackers with brass knuckles
Why can't whites fight man to man?

Greece will pay for this

I'd imagine an angry atmosphere at the American embassy

Whoa he's black? Never mind than, good job Greeks.

quite outdated

ikibey bested by slav


simple, penis envy

>According to Greek media reports the fight started when a man from a group of Serbians went up to a group of Americans that included Henderson and broke a glass on their table.

Why do your Balkanite neighbors chimp out so much?

It's not whites, it's thugs of all colours.

>Hurr fuck America and fuck Drumpf they are ebil rightwingers

Fuck this country

Turkish blood

>be American
>denounce people on account of savagery
>celebrate same behaviour in people you like
Poor morals tbqh

Removing niggs is a service to humanity. Everyone becomes safer.

dumb faggot, if you don't hate the US you are a faggot american cocksucker kill yourself

Russians literally have a more favorable view towards us than you, Netherlands, and Spain. What the fuck...


We will avenge our black brother
Greek subhumans

Genocide on account of presumptive behaviour? Should all white males be distanced from children because they have a reputation for Pedophilia? Specific regulations because of white collar crime? Think not

> (OP)
>now a Greek may have to go to prison for an american subhuman
>fuck america
>thats what your people do you shitskin

>do you want to die too tyrone?

a serbian killed him idiot

Majority of niggers are savages, majority of whites aren't pedos.

Fuck off. We are muslim greeks, the true helenites are our brothers.

>I'm a kılıçartığı subhuman
>therefore everyone is a kılıçartığı subhuman
i love your logic dönme
siktir git şimdi
then we will kill serbs

I'm sorry. It's mainly because of trump (hopefully).
I want to get out of here.

Proof that the majority of American and African blacks are currently committing violent crimes, not your personal memery

Take a stroll through any black neighborhood here during the night and see what happens.

>arap sevici götüm yanıyor!

There is literally nothing wrong with liking Americans and America.
Concentrate your anger on a country that actually hates us like Britain or Poland.
Fucking degenerate hipster scum.

why does Vietnam love the US so much dont they remember the war

I am laughing so hard

You guys hate yourselves more than Britain or Poland does desu.

>kılıç artığı dönme pontuslu ol
>kıytırık genetik bilginle ahkam kesmeye çalış
>türk milleti adına konuş
yallah y*nanistan'a koçum
death to wh*Te subhumans

Again not your personal prejudices, from the American department of Justice

You make an assertion like that you back it up kiddo

Because were the biggest thorn in the side of the chinks

>one guy died

Are you trolling or serious

Just do it, you won't be defending them the morning after I can guarantee that.


Was referring to the removing all blacks to benefit humanity part

Wrong actually. You would be surprised.

Law enforcement agencies report a greater percentage of Hispanic/Latino and African-American/black gang members compared with other race/ethnicities.
The most recent figures provided by law enforcement are 46 percent Hispanic/Latino gang members, 35 percent African-American/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity of gang members.

Turks are white though, why the self hate?

Well they aren't responsible for your demographic destruction.

that shows blacks doing majority of crime (relative to numbers) not that majority of blacks commit crime

wh*Tes are subhumans

This is proof, not refutation. The majority of African American citizens don't commit crimes despite being overrepresented

Thanks for your unsubstantiated opinion

>demographic destruction.
this meme again and again. quit browsing pol already. it isn't as bad as you think except for a couple of biggest cities (just like everywhere else)

>be 13% of population
>Commit half the murder in a country

Ah yes no issue here

Wait 50 years, what were seeing now is just the seed and already some of their biggest cities are majority non-german.

African Americans also beat people to death it's not just brown Serbs/Greeks.

I like this post.

His assertion that all blacks should be killed because of a minority of them falls flat though

I know you're happy to get your Sup Forumsmotor running but you've pretty much made my argument for me

>their biggest cities
it's not just their cities i meant, it happens literally everywhere, in any country you'll see it.

pic related moscow

Everybody hates you in europe man

i never said whether it was an issue or not, i just said your link doesnt show what he asked for


Well how do niggers benefit the US? If you kill all of them you just removed half the murder, lots of gang members, freed up a lot of prison room, etc.

In exchange for what? Some rappers and athletes? It's a good trade let's be honest.

Russian birthrates have been going up recently. Really I'm not worried for Russia, you aren't completely ruled over by anti-white liberals like the west is.


kek, last time I went there there were brit tourists puking on the street

Do you have any idea how many Muslims there are in Moscow?

Holy shit, based leaf.

Now you're twisting words and moving goalposts

You can't genocide any group of people because of the actions of a minority, as much you hate them, there is little moral substantiation for it. But if you want to recycle Sup Forums posts for the rest of the thread be my guest, I am done with the American

They are in a much better position to do something about it. They don't have the majority of their native population wishing for their own destruction and defending the Muslims every chance they get.

>Russian birthrates have been going up recently
yeah, thanks to based Chechens

You really shouldn't get your knowledge on the world by Sup Forums. Russia is a bastion of degeneracy (drugs, prostitutes everywhere). They are 11% muslim and there are literal islamic semi independent states like Dagestan and Chechnya.

Native Russian birth rates have been going up. Granted they aren't at replacement levels yet, but that's a step in the right direction. No other white country can say the same.
They bomb them to smithereens whenever they chimp out.

It won't even take that long.
There are only about 6-7 million ethnic German men in the 20-30 age group.
Add who knows how many million "refugees", 70% of whom are young men in that same age range and you have incredibly rapid population replacement.

Just something to think about desu senpai. They just take so much and give back so little it makes you wonder

>Native Russian

You Slavfugees or Finnic?

I don't understand the question, I'm a euro-mutt like most white americans.

Some form of large scale intervention, a paradigm shift that originates within the community, has to happen and ensure we become more socially responsible and contribute to broader society as a whole

>Niggers need to fight in group

I was thinking Balkanization.

Finnics=real Russians
Slavfugees=temporary visitors

I don't know senpai, situation seems futile

Petty territorial squabbles between us can wait while the entire race is threatened by extinction.

It's because you're dumb, loud, fat and stupid. Russians share a few of those traits so they like you more than we do.

Fuck off proxynigger. Fucking phonecancer cunts from Reddit.

Finns are not Europeans

You'll still cry for our help when your muslims inevitably try to take over, assuming you aren't a mudshit yourself.

Fuck off Gypsy this doesn't concern you. Stick to conversation about India.

By the times Muslims have taken over Europe, America will demographically look like Brazil.

And the funny thing is that Muslims will never take over Europe whereas the USA will inevitably become like Brazil.

So keep your fat fucking mouth shut and go shoot yourself.

Im Greek though, you ugly chink

>And the funny thing is that Muslims will never take over Europe
That doesn't just apply to Germany you know.

Where does all this unresolved anger come from Jasper? Did someone limit your twinkle intake during childhood?

I know who you are. You are the offspring of a Bulgarian truck driver and a Gypsy prostitute.

You dont know who i am you retarded autist, my father met my mother in Thessaloniki when he did his conscription.

Now keep quiet, slant eyed asiatic dog.

Please brothers, this bickering will only benefit (((them))).

>According to the Greek Security Division, the incident began at 3.15am Friday when Henderson had a minor altercation with the security guard at a sports bar called Bar Code.
> a 32-year-old British security guard of Serbian origin and a Greek barman, 34, have been charged with homicide

So the nigger was chimping out in the bar.

I love how the mods spare you because Sup Forumstards are special snowflakes and they can't be banned or they go on a temper tantrum 3 days later.

You are a fucking homo and Gypsy. You have to dodge skinheads everytime you go outside.

Weird, it says a Serbian man approached their table and broke a glass before beginning a beatdown

What a surprise.
Nobody gets banned for being mean. Mods only ban lewd or gore shit.

ching chong ping pong, i dont have to dodge anyone, go overdose on energy drinks

Hurting feelings doesn't get you banned in here, neofag.