No wonder why everyone wants to go to the west

No wonder why everyone wants to go to the west

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disgusting SS-wiss pigs


Slovenia is Western

Hhmm, I wonder where Switzerland got all its gold.

fucking mountain kikes

Most national central banks in Europe hold a large amount of reserves in the form of foreign banknotes and deposits, treasury bills, gold, and other assets, which are called international reserves (or foreign-exchange reserves in popular usage, which, technically speaking, should only refer to reserves held in a foreign currency).

what happened to all the gold from the americas that the spanish plundered?

gold is a very valuable currency indeed



> Portugal still sitting on all of that Brazilian gold


>brazil gold
that was used to rebuild lisboa and the rest was lost to the french.
it's straight up nazi gold from WWII tungsten deals

Also Norway, explain yourself

>Flota de Indias my ass

They gave it all to us after we told them it belonged to an angry sea god


Payed to Stalin for war equipment in the Spanish civil war, and spain lost anyway
Look up "el oro de stalin"

no wonder jews left eastern europe

There are still more jews in eastern Europe compared to western europe.

But a lot moved to Israel, yes.

t. jew.

Russia where is our gold?

What gold?

Somewhere in the off-shore vault of Putin

5 1 0 F U C K I N G T O N N E S

That is more than what the European Central Bank has nowadays.

hope it was worth it. all those crap russian planes and tanks.

next time buy German

>There are still more jews in eastern Europe

lol no

Don't forget all that gold we confiscated out the jews fleeing europe through our territory

Ukraine literally shipped it's gold reserve to the US wuth planes shortl after the EU coup, lmao.

Not even kidding, look it up.


>g-gib back muh ouro

0 gold on reserve, but we have three of the world's biggest gold companies which own large deposits

our gold was stolen by germany in WW2, and then confiscated by brits as a payment for using their airports and planes during the Battle of England

It's not from Brasil. It's from Africa.

Holly fuck that even makes ME mad, and I fucking hate you guys.

If that makes you feel any better, I always make sure to have Republican Spain win the war when I play HoI4

They took 120 tonnes from us, too. Even with all the stolen gold, they're still a shithole.

why is russia so poor?