Are hungarians white? (They're not native to europe)

Are hungarians white? (They're not native to europe)

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ofcourse not, Mehmed Svensson


Fuck indo-europeans
I am a Minoan

the minoan tribes migrated to western europe laszlo

>Analysis of DNA from ancient remains on the Greek island of Crete suggests the Minoans were indigenous Europeans

The Magyar tribe was absorbed by the Europeans who lived in Pannonian plaine. Today, Hungarians are no different than their neighbors.

Ofc they are withe, it's even in their name Hung"Aryans" :^)




The Europeans in the Pannonian Basin were Slavs under Koceľ's kingdom. Name of lake Balatón comes from Blatnianske kniežatstvo (Blatno princedom) which comes from the Slavic word blato = mud.

The abundance of proto-Slavic loanwords in Hungarian (like szomséd - neighbour, sused in modern Slovak, in proto-Slavic probably sõsed with a nasal o that sounds like "om", sz is read as s in Hungarian, proto-Slavic and modern Polish has nasal vowels) testifies to that.

why is this place filled with cringy retards?

>Thanks to Pál Lipták's researches it has been known for almost half a century that only 16.7 percent of 10th century human bones belong to the Euro-Mongoloid and Mongoloid types.[61][62] The European characteristics in the biological composition of the recent Hungarian population and the lack of Asian markers are not solely due to the thousand years of blending.[61] Biologically, the population around 1000 AD in Hungary was made up almost exclusively of Europeans.[61]

>Neparaczki argues, based on new archeogenetic results, that the Conqueror Hungarians were mostly a mixture of Hunnic, Slavic, and German tribes and this composite people evolved in the steppes of Eastern Europe between 400 and 1000 AD.[63][64] This research group also established that "genetic continuity can be detected between ancient and modern Hungarians".[65]

Hungarians never had high degree of Asiatic admixture. Not even in the early Middle Ages.

This guy gets it
thank you for not being the only cringy retard itt.

>hungarian scientist proclaiming hungarians are white

Very credible

many of them look like slav-gypsy mix

have you seen any of us or you were licking ass of squatopluk 24/7 since you were born (bless his retardness for selling an entire country for a horse)

An autosomal analysis found 4.4% of admixture of non-European and non-Middle Eastern origin among Hungarians which is quite significant, but you must bear in mind that Catpathian basin was the target of numerous non-Hungarian nomadic invasions from Asia - Huns, Avars, Cumans, Mongols etc.

4.4% is not that significant compared to other Europeans like Russians, Finns and Turks (i know but we have millions of durks in europe so deal with it :DD)

>thread about Hungary
>Posters are all Bulgarian, Romanian, Slovakian and Turkish
Really makes you think. Maybe they should leave /ka/ once in a while

Yeah, it's more than the other East-Central European nations, but not by much. Carpathian basin is the last outpost of the Eurasian steppe, so it's natural that nomadic peoples were drawn to it.

And I also forgot the Ottomans. They inevitably must've exerted some influence since they ruled what is now Hungary for centuries.

it was 150years at most and not all of it, their influence was that the great plains had to be repopulated thanks to their "rule" and food, we didnt get turked unlike rest of balkans, we just sorta died

Tell me more of our Proto-Slavic/Slavic heritage, it sounds really cool.

It is the same heritage as we and Slovenes have.

This is not to deny your Magyar heritage and culture. But you do have more Slavic than Ugrofinnic blood.

my mom is

>But you do have more Slavic than Ugrofinnic blood.

Yeah, I agree. Personally I feel kinda conflicted about this. You're probably aware how we denied being related to Finns at first, right? Because the "great" and "conquering" Hungarian nation couldn't possibly be related to a bunch of fish smelling savages up north.
Well being related to Slavs is kinda like that, in that you're not a "great" and "conquering" people either, though you smell nice at least. And we can't really call you savages either, since you had houses and farming, while Hungarians were riding on horses, pillaging and shit. It helps that we generally don't mind Slavs, in fact we appear really fond of Croats and Poles in particular for some reason.

I don't know. We can't like you too much otherwise we'll end up like Bulgarians, who lost their identity and became Slavs entirely. Or how Finno-Ugrics are slowly dying out in Russia too. Being friends with you carries a certain danger.

Finns are Finnic
You are Ugric/Uralic

You are as related to Finns as we to Hindus

Glass houses, Mehmet.

In your mind there was never any people in Pannonia before Slavs?

Hungarians are clearly Celts
