TFW you will never be a European football hooligan

>TFW you will never be a European football hooligan

What use is it to live in the first world if I cannot enjoy the simpler things of life?

truly, its very animalistic feeling

Looks fun

Why would you want to be a degenerate from the bottom tiers of society?

until you get hit in head by plastic chair


Because it looks very fun. I sometimes envy you Slavs.

No you don't.
Being a slavshit is truly suffering. No matter how much some of us trying to deny it we all know how pathetic and inferior we actually are. Not mention all slavshit countries are poor as hell and slavshits themselves always try to escape it as soon as possible.

>lavshits themselves always try to escape it as soon as possible.

i just rejected invitation to study in Copenhagen, stop projecting

>Common brotherhood with other slavbros
>Extensive history, whereas Canada barely existed 150 years
>Ridiculous contributions to sciences and math and very good at sports

Ah yes being a slavshit must be awful...

none of what you said is true except the long history of enslaving, slaughtering and fighting each other.
and considering the number of slavshits our contributions are nothing. and it has nothing to do with the living standards of an average slavshit anyway

Well yeah you guys are poor but you still make the best of it and that's what counts.

>Kiev was founded in 482 AD
>Canada has only celebrated 150th anniversary a few days ago
The Slavs are very interesting beasts overall stop being so modest.

I live next to an arena.
Every time IFK or any of the other huge teams here in Sweden plays the entire area turns into a war zone...
Had my car completely ruined by people jumping on it and got hit right in the face by a fucking hooligan.
Fucking scum.
>pics from my town

Eh, he's right about the second and third, more or less, but slavic unity is a meme.

This. OP I don't know why you are envious of literal scumbags

I need some excitement in my horribly boring life

fly to detroit and take a bike tour around the hood

Then join the military or something...
Don't join the biggest assholes in the world.
Unless you wanna be a drug addict hooligan that all of society hates.

you've ruined the dream

he already said he was projecting his own feelings, lol.

Hooliganism isnt exclusively a slav thing. Lots of hooligans in Turkey, Sweden, Italy and at least historically the UK

Tbh the only issue I have is how hard a job is to find. Otherwise I'm okay with my country