I think George Clooney has a nice voice

I think George Clooney has a nice voice.

felicia day knows how to make her fans happy

Emma Stone despite all her issues at least she is not Emma Watson.

I'm almost certain that Courtney Love does not spend her entire waking life bugging her agent to find more film parts where she gets to play a junkie who is required in the script to shoot up on camera and who will look the other way briefly while they toss out the syringe full of water..

I thought ScarJo was very attractive a decade ago.

Ryan Gosling is hot as fuck and I would be honoured to lick and suck his dick.

>hate thread
>literally all replies are against women
I fucking hate this website, pretending to be mysoginist isn't funny

Ben Affleck is a good Batman

I'd rape Emma Watson

Chris Pratt isn't black

Jennifer Lawrence is probably really great at giving head.

Despite his shortcomings Nicholas Cage isn't John Travolta

i don't hate women, i just hate felicia day

Amy schemer has...uhhhhh, well...fuck it she's shit. I'll do Ben affect instead I like his brother

Nicolas cage is a genius. He's not afraid to go completely over the top of needed he's fearless.


She somehow manages to still find work.

Tom Cruise really knows how to pick a project.

Donald Glover has 1 good rap song.

Leslie Jones could probably play a good gorilla.

Anna Kendrick could probably eat a whole cob of corn in 5 seconds

Alexander Skarsgard's zombie/vampire movie is ok

Lord of War was a fucking great movie.

Tom Cruise isn't the worst looking male actor.

Leonardo Dicaprio has a nice boat

Sandra Bullock seems like she could suck a good penis

Reddit is that way, sport.

Johnny depp did alright in sweeney todd as a singer, not as an actor though.

Michael J. Fox's Parkinson twitching & spasming makes him more entertaining to watch than ever before.

Jeff Goldblum is a jew
