Tfw 3 of my grandparents were British and had blue eyes

>tfw 3 of my grandparents were British and had blue eyes
>1 was Italian and had brown eyes
>I inherited the poo brown eyes
fucking dagos, fuck you

>mom has blue eyes
>dad green
>got green
feels quite alright man

got 1 eye green 1 blue

Well I'm italian and live in sweden. I constantly get mistaken for a muslim. You can't change how you look like: better start working on yourself...and enjoy the fact that you have italian roots. We are proud of it, they love us everywhere in the world and instantly assume we're good in the kitchen

say mamma mia every time someone says

Eheh, usually my name gives a good hint. But I can tell you that especially old customers are a bit relieved when I say where I am from

>actually caring about eye color

lol, i would understand if you lived in Korea or some shit, but in Europe it literally doesnt matter

Sorry but English roses can't resist our big wop cocks

>t. Errone
Southern Italian detected

Swedish women need Moor dick

Just gouge them out. The arjuhns will never EVER let you in their ranks.

>dad has brown eyes
>mum has blue eyes
>all 3kids have blue eyes

What do you mean OUR you yank cunt

>Both parents have blue eyes and blond hair
>All four grandparents have blue eyes
>My great-grandfather's genes skip over my father and pass on to me
>Now I have his muddy brown green eyes and brown hair

At least I'm taller than them.

brown eyes are better
its just that you have an ugly anglo subhuman face

my dad and mom are white but i was born black....i feel bad man

Wear a cross dude, it could help.

>mom has brown eyes
>dad has greenish brown
>got green eyes with a poo stain in the centre
Could be worse to be desu

Both my parents look like italian with black hairs and brown eyes.

And yet i have light eyes and hairs.

It's alright really...

My nigga I'm literally the same.

But it matters here
Ppl on int call me subhuman for my brown eyes

>dad got black hair, blue eyes
>mom got blonde hair, blue eyes
>i got dirty blonde hair, blue eyes
coulda been worse

>they love us everywhere in the world
lmao this delusion

but brown eyes can be super patrician (at least on european people)

probably it's you that is an ugly fuck

>dad has hazel eyes
>mom has bright green
>twin has blonde hair blue eyes
>sister is ginger with green
>I have brown hair brown eyes

Actually quite proud of it, I look nothing like my father though which is a little worrying.