How does Sup Forums feel about this movie?

How does Sup Forums feel about this movie?

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'member when Mel Gibson was being tortured and screamed out, "FREEDOM!!!" ?

Using my may-may?

One of those movies I have to watch through the end if I come across if flipping through channels. Flawed film, but so engaging.

> Flawed film
Historical wise? I thought only a few things were misplaced.

They can take away our freedom, but they will never take our make-up!

I liked it quite a bit.

great film but hard to buy that kind of nationalism in 1300. you were fighting to be a servant of one lord rather than another, that's all

I don't think they liked lords fucking their wife.

really great soundtrack

muh kilts

That, plus around the dozenth time I was watching, I started noticing nitpicky stuff. Like how bad some of the background acting is. You can see some of the extras literally laughing and having a fun time during the battle scenes, or being genuinely bored during the rousing speeches since it was probably take after take. Instead of actors I think they got actual Scotsmen who would just goof around all the time, even on set. Another is the one scene when he enters one of the lord's houses on the horse. After he gets cornered and jumps out the window, just noticing the fake, motionless horse falling into the water. It's a great film, just a bit flawed.

Why do plebs and normies freak out about historical inaccuracy? It's a film, not documentary, ffs.

English here

I flinnin' love it m8, propar smashin', especially the bit where he kicks the knackers in of that faggoty price Edward

Ahem... just turn off your brain before watching, historically its not just trash, it makes you stupider watching it.

On saying that, its probably Mel's best film; he's just too charismatic in it!

Now if you want to get the English to rage, make them watch "The Devil's Own". That paints us as the baddies and doesn't have mind-numbing stupidity to go with it.

This might be the most reddit post i've seen all night

This is kinographie.

Its historically inaccurate but the overall theme of "the Bruce and the Scottish nobles" selling out ,fucking over/ backstabbing "Great men" still goes on today all across the earth.

Makes me sick thinking about all the good men trying for a better life, only to be fucked over by subhuman scum.

>Historical wise? I thought only a few things were misplaced.


This vid eternally rekts Braveheart.

When you realize the whole thing is a myth, it cheapens the movie.

>it cheapens the movie
Maybe if you're a bellend that thinks everything in movies is 100% accurate otherwise. I don't know anyone that thought Braveheart was supposed to be a history lesson. Even serious biopics that focus on the life of well-known famous figures end up bullshitting for dramatic effect half the time and it's always a good idea to watch them with that in mind.

>On saying that, its probably Mel's best film; he's just too charismatic in it!

You've never seen Apocalypto then.

>I didn't watch the video you posted because muh Braveheart is precious to me!

I don't think everything in the movies is 100% accurate, you pleb.

Yet I believe that when you write a movie based on history, it should in some way pertain to the truth.

All of the major plot turns in Braveheart are BS. Completely made up. And the movie is held in a higher regard today because people think they are watching at least in some way an authentic portryal of Scottish history.

Pro tip: They are not.

Uh no its held in high regard because its a good watch. Thats it fuckface.

Clan Robertson!!!! typical ,,,,,yer great great great great grandmother was knocked up by an English lord on the night of her wedding.

Prima Nocta style.

Also video is shit bait.

were they, dare I say it, cucks?

>ITT triggered kikes and english

Day of the rope can't come sooner. Word needs rid of them

Pretty bad Hollywood trash that takes history and waters it down until it's a basic story palatable for casual pleb audience.

>How does Sup Forums feel about this movie?
It's barely a flick

I feel like this was the last Mel Gibson movie where he sported this haircut.

top 5 kino of all time

I can't watch this without tearing up. Mel Gibson is fucking amazing.

Robert de Brus

From Normandy.


Robert I de Brus, 1st Lord of Annandale (c.1070 – 1142)
was an early 12th century Anglo-Norman baron and knight,
the first of the Bruce dynasty to hold lands in Scotland.
A monastic patron, he is remembered as the founder of Gisborough Priory in Yorkshire,
in present-day Redcar and Cleveland, in 1119

>Day of the rope can't come sooner.

I'm pretty sure you meant "soon enough", user, but I agree with you. Come at me with your rope, you spineless little cockfaggot.

>Mel Gibson is fucking amazing.

pfeh. if anyone ever shit all over the interior of his own nest it's him. now he's regarded with suspicion by a large if indeterminate proportion of people in the outer world while on Sup Forums he's an inspiration to maudlin dipshits like yourself who don't give a fuck about him as an artist. gj mel.


Shoo shoo, snarky jew.

knew you wouldn't let me down, user.

Childhood is when you like Billy Wallace.

Adulthood is when you realise Eddie Longshanks is best.

lethal weapon 1
conspiracy theory
mad max 2
the bounty

The rest are shit.

History buffs always get triggered by braveheart

they will never take our Sup Forums

This wasn't a real thing.

medieval yurope is was