This is what we call asia

This is what we call asia

4 of these flags belong to China.

Wait, actually 6 of these flags belong to China. My bad.

U forgot Vietnam and Mongolia

Hey, let's start a thread about Asian girls. Hey, those aren't Asian girls! Those are sandniggers!

Everything east of India is Asia. West of India is a bunch of toxic shitholes. India is just India.

We know.

Most people around the world only have China in mind when they Speak about Asia.

It's just like saying America but referring to USA.

vietnam aren't filthy ch*nks!!!


Macau best asia

They just look like chinese

Where are we?

Vietnam desu

Somebody replace Hong Kong's flag with Singapore's.

Singapore deserves the mantle of being Chine---er I mean Asian....Instead of disloyal, traitorous Hong Kong scum.

Vietnam also included.

Says who?

Hong Kong's only rich because they took advantage of the fact that China didn't open their doors to trade then. Now that China's Super capitalist, all their trade is stolen by Shanghai, they are a shadow of their former self.

I really don't know what they're doing. If they don't pull their shit together, Tsai is going to implode the country.



next to Malaysia.

no sorry Vietnam not included.

t. Muhammad Lee Zhang Ping

Why not? Seem's like they're half southeast Asian, half Asian

Most Vietnamese like a call themselves Southeast Asians more, and we actually inhabited SEA before Tai peoples.

Vietnam is in ASEAN. So yea, they're considered part of South-East asia. We're the ones that came up with ASEAN.

>This is what we call east asia

Fun fact: ASEAN was originally formed due to fear of communism.

Stop this meme already

Pakistan is part of poor Asia. They eat curries, rape women, and shit on streets. They just so happen to also be Muslims.


Asia was originally Anatolia.

Mongoloid countries area should have another name.

Yes. I think China is good name for east asia

Actually they're probably the closest genetically.