>Brazilian accents
Brazilian accents
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What's the difference?
>Estrada de alcatrão
>Cuecas de Gaja
Bigger than the one between standard British English and standard American English. Probably comparable to Texan English and the cockney accent.
good choice op, she is a top tier shemale, she only made one video so far but it was a 10/10, big fat dick and she loved getting fucked, i got a boner just by thinking about the video
yep, they're great for porn
Kys that's a girl
go on ashemaletube and type "nicole bastiani" faggot
No I won't go to a shemale website you fucking faggot
fucking faggot
> pequeno almoço
Euro: youtube.com
Brazilian: youtube.com
Comos vocês chamam estes dois?
He got amazing teeth for being a tranny.
I thought they are drug addicts.
Tava esperando refrigerador desu.
Vocês chamam o açougueiro (pessoa que trabalho no talho) de magarefe?