Make our planet great again. China tells to Macron today that they will respect Paris agreement

Make our planet great again. China tells to Macron today that they will respect Paris agreement.

China 1

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this is such a colossal fuckup. on one hand i like china's assertiveness and ability to get shit done without having to get weighed down by the democratic process.

on the other hand i'm wary of how other countries might view China's government as a means to an end and establish more authoritarian style governments.

why america? why you force us into china's arms?

meanwhile, America is forging ahead with green energy without the $x billion transfer payments to China and India

Doesn't make China any less of a shithole.

t. Xin Pao Dung Fao

>this is such a colossal fuckup. on one hand i like china's assertiveness and ability to get shit done without having to get weighed down by the democratic process.
>authoritarian government
>more efficient

Never trust china

Macron is a fucking lunatic. His climate policy is the only thing I agree with.

When your president sees himself as a king and wants to rule as a Jupiterian god, you're in for a hell of a ride.

>implying the Accords do anything to help reduce carbon emissions
even the UN admits that 99% of the reductions are supposed to come from agreements made after the Paris Accord expires

Why did you allow your leaders to sell you such obvious bullshit

The Chinese are a bunch of rats. Don't trust what they say.

Let's not forget, the French voted for this guy because he was the preferable alternative to Le Pen. Fucking hell mates.

the fairest comparison i can make is india to china, both taking diverging paths in governance at around the same time.

Seoul has toxic smog because of Beijing the Paris agreement won't change that, China can go fuck itself.

Still not as bad as nuclear fallout once Kim Jong Un nukes Seoul later this year.

Yea no fucking shit dumb burger, Paris accord is just a stepping stone to a much larger agreement. You think everyone's gonna fucking demolish all their power stations for solar energy in a day?

Shouldn't it already be expected that they follow the Paris agreement considering they signed it? Why was this necessary?

>Yea no fucking shit dumb burger,
Tell that to literally everyone who was freaking out about it then you massively asshurt autist

They won't because seoul is too near to NK

nuking seoul is plausible, it'd be a suicide move because at that point kim already knows he's dead.

Paris agreement says that China does not have to do anything for 30 years on emissions, and that western countries will give China money for "green energy".

Why would China not support it?


Yeah except China and India have both started overtaking the US in regards to green energy deployment. America is becoming the sick old man of the world.

The twitt says

To defend the Paris agreement, France and China are united.

>you will never understand his thougts

aren't you lads chinese

Could at least have made an effort instead of letting your anger get to you panface

They are brown chinese

They're mostly Chinese larping as Malays.

He is probably Indian.

That goes without saying. Kim has to know that if he fires any missiles at Japan or South Korea, he should expect the temperature in Pyongyang to be 4000 degrees and rising.

Are you chinese living in France?

I'm French from Ningbo