Why does this board hate China so much?


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Because too many idiots who know nothing about china think they'll overtake us

china is an oppressive nation ruled by dictators which threatens many other peaceful countries

it occupies nations to this day in its oppressive empire

They fear the BCC

It's a dirty smellhole dictatorship with no redeeming qualities that's hated by all of their neighbors.

True map of china

free tibet

they're Dirty Trick: The Country

Tibet isn't a country and the Dalai Lama is a hack NEET

Because it's a shithole admired by diaspora who think than an export economy fueled by cheap labor can become the dominant superpower despite the fact that it's bleeding jobs to Mexico and Indonesia

chinese diaspora detected


I don't know but chinkettes are pretty hot.

Because they envy them. Soon to be future power and will breed africans out of extinction thus creating the yellow-black hybrids who are tall musculer power houses with superior intellect who will dominate the planet. Also chinese grils are nice, its a shame they are materalistic

>soon the be future power

shithead paki actually believes this

I've noticed this Cambodian flag shilling for China. Before this past week Cambodians would hardly post around Sup Forums.

Take note.



Because the West hates what it can't control.

The west is in decline(drumpf), europe is turning shit, arabs are arabs, india super power is a meme, china is most likely



>implying china superpower isn't as meme as india

Your diaper is wrapped to tightly around your head, can't think straight


what da fuck why does it just burst into flames??

this one makes sense at least

Its more likely is what I said ameriblob



go worship your pedo god shitskin

because Chinese are notoriously good at exploding and flaming shits.

even water melon suddenly explodes.


I prefers remain anonymous over fear of being killed.

I prefers to remain anonymous over fear of being killed.

Alright edgelord calm down.

what am i even looking at?

What the fuck is happening here

t. Dali Lama

>Why does this board hate China so much?
I don't hate China, I hate the CCP and all who support or defend it.

The Republic of China, on the other hand, is perfectly alright.

A Viet suffering from cerebral palsy but his family is too poor.

Most Westerners are afraid of China's rise because they fear the emergence of a non-Western superpower. Read more here:


stay safe my nigga

All you're doing is irresponsible accusation.

It's Thailand
Yeah no

>Muh anime
>Muh Yamato mustard rice
>Muh Japan dindu nuffin
>Muh China is "unjustly" provoking Japan
And so on

come on, that was too easy. he's canadian, of course he's a diasporafag

Compared to Porkistan i'm sure China is paradise

LOL fuck off. Keep dreaming. We all know Porkistan will let itself be colonized by china out of paranoia.

why do you like losers?

>he thinks they won't

americans really live up to their stereotype of being dumb to the point of mental retardation don't they

Because he is a Chinamen (incapable of objectivity)

You are fake chinese

Success breeds jealousy.

LOL keep dreaming Achmed. They aren't coming to save you so eat shit and die

>Why does this board hate China so much?
Because half of this board is American, and they're very sensitive about any challenge to their country's power.

If by success you mean cheating. Then yes. 100%

>the losers possess all of our cultural heritage

heh...see you in another life Beijingboy

Do we? Because I love China!

>muh heritage

404 not found

diaspora chinks are the main reason. they willingly encourage people to hate china and themselves, make the reputation worse. their way of defending china is as fucking bad as alt-right or worse.

and those from /r/aznidentity are unironically, delusionally pro ccp hordes who are against democratic regimes like taiwan and hongkong. it makes them look like fucking assholes too.

ITT: Ungrateful minorities who think China will be 1/100 what the Whites are. You don't seem to understand the empathy situation (Genetically determined)

Also,Chinese diaspora and Hapa's defending the motherland. Makes you think where their loyalty lies...

ITT: Hindustani shitstain posting from his comfy Canadian dorm room

Based Nippon. Are countries are natural allies against China. I love Japan. Don't apologize for anything. Nanjing deserved worse desu. Let's double down in WW3 :D

Because they're a selfish, soulless horde of worthless zergs in a single party dictatorship.

Yes Superpooper by 2020

Christ that looks like something out of a horror movie. I wonder if he'd prefer to be put out of his misery.

We can survive a nuclear war with you. We have billion+ ppl. We can afford to loose 800 Million of the lower castes. It's worth it if it means eradicating Is*am.

Afterwards our army will move through your land executing survivors. Then we partition Porkland between Indian and Iran (Baluchistan) .

Your own country will sell you to us as slaves

No we are family

>Indian army

you mean the one that can't even fly a MiG without crashing it?

or would you be using the indian developed toyplane by then

>t. Achmed

You don't belong in Europe Fortunately your luck is running out. Soon mudshit. Once Europe goes 14/88 India will finish off Kashmir and then we will conquer the Is*amic world with BASED Israel (Our greatest friend)

dude someone explain this shit


China was always BTFO'd by India through history even when we were outnumbered 1000 to 1 we still DESTROYED them.

Come for another war and we will take moar land.

>yurope goes 14/88
>unironically beleving Sup Forums memss

he's a disabled vietnamese guy
his parents were too poor to give him proper medical aid so they built this thing for him

after the video went viral vietnamese people donated to the family

and they say atheism will save the world. sm fucking H


what the fucking fuck are you talking about

thats another reason that diaspora chinks are hated. their sense of humor is fucking shitty like you despite them being able to speak english. guess why they are so shitty. its because their humors are pathetically and unironically in line with real ccp propaganda. they shouldnt bring it up when they hate on japan, being political this way never makes people laugh.

but they or you wouldnt understand this. so they cant even make a meme, and get more and more hated.

I know Chinese IRL who old me that Japan was a prison colony for China. They sent men there alone in exile and expected them to die but the men there (Chinese Criminals mind you) found monkeys and raped them. Producing the Japanese race.

They argued with me when i defended and stopped talking to me when I told them Japan is better. They also REFUSE to talk to Japanese students here. One guy admitted to being Japanese in class and people stared at him like he killed their senpai.

They eat dogs, took our jobs, are the ugliest mother fuckers on earth behind blacks, continue to threaten world peace by encouraging north korea, lack even the most basic forms of human empathy by doing nothing when people get hit by cars and they're swarming my fucking country and buying all the god damn real estate.

>lack even the most basic forms of human empathy by doing nothing when people get hit by cars
I figured to ignore all the other dumb racist shit you said but address this. The reason that a lot of people do nothing is because insurance fraud is incredibly common in China, and many people, especially elders, will often fake an injury so they can demand money from the insurance company or the driver.

t. Chong Ci

>the way they all just resume crossing the road after a bunch get run over as if nothing happened

These people really do have no soul

The undeveloped dictatorial state which still espouses an old-fashioned flower barbarian order is communism China.
The arch villain which makes international order be disordered= communism China!

So they're both apathetic savages and thieves. You do a great service to your side of the argument lmao.

sound exactly like those insane korean activists in the peninsula. i dont understand why they wanna always use the word "monkey" or some animal metaphors. they tend to use it every time they shit on japan or make fun of. both korean and chinese have something in common.

they can shit on japan whenever they want ofc like netouyos do, even though all of them are cringy but its more cringy when they think characterizing someone else as animal is funny or talk about it seriously, because it lacks an irony. it sound like 8 years old kids who have no vocabulary

this, i wouldn't think much about them if Sup Forums wasn't full of chinese posters who live in america and are permanently butthurt at white people

>chinese swindle those that help them

>chinese people are literally worse than russians

Christ no wonder it took a billion of then to barely catch up with the ussr or america.

Did his legs get detached from the rest of his body? wtf

what happened to her?

it's a racist board

of course all the racist losers are from the south

lies, the work of a few do not stain us, Sup Forums is a board of peace

It's not as much hatred as it is disgust, contempt and pity.

He is right to Remind people, otherwise they would have fallen for lies of the eternal Sino.

I like China despite this I only wish they didn't fall for the communism meme.

Why do they just drive right into shit? What's wrong with them? Why don't they brake or swerve?

have you been to china?
Fuck chinks.

They can't see the road