Tell me about turkish girls. What cheat codes do you use to acquire one and how are they

Tell me about turkish girls. What cheat codes do you use to acquire one and how are they

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become a friend of their dad

Yaar, she doesn't even look legal

after last voting every turkish girl would gladly get out of Turkey with one invitation.

Become her first cousin.

Im 18

1. talkative
2. emotional
3. jealous, really jelaous
4. usually know how to cook
5. pretty secular in general
>What cheat codes do you use to acquire one and how are they
Unironically, seems like: not being turk.

She ain't tho, at least she don't look it

IT tend to work with any woman, they love to fuck with outsiders.


She looks atleast 16, dats fine

Mah nigga

Yeah, should be.

I was about to make almost this exact post

my turkish gf definitely talkative, but I don't particularly care because I'm not and she needs the English practice
Emotional: most women are
on jealousy:
>gf tells me near the start of the relationship she doesn't get jealous
>almost every time i go out without her she interrogates me when i got back "who were you with?" "what girls did you talk to?" etc
She's a good cook and loved doing it, would make me breakfast most mornings
Kind of denounced Islam

Not being Turk definitely helped me (a few times)



T-that's how Kurdish boy look? Cute.

no wonder why otto nobles fugged kurdish boys back in the day lul


>turkey wants to genocide this

>What cheat codes do you use to acquire one
Good looks and money?
Also don't be a macho, just self-confident.

fuck off shitskin

Im am greek therefore white

you are indian

I am greek you subhuman kurd

goatfucker muslim scum stay away from turk girls

greek and kurd stop fighting.

But I posted pic in earlier thread and turks said I could pass as local

fuck off indian-muslim scum turkey for turks

I too would like a Turkish waifu

But its true

>not goatfucker muslim scum

10/10 in Turkey

sie orospu analı kerhane eniği

But, but you T*rks said muslim pajeets are you brothers and allies... how so you hate them now? What happened with your friendship?

This is between me and the turk stay out of it

I think he's the guy from earlier today who made the what's it like to live in turkey thread, if so he said he's agnostic.

your mom on the left

No Im the one who posted my pic, op was different

we will kill kurds syrians and other shitskins dont come turkey paki scum

Jokes aside, i actually like at least how the T*rk grills look. There are two Ahıska T*rkleri qts studying in my university, i want to fuck the hard.

>tfw hwn be president

turk girls hates russian scum

What if could pass off as turk and am an agnostic

googled tipik türk kızı and this comes up

I'd like to make the female of the picture my wife.
But I'm not so young.
Regrettable regret.

b-but... i am not russian :(


you are
now go back
also daily reminder

I would fuck her too

Also post eyes so I can confirm there are actual japanese here

she's actually a kurdish trap

At least the guy on the right doesnt look like arab/kurd

Are you ashamed to be russian? Do you get bullied by natives


that picture made me grunt in disgust

(secular) turk girls tend to hate their race and culture so yes
Its not even the exotic stuff, they are really, unironically racist towards turks
more than half of the female friends i have confirmed that they would dump their relationship to get along with an outsider

How do i meet them online ?

Turkish men tend to suck though.

instagram, or tinder if you are visiting
just make sure you post your fanciest photos, cause, i have seen first hand the difference with a creep and an ''''internet friend'''' have when a girl first checks their instagram.

fair point i suppose, but generalization is a bad thing.
I dont think most german girls would go ''ALL german man sucks'', sure some do, but nowhere near as much as turk girls

I'm afraid of a trap! www

I'm an almanci girl though.
I just think you tend to be too macho and the intelligent ones are rare here because you know why.

>>”Ibrahim’s harem was full of young, nubile, girls from around the world. But after a while, the slender things from Russia and the Balkans didn’t do it for him anymore. One day Ibrahim happened to see the genitalia of a female cow. Pleased by what he saw, Ibrahim had a gold cast made and, hoping to find a human match to the bovine privates, he ordered his aides to “bring him the fattest woman in the world.” They did their best, finding a 300 pound Armenian girl named “Sugar Cube” (Sechir Para or more literally translated “Sweet Lump of Sugar”). Ibrahim loved her, and spent many a night curled in her large arms. It wasn’t long until the big woman had gained power over Ibrahim equal only to that of her girth. It would be Sugar Cube who would spell the final downfall of Ibrahim the Mad.”


Bost hand

>I'm an almanci girl
tbqh smart and secular alamancı girls are in high request in turkey since you lasses actually know how western man are.
The problem with the girls here is that, most of them cant even speak english so their understanding of western man is usually made up fairy tails, thats why they see them superior.
They fail to understand that the person infront of them is a human being no matter if he is westerner or not.

Also hook me up im looking for alamancı gf

>Too macho.
Too male?

Too much 3rd world values.
and too male yes, the standart turkish lad culture doesnt mesh well with first world values

Lads will be lads. G*mans sperging here don't stop brawling and make mess of themselves, we are even complaining to they envasies to stop sending them to our territories.
Also I dunno what do you think the standard first wolder is like, apart of being a lot more carefree and laid back, males are males there.

i think you are underestimating how much islam affects a culture in spreads into here.
Would you think the paki's in britain that rape children are the same as british lads going to spain for cheap bear and brawls?

both are lad activities

Japan and Turkey are a brother country.

Sorry, I don't have cute hands.
Yep, the grass is always greener on the other side.
Heh, I don't think a long-distance relationship will do.
Also the Turkish girls aren't very smart here ',:^) I have like 1 good Turkish friend, the rest are family members
They're very disrespectful like honking with their cars when they pass by or as a tourist in Antalya I heard comments like "I'd lick your pussy" when they thought you wouldn't understand Turkish.

Bost hair



Helu girl
Very butiful
I luv u
Show pussi


>Also the Turkish girls aren't very smart here
alamancı's arent the sharpest of the bunch most of the time, thats common knowledge.
The alamancı's that return to turley (sometimes for uni, sometimes for work) tend to be (or should i say somehow manage) even dumber than your average erdog supporter.
Such is life
Their understanding of tukey and turkish life is usually warped, they think people here act like how their families acted in germany/netherlands/etc, but in reality, their families are usually remnants of a past time.They still live in 70's-80's turkish mentality.
Also the dumber alamancı ones believe erdogan ''we are the greatest country on earth'' meme too hard.

>Heh, I don't think a long-distance relationship will do.
ah well atleast i tried

Deli ibrahim is definitely one of the more fun paşa's to research about.
>spend 20-30 years of his childhood/adulthood in solitary seclusion in a dungeon
yeah i wonder who taught that was a good idea


boynun kalın duruyor. belki boyun kısaysa.

Wrong. Qts from religious conservative families, as well as regions/industries that he's helped along, love Recep Tayyip Erdogan

>from religious conservative families
you mean nut jobs? no thanks

Well, that's true I can't really speak about the muslim way of live because the only muslims I know (moors) are drunkards, slags or very poor kids [spoiler](than I gave my books of infancy when I was going to put them in the trash, poor kids wanted them with pasion).[/spoiler] What do you think is the different way of a manly man vision of a muslim vs a western men? I don't think raping kids is a lad think (be lad I mean tipical young male thing), more like a very sick person or some one on the warpath. Tipical lad things are more like doing stupid stuff , puting yourself in harm ways, trying to impress etc.
Oh, I see, macho means manly in spanish,I don't asociate it with being manly and more with those tipical shitty males, normally in gangs here (like gypsies, kinkis or tipical south american wannabe gangster), tough crass males would cat call you (tipicall builders), it wouldn't be that sexual and normally more elaborate.

macho means manly in turkish as well but she means actual rude men

>no headscarf
I wonder how they were not stoned to death

What happens to almancis who support G*len

I want turkish qt

i think macho means manly in almost every culture m8.
>What do you think is the different way of a manly man vision of a muslim vs a western men?

i could throw my 2cents but quite honestly i grew up with a western focused family and most of my friends are western minded people so any points i throw out there would be one of observation rather than contribution.
The vaugest point i can think of is that our ''lads'' do exactly the same thing as what western man do, but more aggresively.

they are the majority

shouldnt be much almancıs that support gulen though, as far as i know they are mainly in usa

you never know lad, lots of gulenist schools and mosques in yurop.
Even if not a majority, i would say there is a respectable amount of them in europe

day of rope soon

>erDOGcunt supporters
>western spies


not a human



Hahahahahaha amina koydugumun oruspusu git biraz kilo ver ya kusacam resmen :DDDDD

hayvanlığın lüzumu yok

senin gibi puştlar yüzünden bu haldeyiz

t. White knight oruspu cocuklari

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