Turkish actor in Greece!

Turkish actor in Greece!


that moustache looks fake af

not gay but damn that's a handsome lad

came here to say this

all heil greek

Is he a greek?

he's from Antep, most likely a Turcoman+Hay mix.

What is a hay?


Armenian in Armenian language.

Oh okey.Are you greek?

I am Greek
You are subhuman

Laugh while you can Turkish invader, soon the prophesies will come to light and the armies of Suppiluliuma II will rise from the ground and lay waste to the invaders of the Kingdoms of Hatti. Suppliluliuma will claim back for the Hittites the kingdoms of old and push you all to Byzantium and the great southern Sea. You shall bear witness of the rise of Hattusa and despair before his might.

The Spinx wills it.

Turks (greeks) are white and based never forget that.

Hittite pill overdose

He isn't a Hay, Antep was predominantly turcoman and arabic, armenians only lived there in small exculsive communities

Nigger please i'm history pro and Armenians lived in Gaziantep both before Turks and during Turkish rule
Levantine Arabs also lived but they were insignificant, they mostly lived in Kilis, Hatay and Urfa. Urfa was also an Armenian/Syriac city.

I said predominantly yes, I didn't deny that Armenians didnt live in Antep, but it was predominantly arab and after the seljuk Yörüks and turks lived there, yes Armenians were present but only smaller communities that stayed to themselves

t. Literally born and raised in Antep

>Armenians lived in Gaziantep
i heard they disrepaired for a mysterious reason.

>seljuk Yörüks and turks
Aren't they the same?I mean turks is a generalization of seljuk Yörüks etc. What's the difference?

>Is he a greek?
There's a small possibility The regions of Gaziantep and Hatay (mostly this) were heavily colonized by Greeks In the past.

>He isn't a Hay, Antep was predominantly turcoman and arabic
In the beginning of the 20th century there were 20000 Armenians living in a Antep city (source: Armenians who live in Greece today)

Turk= sedentary Turkmens that live in villages and cities
Yörük= Nomadic Turkmens