Tfw you love Mishima's Japan but if you say you like Japan people think you like shitty pop, exploitation cinema...

>tfw you love Mishima's Japan but if you say you like Japan people think you like shitty pop, exploitation cinema, animu and mango

Mishima was an idiot. Yeah he wrote some masterpiece, But he trapped in nationalism.

How pathetic.

Nationalism, and especially Japanese nationalism, is literally perfection, at leadt when it comes to the moderbmn world.

I agree that it iz kool XD tho.

>being so delusional that you get bombed twice and commit Sudoku
Wow....really makes you think

You can't understand because you are a disgusting globalist posting from a flag that isn't yours.

Are you a nigger?



t. Soweto-Moon-Pak Bary

I know how you feel, bro.

I simply love the 50's - 90's Japanese music, but I can't say this because nobody knows and will think I like animusic. It sucks.

I also like Japanese literature, but it's the same thing, except people will think I'm talking about manga. kek

Are you a japanese brazilian ?
I visited some 90% japanese hamlets in Brazil that had the most gorgeous gardens I had ever seen.

Unfortunately I'm not. Just a random Japanophile. >:~

Must feel horrible to be so close to perfection yet an ape.

he wasn't like the “we didn't nothing wrong” nationalist

some Japs thought Japan's pacifism under the US was fake
lefties refused it for communism, on the other hand, Mishima refused it for monarchism

The only way Japan can become a true superpower is if the Japanese could return to nationalism and throw off the restraints put on them at the end of WWII. The liberal democracy they live under now is deadly to the Japanese spirit. Mishima himself was more of an artist than a true nationalist leader (much like his hero D'Annunzio), but he is still the representative of the glory Japan was forced to relinquish.

hello, why did this jap copy me?



>tfw you love Spain but if you say it people think you love Franco and hate freedom

You live in a European culture perfection and yet you are a nigger.

>tfw you love germany but you are not allowed to embrace the love because it would be nazi

Actually exactly same thing here.

Is this an actual thing?

He's gay though
And he never owned japan in any ways, including literature. Just a good writer tbqh

He killed himself.
Most japanese authors did for some reason.
Once I was recounting which Japanese authors we have read with an acquaintance and it was in that moment I realized that most of the authors killed themselves.
Or committed suicide, to be more respectful.

Only Christcucks have a problem with suicide.

because d'Annunzio was very influential until the end of the 50's in most militaristic countries/countries that knew the war, except France for some reason

there is nothing to love about fakemany

suicide had a deep symbolic charge in old Japan

bisexual at best, doesn't matter, I never said he owned Japan, he was just one of the last representant of a certain japanese aesthetic and view of Japan

It's the same shit whether you like that country because of a nationalist nutcase, its criminal record or because some stupid cartoons, in the end you're nothing but a weeaboo.

actually I'm a sinaboo that loves Japan because it represents the pinnacle of chinese culture

I just found it strange.

it shouldn't be, it was the end of an era and all the remnants ended themselves in the traditional way

>tfw love Meiji era Japan but if I tell people I like Japanese history they immediately start babbling about muh bushido and muh ninjas

Meiji a shit

>not the niggers of asia

walk on gook

Imperial Japan best Japan
Shogun shitters fuck off

>tolerating your country be violated because muh guns

So Mishima was a homosexual sadist writer who eventually developed into a right wing icon in Japan, right? I read Confessions of a Mask like an autobiography.

You top Japanese musical artist or group for each decade plz

>being too much of a brainlet to understand the concept of Wakon Yōsai

Yoshikawa Tadayasu was the marxist of Japanese culture and turned his country into the garbage it is now, my best example is that the Wakon Yosai took root notably thanks to the victory over Russia but in 1940-41 when Japan attacked Russia they got utterly BTFO leading them to the desperate move against Pearl Harbor and being nuked twice then turned into a nation of castrated anime characters.

Hibari Misora
Hachiro Kasuga
Kyu Sakamoto
>70's (2), 80's, 90's
difficult to decide. that's my favorite period
I love many city pop/enka singers/synthpop band/singers, such as Kaji Meiko, Mioko Yamaguchi, YMO, Jun Togawa, Akiko Yano, Junko Yagami, Hiromi Iwasaki and Yasuaki Shimizu.

sure it's Perfume and Ayumi Hamasaki