For every 100 women, there are only 86 men

>For every 100 women, there are only 86 men


Other urls found in this thread:

the ratio of men is lower because they kill each other or die young

The extra women are 55+ years old. The average russian alcoholic dies in his 50s.

Russian men die young because they do flesh-devouring drugs and drink alcohol in excess.

good luck, lol

>r1a spermatozoons in charge of passing their genes

most young russian men die on vaccation in countries like ukraine, syria etc.


We lost like 200~ men in Ukraine and 60~ in Syria
that's fucking nothing
there are more deaths from bath lotion


nice, where is this from? reddit?

in the eternal war against "devil's blood".
My father too.

Enjoy your babushkas i guess, lol.

women become majority only after 30
feels bad

eh. frau ist frau.

Like how Sup Forums gets this and isn't as brain dead as I thought.

no wonder it's a shithole

brb going to Russia

I think that's just because russian men die of alcoholism, what that really means is there's just a ton of old ladies.


Haha besides her tits (Which I'm sure are fake) she's not even that attractive

who cares?

all of the women are still reserved for Chad anyway

From my experience

Belarusettes>Russian girls

>female friendly
lol wtf is that?

This. Among youngsters men prevail.

>Ebony in Afghanistan
Probably all those American soldiers

I can see why

Kek'd hard 2bh

Russia NEEDS the black GODS

At least Finland doesnt have such problems.
Good thing that Finland doesnt have problems.
Its good to be Finland, isnt it?
Finland doesnt have any similar problems.
100 years ago is the same situation as is today in Finland.
Finland has memes.
>energy dringz
Simo's Haya's are born every day.

You'll do well there, considering Russian women love chinks.

>Russian women love chinks.
Fucking lol. They dont. Any good Russian woman would never even consider a chink. They get the refuse if they even get anything

I guess thats why they are in charge in those same countries in the end.