idk edition


why do you do this? do you hate me ? what is it?

you get better fashion


what do you mean?

that CHI dude on the pic looks cool and motivated

oh, how many CHIboos did you see today?

>tfw sometimes I feel sad when I see attractive women
Working around people really is taxing.
>lying in bed looking at the ceiling is cool and motivated

I don't feel anything anymore towards girls or anyone really

Life really is just playing catch up now isn't it? Too bad there is no real way to catch up since teenage years are a really fucking critical developmental phase and that is gone now.

you ever think about what life would be like if everything went right?

I think about that far too much.

life is truly nothing but suffering

Not quite since there are still things that bring me joy. Though I am constantly on the brink of misery and it's taking increasingly minor things to push me over the brink. Not only have I not moved forward I have clearly regressed in many aspects.

you do have stuff going for you unlike me I don't have shit

I guess the little that I have is better than nothing. I live in no way a fulfilling life and for many months I do absolutely nothing. Still I have nothing concrete to build any kind of hopes for the future, I just wish things would go my way but they haven't been going my way before so I am not getting my hopes up. Even if things look bleak and will probably continue to be bleak that still doesn't mean there is no hope. Though the saying "it's the hope that kills you" comes to mind.
Anyhow try to find what little joy you can from your day to day life, think about what options, even hypothetical, you have. Maybe trade school or something? Though america is a much harsher place to live if things don't turn out well.

school isn't a option since I had terrible grades in highschool also even If it was i don't know what i'd want to be

What can you be? That is a question you should be thinking about too.

I'm constantly thinking about it but I just don't know

>Need to get a new phone plan because i'm working now
>get discounted rates thanks to government benefits
>cheapest phone plan they offered was $55 after discounts
Jesus christ how do these people get away with this blatant robbery?

just get some cheap shit like metro pcs

Cheap service providers are pretty bad in Canada.
We have like 1 where I live (WIND/FREEDOM) and they don't have coverage for the entirety of my city yet

wtf really?

Yeah, we're stuck under the boot of Rogers/Telus. They can charge whatever they want and we just have to take it.
Without the discount I'd be paying roughly $80 a month for 2GB of data and unlimited talk and text

you don't have any of the big american companies? like at&t, t mobile, or verizon

Here our providers are Rogers, Bell, Telus and Shaw via WIND mobile.

just get the cheapest shit you can get