Who agrees that this is AOTY?
Who agrees that this is AOTY?
I want to listen to it so bad but I couldn't find any torrents of it :(
Soulseek! The album's amazing, better with each listen.
Nice digs
It's so fucking boring.
I like it a lot. One of the most unique and refreshing albums of the year.
me as well. glad to see you guys know what's up.
100% AOTY. Criminally underrated
meme album
It’s great, but not AOTY for me. Might crack the the top 20. I love the majority of it and it has a truly unique energy
Fleet Foxes is actually my AOTY though.
musical equivalent of an overly thicc brit bbw
what fuck is with this image
how can you evaluate album of the year when you have listened to less than 99% of what was released this year?
i dont understand why everyone like it
Think you misclicked when choosing the image, user. Fixed that for you.
It's too corny.
I agree
He's on his way to nut city
I'll give it another go, some people seem to really enjoy it
I like it but idk why everyone on here jerks off to this album. It's good but what the fuck is so great about it, am I fucking listening to it wrong or something?
Okay I gave it another, serious go this time. Its very captivating and I understand the praise that its getting from Sup Forums.
>very interesting sound, slack acoustic guitar strings but also lovely rhythms
>very chaotic at times and harmonious at others
>each songs is a self contained story
>druidic themes and imagery
>amidst all the chaos you listen to the stories he tells
>very compelling, interesting and beautiful and then very tragic
Its definitely brave and ambitious for the artist to make such an album, because its incredibly deceptive, the subject matter and guitar work is not what you would call common. This is the first time I've heard something from him so I don't know if its his MO. I almost wrote this album off because I was listening to it while playing video games the first time I played it but its definitely an AOTY contender
>he is not on RED
Easy yes from me. Have had it on repeat since it came out
Then what album would you consider AOTY?
Fuck off with your mainstream garbage. This band should have realized their career was over in 2009.
Surely you're joking?
It's incredibly creative and original, and I find it daring that an artist would make an album with this kind of sound/these kinds of lyrics and subject matter in 2017, when this kind of shit isn't mainstream or popular at all. I haven't heard anything like it. The vocal melodies are gorgeous, the guitar work is excellent, the lyrics meaningful. It's a concept album and the concept is pretty fucking cool in my opinion. I see it as kind of a "fuck you" to music that relies heavily on production. This is the kind of timeless music that stands on its own.
*blocks your path*
Plus he's a fucking white male. In this day and age, in our political climate, how dare he make something that completely ignores the experiences of POC? It's an affront to human decency. I rate it 9/10. My AOTY.
After Laughter really drags in the middle. It's a 6/10 and people overrate it because Paramore's previous work was so garbage in comparison.
get outta here ya biniot
nothing else even comes close
though this is good too