What's your excuse for not visiting Central Europe this summer, "Sup Forums"?

What's your excuse for not visiting Central Europe this summer, "Sup Forums"?

lefty chimpouts and truck epidemic

I have no money and i have visa-free access only in post soviet states

Because no summer holiday

I can visit south europe

too expensive

Hot and no sea

> What is the Baltic Sea?

batlic "sea" meme sea

hot shithole

a literal shithole

I am :3

München and Lake Garda

its night and still too hot and humid
retarded weather changing between hot and cold for days and it rains too much

shithole germany

slovenians are slavic subhumans with inferiority complex

I was there for three weeks

>Czech Republic
>North Italy

I really enjoyed Italy, and Prague and Vienna were nice for a couple days, but most of my trip was too boring and too expensive.

Slovenians have always been a part of Western Europe except for the 70 years of Yugoslavia, Chechen subhuman.

Apparently you don't need a visa to travel to Ecuador and a bunch of Caribbean islands

get fucked Iki

Why not also Benis? :DDD

I am a Greek you slavic subhuman

I don't want to get bombed or hit by a trailer.

i fuck your mother you german subhuman

>tfw went to an amusement park called Gardaland several times as a kid
>tfw never actually got to see the actual lake
>tfw don't know if I ever will

>Caribbean islands
Nah, thanks, dont wanna die of Ebola/malaria diseases. I think i would to Crimea next summer

Lol you are Balkaniggers just like rest of us

>but most of my trip was too boring and too expensive
What kind of things did you do most of the time?

those places are very boring

That's what you tell yourselves, but you know well where the border between the Roman Empire and the Sultanate stands, because beyond that border your way of your life and your language ends.

Thats what balkaniggers would write

>Ebola in America
>Malaria in the Caribe
>the Caribe isn't paradise on earth

>subhuman laz calling someone subhuman

slavic subhuman

i am not a subhuman you shitskin

t. a part of the Millet-i Islam

I am a part of the Greek civilization

it's boring

Balkans seems much interesting, I'd start with Slovenia.

I agree, if you mean the Ottoman Greek civilisation.

balkans is a shithole

Why would you want to visit Slovenia for its Serbian restaurants and Albanian fast food shops? If you want to experience the Balkans, you must go east of the Una river.

thats the turks
you slavic subhuman

Baltic Sea = Best Sea

The Ottoman Empire was a multiethnic, multireligious, inclusive community, you shitlord. Those people were clearly Muslim Greeks, just like yourself.

slav dog jealous of greeks

Mediterranean Sea is best sea

no they were not you slavic subhuman

>Implying Ecuador and the Caribbean islands are Africa

Still, anything is better than your shithole -stan post commie country.

>Slovenians have always been a part of Western Europe
*tips fez*

don't LARP as Central Europe, Yugo.

Can't afford it

God I want to do a European road trip so bad

why would i want to visit Germany & friends?

No money

How could you possibly be bored when you're on another continent?

>Slovenians have always been a part of Western Europe

Nice try

jealous half-European cucks

I'm a poorfag and international flights are horribly expensive. Plus I don't speak German.

I don't either

I want to, but it would take at least half a year of saving money, and my expectations would be too high to really enjoy it.