
FUCK glodal plaumf edition

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This shall be the new thread

good editon

not posting in the other """thread"""

I like Trump. Do you like Trump?

the gf

want to mastubate again but ive alredy done it three times


I like your flag

cashier was a nig

No, he's an arrogant dumbass.


What about a house or a condo?
During school I split a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with my friends for $300

The metro is such a liberal cancer

>shan't be posting

Mitsuku is bully me, what do?

Excellent thread! Fuck plumpf and white monkeys

Good chap
Liberal bints

>the dane will be now posting alone in his own thread

Yes, thanks for asking.




looks like that final scene from guardians of the galaxy

not quite happy about this story now


i've lived with roomies before. i'd rather not again.
i'm buying a condo next year.

wonder if reporting anti-white posts will do anything

He is a president for all Americans, including people who haven't undergone the conversion therapy of vice-president Pence yet

i feel like everytime I go out I run into some problem with black people. never move to the city, bud

wtf I thought this was going to be about /r9k/
20 minutes in he has sex with his drug dealer

>My friend's gf wants to adopt a non-white child to "add culture to the family"

He's considering breaking up with her if she brings it up again and asked me to try to talk some sense into her lmao

i absolutely support his decision

>be in the club
>macking with this aznqt
>before you leave, lean into her ear and tell her you want to go down on her
>she then reveals shes trans

wat do


can you guys recommend me a book? no Sup Forums or meme shit

but what could you possibly tell her and are you seriously able to dish it out to her?

beat it's ass

really activates the suicide

any one of these my friend

>sorry sir, I'm a white European nationalist who shan't be dating anyone of your ilk


the end of civilization

no, he's an idiot

3d women are NOT important

US prisons are very inhumane

still nigga

>but what could you possibly tell her and are you seriously able to dish it out to her?

I don't know, probably the same shit he already told her such as how White culture is still fucking culture and having Portuguese, Spanish, Irish, Ukrainian all in the family is still pretty fucking culturally diverse. And how the white race is literally dying out so adopting non-white children makes no fucking sense and is straight up further facilitating the destruction of our race

I'm pretty good at formulating arguments so I think I could get across to her but honestly I think she will still just deflect it all. It's probably just a phase though, she'll probably get over it.

go the fuck away

Finally in Florida, 4 more hours to go.

wow they weren't kidding about the whole jurassic park atmosphere over there

My fellow Ohioan there's no need to bring slagposting to /cum/


>looking through amazon deal
>12 inch purple dildo $12

I never knew they sold that stuff

>What, traditional town houses in walkable neighborhoods? Forget about it, I need to live in a plywood warehouse in suburbia so that I have space for useless rec rooms and home offices and have a reason to finance every family member a car since the closest schools and shops are ten miles away!

Amazon is anti-american and anti-small business



Columbusite, but I'm actually from Cinci originally

need one of these before i go utterly feral

*bong noises*

make sure to have your mic on so the guys in the call know you're cool


You think she dates white "men" or does she require superior bbc?

> from Cinci originally


Got the job at LA Fitness buds

Absolutely nobody in my family has ever lived in Kentucky

Daily reminder that "ironic" cuckposters are trying to imprint their fetishes on you, being unironic bbc fetishists themselves.

>Cuckolds Island, Halifax NS
>Cuckold Cove, St.Johns NFLD
>Cucklington, UK
>Cuckfield, UK
>Cuck Hill, Somerset, UK
>Cucklebur Circle, Houston, US
>Cuckney, UK

chinese food for din dins

*steals protein bar while your back is turned*

i'm doing you a favor

welcome to wageworld

Good job, hope it works out.

Ok /cum/ I got a question.


No, Absolutely not!


save no less than ten percent of your income to put aside for well-researched investments or emergency funds

Can I contact the dead using a fidget spinner?

fuck trump lol

post rock is a really shitty genre

imagine president ivanka

Okay, so I was wondering if it would be okay if
you could be my boyfriend because I would like to meet you and love you

>tfw no special snowflake flags anymore

yeah ok but know that you'll be the main source of income for a bit

I'd probably trade you away for a sheep and two loaves of bread.

Sitting out in the sun lads

Defend this Drumpfkins

What post rock have you listened to? Some of the first wave stuff is pretty good.

Trump confirmed for alpha

5 years of music, anime, doujins, and memes died but i will rebuild



just kys unironically and literally

im a weeb


who here /feels great/?

N-not your cute (x) collection
No backups?

Never watched anime in my life before

inhaled a little sawdust today

also i bought a book.

There are so many Asian girls here that look exactly like the singer gook Ryan used to post all the time, all he needs to do is go to a Korean tourist hotspot

>female drug dealer
Sense of immersion gone

>I love him because he's caring, he's encouraging, he's loving, he's amazing...I don't know...he's everything!

If a guy locked up for 63 years can make a girl feel this way, why can't you - a man in the free world?

I also bought a book