Song is titled "part 2"

>Song is titled "part 2"
>There is no part 1

>song is titled


>part 1 is verse in another song

>part 2 is a whole new album

I hate tequila, anybody feel me? I take one shot and I burp and taste it in my mouth for the rest of the night, shit's disgusting.


Gimme whisky over mexican puke juice anyday

>look mom im using the new meme

>Song is untitled

>song is titled part 1
>part 2 has nothing to do with it and sounds nothing alike and the whole thing's a big fucking ponzi scheem by the fucking japs

>song is a ponzi scheem

>all of the parts are scattered throughout the artists discography
>its not in order
>its not finished

>the very best of
>it'a their first release

>album titled part 2
>there is no part 1

Part one is a song off the previous album.

You're living on it

ayyy lmao

>album has songs titled "song part 1" and "song part 2"
>they are next to each other

>song is cut into 2 parts for no particular reason
>listening to part 2 without part 1 is useless
>shuffle sometimes gives you part 2
why not just make it 1 song
it's pretentious



>song is titled "part 2"
>part one is on a totally different album

Dream Theater

>song is untitled but it's still technically titled

It's a holdover from the era of singles, when long song would be split in half to increase the chance of airplay.


name 7 (seven)

the Microphones