I see the word "latino" many times on Sup Forums. This makes me a lot confuse

I see the word "latino" many times on Sup Forums. This makes me a lot confuse.

What comes in your mind when you say "latino men" or "latina"?


Asian-looking people with a tan

conservative white men

Basically this

a gang of tatoo'd cholos driving on the streets of LA in their red and green lowrider

Short and brown asian looking people.




These ones are latins

Greece should be coloured green.
Most Aromanians and Megleno-Romanians live in Greece and Albania, not Macedonia.
UK should also be coloured in, since Guernsey and Jersey speak dialects of Norman French. They're sadly dying though.

We are "latinoamericans" not latinos

american chicanos without any culture

What exactly is dark green representing?
Countries with minority Romance-speaking populations that don't speak one of the top five Romance languages?


mestizo untermensch

These even look slightly more evolved than australia's abos
Also the term for those is "amerindian"

Sudacas, mexicans, chicanos, brazilians...

Fat and dumb Americans thinking they know shit about Latin America while making dumb oversimplifications.

..tira-flechas, centracas, mestizos..

When a guy is black he is just black or latino? If someone is from Quebec, they are latino? Or latino/latina is just brown?

samba and football
cheerful people

latino is not a fucking race. there are white latinos, black latinos, mixed latinos, asian latinos, native latinos, even jewish and arab latinos.

Mexico and beyond

I am a Greek latino

In the US is basically used to describe anyone who is not white (where "white" means northern European decedent), black (sub-Saharan African), middle-eastern (and this includes northern Africa), slav (including Russians), or Asian.

Generally, the American race theory categorize humans in 2 main races:
- White
- Non-White

And there are 4 sub-races for the Non-White race:
- Non-White white (including some southern Europeans, eastern Europeans and Russians)
- Browns (some southern Europeans, middle Easterns, north Africans, Indians and native from the American continent)
- Yellows (eastern Asians)
- Blacks (sub-Saharan Africans and some natives from Oceania)

Finally, language is important for your race. For instance: even if you are Scandinavian, if you were born in Brazil you are considered latino.

>Finally, language is important for your race. For instance: even if you are Scandinavian, if you were born in Brazil you are considered latino.

Nah, in daily life this is latino

At least in California.

Maybe in Commiefornia, but that's not how the government define the Latino race. Latinos can be either: Non-white whites (European descendant who speaks some Latin language) or Brown (natives/mestizos).

For instance: Spaniards are Latinos. Welsh and Aztecs are Latinos. Nazis descendants from Argentina are Latinos.

We are talking about stereotypes. These two pics are basically what "latino" means in daily life.

Sorry I meant: Welsh/Nazi descendants from Argentina.

The latin is a traitor, we only want mongol blood.

>Short and brown asian looking people.

This. 99% of spics in south Texas look like this.





