So I just listened to pic related, and I want to know: what is the big deal? I am not the biggest authority on metal...

So I just listened to pic related, and I want to know: what is the big deal? I am not the biggest authority on metal, but it seems to me as an above average album. Why do you say Reddit loves it? And why does Pitchfork hate it so much? It doesn't seem to me to be an album that creates so much passion

I did liked the song Schism

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People like them cause they're very talented musicians. Their music isn't too complicated actually (mainly 90's grunge with a touch of 70's progressive rock) but it sounds pretty unique: the soft/loud dynamical singing, the odd time signatures, the unconventional songstructures all convey a very specific and easily recognisable sound. Further on they have a "message" which is mainly rooted in new-age spiritualism. I personaly find their philosophy rather silly and cheesy but many people seem to eat it up thus creating an almost religious cult following that sorrounds the band.

>it sounds pretty unique
It didn't sound much different as your average metal album

Basically slower Metallica

I wouldn't even classify them as metal. They're somewhere between Alice in chains, Primus, King Crimson and Led Zeppelin. I'm not a huge fan of their music but I admire the stuff they're going for.

if you have to ask they aren't for you


>Basically slower Metallica

Literally the best thing about this album is the drums. Something about the kit he uses, the way it was recorded, and the way he plays all comes together to create this really cool unique tribal sound that I just can't get enough of.

I don't know man, you could say they are overly pretentious, but they just sound great. Lateralus in particular is an awesome album, the drumming is glorious and that enigmatic sound is very interesting. Can't say I care much about any messages the music might carry, but the art is nice.

it's really nothing special, just the fact that Danny is a God

Danny just really does the drums well. I love playing his stuff, it feels so natural.

What? They don't sound anything like Metallica or any other Metal band. King Crimson were their biggest influence.

Not him but I think they take the most after Zeppelin or Floyd. I know that they say King Crimson is their biggest influence though, but I can really only hear it in Danny's drums.

Their music isn't too complicated in terms of notes-per-second, but they definitely have among the tightest rhythm sections in music today. The guitar/bass lines to a Tool song are usually simple, but not easy. The drums are a totally different story though, Carey is insanely skilled.

The production on Lateralus and 10,000 Days was truly something else, it really brought out the best in Danny's playing.


Tool is better if you read the lyrics

Really excellent stuff. It's as if these guys only heard King Crimson metal-esque work...

I'm a big Metallica fan and you must have terrible hearing if you think that.

the drumming

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty...err I mean Tool.......
They're certainly not bad, but there's an attempt at cleverness in it that may appeal to those who are easily amazed.
I don't mind Tool, been to a few of their concerts and they generally put on a good show. But my like for them faded out pretty quickly. I still throw Lateralus on in the car once and a while.