Be russia

>be russia
>be the biggest country in world
>have gdp lower than South Korea

>be Pooland

Russians actually have no excuse

>Large population
>Historically decent education
>That much resource

>aspiring to be in the top of the world

They're subhumans. What else could you expect from them?

To be fair most of that land is unhabitable wasteland

Not a single non frozing ocean port. We are basicly out of international trade.

>Swedish empire

the problem is not associated with wastelands but specifical mentality of ruskies

>tfw castrated shitty swedish empire
>is no longer empire
>still brag about winning clusterfuck narva was.

indeed. Took land from both Russia and Germany (both countries with much more population us) and managed to stay the dominant power in the region for a century

Tell me a single advantage given by all the territory we have.

Whats wrong with strong spiritual and sharp russian mentality?

Do you imagine this whole population lives om the border and ia concetrated in fighting Sweden? Piotr I was fighting multiple wars at once separated by thousands of kilometres from each other with disasterous logistics

wow its fucking nothing
turtle lives more than your shitpire

chernozems, big rivers, much minerals, gas, fuel , large sea boarder ...

Of course. Swedish soldiers and leadership was much better than yours.

The Russian economy shrank because of the ruble crash. As soon Trump remove the sanctions, the Russian economy will double in size and Russia will be back to the 5th position. Putin is a master chess player, sometimes you have to sacrifice one of your pieces to win.

being cucked by small group of oligarchs since very long time, lack of middle class culture

Saudi Arabia produces the same amount of oil that we do. All oir chernozyoms are concetrated in a thing territory and it has to feed 140mln people. Big rivers don't give anything of value and minerals are not extracted a lot per capita. Not a lot at all.

>large sea border
NOT A SINGLE NON FREEZING OCEAN PORT. It's more like large ice border

>Russian empire
>lasted 2 centuries
Wow its fucking nothing
Some whales lives more than your shitpire

Roman Empire lasted 3 centuries before the split

>Big rivers don't give anything of value
ruski will never think about natural sources of energy

>minerals are not extracted a lot per capita
but can be used to make country richer, but oligarchs don't allow to it

you have Kaliningrad

>Swedish education

Why are Poles so fucking obsessed with Russia?


russkaya edukacyja:

>Russian empire
>~197 years
>Bowhead whale
>Can become over 200 years old
>200+>197 years
I'm well educated

Well, desu, South Korea receives shit ton of investment from the West, while Russia is a frozen shithole that has tried to be self-reliable since Stalin times.

Crapitalism ruined Russia

Holy shit Yeltsin was truly an awful president, asides from being a drunk fuck.

This is mostly because of the weakness of the ruble, which has a poor exchange rate with the USD which is what everything is priced in.

Since the only thing Russia exports that anybody wants is oil and gas and lumber and commodities are cheap as fuck right now, they're GNP is deceptively low.

South Korea exports a lot of finished goods, which makes their currency worth more compared to the dollar.

Russia is kinda screwed there because they're surrounded by countries that already have saturated markets (from their competitors).

We have ones of the most powerful hydro energy plants in the world but it barely gives you anything economically speaking.
>can be used to make countey richer
It's barely enough to keep us fed. The whole Russian Federatiom sold resources of total value of ONLY 3 trillion dollars in 15 years. That's fucking nothing for such country. And Kaliningrad is isolated by hostile countries. It's useless for economy. Logistics basically fuck up any manufacturing business here. Doesn't matter what we do it will be more expensive than eyropean or asian analogs due to inability to orginize efdective logistics over such vasts inhabites territories

Incredibly hard to invade as you only have to retreat deep down in it and wait for everyone to freeze to death to later come back.

Indeed, fuck Yeltsin

I like Russia though

>shit ton of investment from the West
South Korea has indigenous international corporations like Samsung and Hyundai. It's not due to investment from the west. Samsung runs parts of the country. Russia on the other hand has African tier economy.

So usefull when it comes to making money, duh

>It's not due
It's not *only due

learn english

Huh? I am a Greek.

Nobody will invest in manufacturing in Russia because it's impossible to orginize effectice logistics here. Modern economy = warm ocean ports and territories. We have mothing of that. Even extracting mineral resources is a challenge here. It's not Saudi Arabia where you just dig a sand and it flows, here you have to drill in permafrost thousands of kilometers away from any civilization to extract dirty shitty and cheaper oil

oh yes capitalism is the sole factor

Thank fuck it collapsed, it's a shame the mainland population didn't suffer from its sins though. That is, not until now. :^)

Yeah Switzerland is even worse off than y-

The transition from communism to capitalism has devastated the Russian economy, not communism/capitalism itself

Capitalism didn't bring anything good to Russia desu
Switzerland is built in European economical space and it's just next door to the european economical trade hubs. If you produce anything in some Vladimir you have to deliver it to some non freezing port in Poland which is 4000km away, that's uncomparable to Switzerland.

meh, gorby and yeltsin opened the floodgates so i could get the fuck out of that godawful country.
1990's were the best time when russia tried to be friends with the west. then putin and kgb said fuck this, that's weak, we want to be stronk again so fuck the west. wtf do i care anyway.

The official GDP does not reflected the real size of Russia's economy, as that there is an enormous amount of unrecorded economic activity in Russia, forming the largest underground economy in the world. If this sector would be counted towards GDP calculation, the Russian GDP would grow by $630 billion as of 2011

That's not what you asked, tho, you only asked for one advantage.

Tired of speaking about it, it's the same shit everyday from ignorant people

"Putin is a nationalist"

"Dugin is a putin's mastermind"

"Russia is a not a cryptocolony"
all three are wrong and doesn't prove anything

you don't know anything

>Large population

is bad when your economy is based on selling resources.

And no, it's not easy to JUST INVENT IPHONE KILLER

>Historically decent education

No, fucking wrong, absolutely. Soviet scum managed to keep decent math and physics but they completely ruined art, literature, history, sociology, genetics, etc.

>That much resource

1) Not "that much" considering number of people we have

2) Not that much considering climate we have (MUCH worse than norwegian or finnish)

3) Not that much considering huge distances between cities, lack of non-freezing ports (river ports and sea ports)

Switzerland is in ideal position you idiot.

Germans, french, italians, austrians go through Switzerland. And they're all historically developed countries, developed for centuries.

It went as it was planned.

Because it's wrong capitalism, it's african capitalism. If we had USA-level capitalism where every nigger has PS4 and an iPhone, we wouldn't complain.

Switzerland has been neutral since 1815, plus it's mountainous terrain has served as a natural defense. That and havinga directdemocratic system and large inmigration from bordering countries has made it economically prosperous

>90's were the best
I remember we literally had no money for food in 97 and 99. Average wage in my city in 99 was 4000 roubles (it was 90$ back then), now it is 40000 roubles (700$) and it was 25000 in 2013 (900$)

They actually do (hint: fall of the USSR)

>It went as it was planned
lmao so the total breakdown in the 90s was all just part of some masterplan? k.

A c чeгo тyт взятьcя нopмaльнoмy кaпитaлизмy? Boт тaк пpocтo пoявятcя хaй тeк пpeдпpиятия? Их гocyдapcтвo дoлжнo пocтpoить? Илм инвecтopы зa гpaницeй peшaт в Oмcкe зaeбeнить зaвoд в 6ти твcячaх килoмeтpaх oт ближaйшeгo пopтa? PФ экoнoмичecкий ayтcaйдep пpocтo пo oпpeдeлeнию.

>Be Russia
>Be a kleptocracy with Soviet era infrastructure where a significant portion of what the country produces disappears in the pockets of oligarchs
>Be a country where the majority of the land is permafrost
>Have a lower GDP than a functional western-style liberal regime with a highly educated population and relatively little corruption
Yeah, I wonder why.

>what the country produces
We have less oil than Saudi Arabia and terrible conditions for any manufacturing industry due to terrible logistics, there is simply no drivers to push our economy.

>Unhabitable wasteland
sounds like a big portion of northern mexico

>Capitalism didn't bring anything good to Russia desu
you wouldn't even have internet access in your soviet russia. but hey, putin is taking it away from you piece by piece anyway.

>19 KB, 280x123

I knew it was small but I didn't realise it was that small.

In addition:

Since 1917 russia was completely changed.

In 2017 Russia looks more like latin american country.

Like Brazil.

Basically white negroes.

> lmao so the total breakdown in the 90s was all just part of some masterplan? k.


2-7 millions of russian elite, their relatives, friends become rich, get an opportunity to visit west and live there.

Rest live in shit in crumbling barracks.

They really planned and they did that. They made their chose, to betray russian people and enjoy vacations in Alps in London while exploited people are dying.

But soon their property will be confiscated because of "criminal russian regime". They will lose everything.

All this happened because, like I said, russian people are white negroes who want to rob their countrymen, sadly.

>We have less oil than Saudi Arabia
Not exactly a low bar, mate. Russia does have significant natural wealth, otherwise oil exports wouldn't be nearly half of your exports. It's just that a lot isn't actually invested in the economy and lines the pockets of a select few.

You can't even pirate music and you tell me about internet freedom.
>you wouldn't even have internet acess
Why lel? Soviet Union wasn't North Korea. If Gorbachyov actually reformed it properly instead of crushing with no survivors we wouldn't face such disaster and you don't know ofc bur when glasnost was anounced there is no doubt we would have internet and even sooner than we acrually did because infrustructure wouldn't be damaged that hard.

i mean politically, not necessarily economically.
we were relatively ok in moscow. back then you could open your own business and make a lot of money. of course a lot of those business were criminal scum, but not everyone was like that. but yeah, i hear life was tough outside moscow and st petersburg. because former commies were still everywhere in the government and they only cared about selling everything off to the west and making a lot of money quickly. it was sad. but you can't blame the west for that.

We are not even in top 10 in oil production per capita. This number is tens times lower here than in Norway. We export around 150billion $ of oil every year. That's nothing for 140mln country.


I think our best result possible is economic success of Slovakia or Czechia or Poland.

Russia cannot be as rich as Netherlands because many, many reasons.

It is much easier to open business now than it was in 90's. Literally nothing was better in 90's even in Moscow.

>but you can't blame the west for that
ah yes the eternal dindus

even now you have horrible censorship. people go jail for criticizing fucking orhtodox church in their blogs. imagine would kind of censorship you would have under the soviet rule? the internet would only be available for politburo and they would be watching porn lmao.

We can't do the same as Poland and Slovakia due to the fact that we are not in Europe and nobody will invest here.

Hey man he's American, he knows more about your country than you

Some countries always have an excuse. "It's not us, it's blah blah blah, it's not my fault" etc etc

You know fucking nothing about what happens here. You also have no idea what glasnost was. You projecting some early 70's stereotypes of Soviet Union over modern technologies. Don't people lose jobs in the US for calling niggs niggers?

> but you can't blame the west for that.

I unironically think that Putin's criminal regime is ideal for west.

We have resource money. They key point is how we spend it.

Yes motherfuckers after you installed communism here you dare to blame us??? Tell my why meetups of russian commies were held in London until 1917 and marx published his book in London?

What is Putin's plan. Does he hold power for the sake of power or is he a real pragmatist who is leading you somewhere?

Кayиe блять pecypcныe мaни? У нac 300млpд $ экcпopт в гoд. Этo пpocтo блять ничтo. Hихyя y нac нeт. Bcя PФ co вceми oлигapхaми зapaбoтaлa 3 тpиллиoнa зeлeни зa 15 лeт. Этo пpocтo 0 для тaкoй eбeни кaк PФ. Hикaких y нac дeнeг нeт и этo дaжe близкo нe cтoит cтeм cкoлькo влили в Пoльшy нaпpимep

well duh , of course it is easier now because it all started back then. without gorby and yeltsin you would still have your "guaranteed" minimum wage job and would live a meaningless commie life from paycheck to paycheck and saving for 30 years to buy a car etc.

i am russian, peтapд. i take it you are russian too? what are you doing in germany? go back to putin

Holy shit,Russia is way too dependent on fossil fuels.

So if those excuses don't count, what do you propose? That every single individual Russian can personally be held accountable for the faillure of Russia?

What, is this retard hour in Britain or something? What do you think? The guy controlled Medevev as a puppet until he could pass a law that would allow him to become president yet again.

i am russian eбтa
stop bullshitting me

that's not censorship, that's the russian blasphemy law. people also go to jail for insulting islam and buddhism, but libtards always ignore that part and only screech about muh church
also, internet piracy is nowhere in the world as rampant as in russia, it's literal anarchy

What was fucking made in 90's? Everything we have was founded in early 00's. Tы в PФ пo хoдy гoдa c 99 и нe бывaл ни paзy. Cкaзoчный дoлбaёб.
There are major infrustructure projects rn. Basically he just keeps situation as stable as possible to stimulate any growth possible. Any "shock" situation and we will go to the fucking civil war and african level life.

I propose not crying blubbery tears and whining about how life is unfair over and over. Life seldom is, many peoples manage to overcome adversity, it's not that hard.

Nice kot.

>my great-grandma was half-russian, this gives me infinite knowledge about everything russian. i know more about life in russia than real russians

> What is Putin's plan

1) To destroy Russia.

2) to help the EU unite itself under "russian threat"

Haven't you thought that if Russia was more friendly towards eastern eastern europe, EU would have looked more fragile than it is now, under constant "russian threat"?

> That every single individual Russian can personally be held accountable for the faillure of Russia?

In general russians are more stupid than westerners, so yes they are accountable.

You can't imagine how many literal RETARDS live there who are almost monkey-tier.

I think russian problem is special, we have strongest division between smartest russians and stupidest russians.

>russian blasphemy law.
ahahaha, russia is a fucking sharia state

>xDDD just be urself bruh
You don't know what dictatorships are like, do you? Need I remind you that those who publically protest against Putin tend to end up in jail, as do journalists critical of his regime? I guess they also need to stop "crying blubbery tears"?

Monkey retards are result of failed education system. And their number is declining. Amount of people drinking like there is no tomorrow is declining. Slowly but people become more rational and wise.

You won't find a single woman in burqa here.

Buddo, Putin jailing journalist or not won't effect the life of your average Russian.

in addition:

In the critical moment russia WILL support western europe. Like it did in 1941 when stalin sent russian peasants against germans.

WW3 is possible, right.

But not as a Russia - NATO war, it will be just russia nuking biggest amerian cities (and only them) and then painfully dying.

Because, as I said, Putin's regime is ideal for the West.

I know. Slowly we are recovering.

Soviet leader Stalin robbed caravans, Yeltsin got kicked out from school.

We are being ruled by WORST people, it's literally negative selection.

Finally, in 21st century we got a president who has higher education.

Maybe in 30 years we will have even president not from a fucking dormitory, who didn't attend judo, who didn't kill rats and fight for "prestige".

What journalists is he jailing?

>not from a fucking dormitory, who didn't attend judo, who didn't kill rats and fight for "prestige".
Nothing is wrong with any of those things.

it's pretty retarded indeed. russia has banned the publication of those charlie hebdo muhammad cartoons because they were offensive toward muslims. in another case some guy was arrested for kicking a buddha statue. but when some whores get arrested for harrassing church goers, libtards suddenly go crazy.

Ask the Dutchman.

You reminded me of this kek

Of course, what information you can and cannot access and what opinions you can and cannot publically express have zero influence on the life of the average Russian or his ability to change what he's displeased with.