/v4/ + friends

early Sunday morning edition

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Hello new thread

yes helo

fuck normies

Hello toasting in this bread from my bed
Will fall asleep soon

Who /upallnight/?
Flying to Seattle tomorrow for some conference and I've got to fuck up my sleep schedule to be able to retain consciousness in the EST timezone

that must be like a 20 hour flight


Anyone here ever see a shrink?

>shooting fish in a barrel: the question

I'm surprised yahoo got that much traffic in 2014 2bh

Oh and microsoft too, who the fuck uses and microsoft related websites?

old people most likely
>tend to use the default search engines/home pages that come with their computers
>tend to also not see those "special offers" when installing things that change your default search engine to dogshit like Yahoo and Ask.com

Nice quads but I don't think old people make that much of online traffic, also in non english speaking countries they will use local sites like seznam in ČR

I made fire

i am still awake

"War has changed.. Now you can too - with Maybelline, become the warrior within!"

good morning lads

Like 14 hours incl. switching planes. I feel like I've completely replaced my blood with caffeine though.

>tfw havent slept in a bit more than 48h
What are you slavs up to?

>watching something on laptop
>phone rings
>my aunt
>what the fuck does she want now I just want to be left alone and enjoy my weekend
>woke up really late so putting all hope that I wake up properly, not late but rested on Sunday
>answer the phone
>"Look, my best friend's mom got cancer, her kids are sick blablabla they have a garden and need help picking potatoes, you will come help, right? fresh air, good for you blablabla"
>ehh sure not like I wanted to enjoy my Sunday anyway...
>gotta wake up 08:00
>prepare for it mentally yesterday already
>dont even want to do it
>set alarms and go to sleep around 02:30 because was on Skype with gf who wasnt home for a few days as she went somewhere with parents
>alarm rings, it's 08:00
>tired, sleepy but gotta wake up
>08:30, aunt is calling
>"Sleep, the grandpa isnt going, said it's all wet and it will maybe rain, we aren't going too so... sleep"

wake up lads

I´m awake. Last 2 days of wageslaving


are those all FAKE phones or what??

no they are used phones,why?

too cheap for an iphone??
do you know any places where i can buy stolen stuff from gypsies in CZ?
i will go back to t*rkey non EU country anyway might as well buy cheap stolen stuff

Idk,when I used to work as bartender sometimes gypsies would came and offer stolen shit

you are too kind t b h, you have to learn to say no, friend

it's a bit hard I dunno why, I guess I just didnt have any proper excuse but it's all good now anyway

ahoj, new user or oldfag who just installed extraflags?

I've been here for a while but mostly lurked

I had no idea Poles had pub called Drevny Kocur.
Has memes gone too far?


i am awake


really makes me think


what the fugg




>tourist trap restaurants
funniest thing is that western tourists actually eat in those

sauce? i like rough porn

>hranolky 200 gramů za 280 kč
wtf, is that a menu from the castle?

What have you done you absolute madman. Now Russians will be unable to keep themselves from coming in and taking it.

>go to tavern
>only hero available for hire is Marcel
fuck this, I'm playing with Necropolis


no sex. she is just drunk who stumbled upon casting.

Pic in is not mine, although I like the concept and I let my autism take over, hence pic related.
Didn't know which route to take, either mythological or realistic, so I guess it's a bit of a mix.

The backgrounds for unit pics would need a change of course, but that's just a concept. I was thinking of naming lv 6 units Rabbis to be more in line with the Golem legend, but I thought this way is more neutral.

i still wanna sauce


>Seen: 13:31


Thats really really really weird to watch

Up since: 08:00
Current time: few minutes until 16:00
Things accomplished: 0

And don't forget about automatic +10 % for service. And tea for 180 CZK must taste really great.

>890CZK for a fucking rizoto
>in fucking Karlovy Vary

What do you generally do with your free time?

>Just your average russian restaurant in Kaliningrad exclave
>I mean Karlsbad exclave
>I mean Karlovy Vary
There are English subtitles for other V4 anons btw.

usually sleep long but when I don't I just waste my time looking at stuff I *might* buy in future such as new bed sheets, sizes and prices of those beds which expand when you want to sleep etc
then youtube vids, or something I would like to study or work in future, what kind of education is needed for it etc

generally not very good use of time, but then again I dont have much to do at flat at the moment except for cleaning floor

hope that you at least watch czech cancertube so you learn language

yeah actually since I got back from vacation I havent found much time to properly study anything as I got into this flat stuff at same week I started working again but I am going to start looking at verbs today, hopefully I can somehow start. I hate how disbalanced life became in the past month.

picrel is what gf made for me a while ago that I still havent gotten around to start studying, it's just lots of stuff to memorize but I will have to start somewhere

>meanwhile you could learn mandarin or some other chinky language and make good money off it

money comes and goes
really good girls not so much

thoughts on slovenia lads?

this plus I'd rather a couple of Czech lads to talk and drink with than any chink in the world


mountain slav jews

1. Rusałki - general Slavic mythology, would change it to something more V4-ish maybe
2. Zbójnicy - Slovak/Hungarian/Polish, so ok
3. Golem - Czech, so ok
4. Castle Guard - too bland
5. Turul - breddy good
6. Mystics - can't really get the idea
7. Wawel Dragon - breddy good

>automatic +10 % for service
is this even legal? what the fuck

Yeah a girl he's seeing onece a year. I know everyone is patronising litwin but guy has no serious plans to live with her and she will leave him eventually as she will be getting older and needing more stability and financial support. All you have in your current life is dead end job and family that doesn't care about you. Your life can't get much worse so you should be able to risk a lot for her

I started this, but i don't know what more to add. What are some other Czech minorities?


Slow vaks

Poles registering their businesses in your cunt and/or doing carousel fraud

You are right about most of it
I do have serious plans to live with her but they are not anything concrete and I think that is fine for now. If I want to keep it real I need to avoid pipe dreams or impossible plans that take a month to create. I do have dead end job and my family is irrelevant here, they are more dependent on me.

Since every problem needs a solution and bigger problems need higher priorities I am trying to put together everything in organized fashion these days. I will need to change my profession from this useless thing to something else, which will either require learning something besides the new language...

Recently I have been thinking about a specific field of logistics for multiple reasons and now trying to find introductory material to see if I can actually make it or if it will be just another dead end. I have to put more effort into it, you are absolutely right about it.

Slovaks and gypsies are missing

Also what's this viets meme there's like 30k of them in cesko that's nothing
Been there done that. Regret nothing

Frankly, lithuanon doesn't seem exactly ambitious, focused or extremely sedulous per se. But his gf and terrible family provide him both push and pull. If he had noncancerous family he wouldn't move out in near future. Moving provided him with multiple incitements on its own. He would just happily stay in mamahotel. Slowly rotting and spoiling himself. Achieving pretty much nothing.

And if he didn't have that gf who btw provides one of only few sources of positive things in his life he would not be so eager to change state of his life. To progress. Even if it's just Czech Republic the girl lives in western country that's in much better shape than his own. That alone is actually very promising for him if he really manages to move here. I've lived abroad and it helped me greatly in my life even when I moved back.

What I'm saying is simply that even if would not succeed in his goal of moving, working and living in Czech Republic with his gf it helps him to progress. Progress that he wouldn't easily seek or achieve on his own.

So I'm with this A great girl in my life helped me to achieve all that what we have together now. I wouldn't be there without her. Behind every successful man there is a woman is not necessarily truth. But damn it helps a lot to lazy men with potential.


>report as inappropriate normie bs

Because everybody has his "local Viet", which is a small shop just behind the corner with anything ranging from toilet paper to icecream.

>Slovaks and gypsies are missing

are krauts the second biggest cucks after polacks? Stormniggers shill them yet they are fucking failures
>get raped by Romans
>get raped by Franks
>get raped by their frog descendants
>get raped by brits, ruskies and yanks
>get raped by brits, ruskies and yanks again
>get raped by sandniggers you let in


I spit on krauts, I spit on polacks I only respect San Escobar - a proud country with bright future

muh blonde tall people my fucking ass I've seen kraut tourists in Italy, France and Spain and most look like polacks needless to say it's not exactly an awe inspiring sight.

Yet another nigger race spewing horsefuck propaganda only dumb fucking ''i never left my home state'' yanks will believe in Europe is a total fucking shithole literally only Italians, Greeks, Spanish and English are worth any respect.

And French.

Have you seen/heard of the FB livestream accidental suicide?
Two girls doing bullshit going 180km/h in Czechia and crashing

>Because everybody has his "local Viet"
you only have one local Viet?

>Also what's this viets meme there's like 30k of them in cesko that's nothing
there's like 8 Viet shops right next to each other on the main street in my town
there's also the marketplace that used to get raided by the cops
and in the next town, again 7 shops selling the exact same stuff right next to each other
and also some Viets got caught a few years back with a weed lab right next to the police station


wtf I love volleyball now

ja sam ovdje najjači

>weed lab
a wut?

holy fuck krauts are dumb nigger faggot cunts

remember that one time poland won a war? Me neither.

Remember that one time germany won a war? Me neither.

Two cucklands inhabited by faggots.

don't know what it's called in English properly
I mean a place where you grow weed in more than legal quantities

there are legal quantities?

Jesus shitfucking christcunt what a load of garbage europe is
>snowniggers with no achievements jacking off to their barbie doll faggot hair as if it nullified their nigger tier ''culture'' and historical irrelevancy
>slavniggers eternally cucked by ruskies
>krauts being butthurt about being raped after every sperg out
>finns and hungarians doing fuck knows what in Europe they don't even speak an european language and are literal outsiders who should fuck off back to Asia
>turk rape baby greeks
>italians who became faggots
>spanish who do fuck knows what
>moortugal also irrelevant shithole
>switzerland is a bunch of mountain jews mixed with fucking krauts mixed with frog faggots mixed with italian brown manlets
>frogland became Congo
>england became Saudi Arabia
>irish are still cucks

just fuck that continent up

of course

Warrior Within is the best PoP game

I loved God of War 2 and 3 and everyone who calls it a button masher should play on highest difficulty and see how easy it is to just mash square through the game. Fuck you tryhard niggers with your dead ninja gayden faggot game for closet homos and bullfucked hipster cunts.

jRPGs are dog shit
>turn based ''combat''
>characters look like Tokyo Hotel members
>grinding so you have any chance against a boss with 4 quadrillion HP
>pretensious plot

if any european game had it's grindy gameplay it would be trashed but since it came from land of the rising nuke everyone is like ''woah so deep so this is the famous oriental culture ;_;''

>Have you seen/heard of the FB livestream accidental suicide?
>Two girls doing bullshit going 180km/h in Czechia and crashing
I've seen video and unfortunately it was well deserved
fortunately they didn't injure anyone but themselves

Name a single place on Earth which, according to your harsh standards, isn't "a load of garbage".

>accidental suicide
I'm pretty sure sucide can't be accidental

New Zealand and Luxemburg

At first I thought they hit something hard in front of them, but then I read that it was that sound barrier which is like a fence/wall on the sides of highways to isolate the traffic noise

How the hell do you hit something like that to your side? That would require like 90 degree turn, unless it was somehow build differently? This was hard for me to comprehend

>New Zealand
in your own words: Kiwis who do fuck knows what. Not to mention that they're getting CHINK'D hard these days, and their Maori population is just as ooga booga as it's ever been.

Same as Switzerland except not as mountainous, and without the Italian influence

fucking leaf

>they're getting CHINK'D hard these days
oh I bet you know