What immigrants are there in your cunt?

What immigrants are there in your cunt?

Peruvians and Bolivians since a time ago and more recently we have been filled with Haitians.

10 to 12 millions are bolivians/paraguayans

it's over

niggers, sandniggers, a few viets and chinks

Their home country doesn't matter.

Colombiand, Argies, Peruvian (whole south america) etc etc and recently Venezuelans

Moroccans and romanians too

Not many desu, it's fairly hard to immigrate here on top of not being an attractive destination.


Mostly south americans, retired amerifats and more recentrly chinese

100k Spaniards? What a joke, your country is a hellhole

Probably Mexicans with spanish nacionality

This frenchbro, all of them are trash

Latin America is filled with gallegos, more so than Spain being filled with Latin Americans. Reminder that you have immigrated to Latin America for the past 500 years.

They are not Spaniards although they look like us, only trash.

Nobody cares if you are white in Spain.

You come from south america or Mexico = shit

Mostly Finns, Somalis, Arabs, Iranis, Poles and Romanians.

Ok. People don't tend to like gallegos here either, too dumb.

You got it!


At least I don't lie, It is true

You can tell yourself that if it helps you sleep Manuel

Part of the list.

Stop sperging and replying at my posts, Benancio.


Okay, more recent.

This is from 2005, haven't been able to find a updated one, right now there must be like 10 times more venezuelans and 5 times more spaniards because of their crisis

España es un país que no está para dar lecciones pero Mexico es un infierno en la tierra,

No puedes caminar de noche
Las bandas organizadas controlan el país incluso el gobierno
Un país que es como so estuviese en una guerra
La propia gente ama a los delincuente.

Yo si fuera los am también construiría un muro.

Aceptalo, lo mejor para vosotros es que tiren una bomba nuclear e empezar de nuevo


>not a single white first world country

Estoy en el móvil por eso escribo mal. Tt

there are 14,942 of u in my country, please send qts

Chubby orcs from mordor


Si si claro que si, ándale vete a dormir ya estás hachando rabietas José

interesting, bump

que bien escribir tu

Expect more venezuelans and haitians in the future

I find our most common are
>New Zealanders
>Sri Lankans
>Pacific Islanders
>Former Yugoslavs

Here is our immigration map for 2015

Millions of Mexicans and other hispanics, Somalis in Minnesota and New England, Koreans and Vietnamese, some hmong here and there.

>over 100k Germans
damn I need to join

Los españoles les roban los trabajos jejejejejejejeje

The ones who's presence you actually feel are tajiks, uzbeks, azeris and armenians



Awful ones.

Update your data, there are like 200K, 300k Spaniards in ur cunt

Italians are 600K or so

Probably Spaniards looking for jobs.

Yeah and the one for Britain isn't exactly super accurate either. There's almost certainly well over a million Poles here, many more French and according to the Italian consulate over 500k Italians.

The only i see,tons of americans and centralamericans
>That color of China

Yeah your country is ruined by inmigrants, thankfully I don't travel there anymore.

Yes. Fuck them all

See map

>450k Morocco muslims


Italians are not white (in a good way)

I'm sure that Milan alone has more Chinks than that.

feels good knowing Muslims are at least non-existent here.

>Yes. Fuck them all
Yeah how dare people move to other countries to find a better life for themselves.

Who wants to move to Brazil?

>>Sup Forums

I wonder what drove those people to punish themselves by going to the single shittiest country in the world aka shitaly.

t. Mario Soprano

>on top of not being an attractive destination
are you retarded?

What peruvians even do it Italy?
let's ask the 70k americlaps that did come here


It's actually a pretty surprising number, only Germans I've meet are doctors or some other really good profession

I thought there would be more Libyans because it was an Italian colony

For living, you fucking imbecile.

>for living
I think you don't realize how cheap the cost of living is in here. And as long as you don't live in a shithole like Guerrero or Durango, and instead live in a decent place like Hidalgo or Queretaro, you can have a nice life here in Mexico.

I know that this country is as cheap as Peru, that doesn't stop our immigration process being hard and our crime rate scaring all foreigners to death thanks to our reputation in the American media.

Italians chimped out and genocided most of them in the 1920's. Now they are afraid of retribution so they restrict Libyan travel to Italy.

All while living next to the most attractive immigrant destination in the world, America.

They are the first wave from the 80s or something, now they are integrated, no more immigrants from Morocco in recent years

Nah, see map

>that argie again


All of them.

at this point there are about 1 million veneuelans. Spaniards must be hovering around 80k. Americans must be around 100k at this point. Germans and french like 10k each. For some reason brits don't come here but there might be around 5k of them. Probably around 10 k mexicans and argentinians as well. I'm starting to notica a lot of brazilians lately, especially as exchange students

Why's the dad such a nu-male?

the beauty of colombian women intimidates us

new census results got released recently btw

barirng lebanon most of them are shit and do nothing for this country

well fuck you too

He's baiting. I watch those Australian reality shows about police and emergency services, there isn't a show that goes by without you hearing a British accent from a cop or helicopter paramedic/pilot. Most of the people that give the cops shit are people from countries like Lebanon. The people from Britain are in proper jobs.

what the fuck, those numbers are wild
half your population are immigrants or what

lol fuck off cherrypicker cunt

>probably Mexicans with spanish nacionality
A nadie le importa tu pais de mierda lobezno largate

we don't get any.

>What peruvians even do it Italy?
I've watched enough south park to know they play andean music on the street

Shh, no te estreses, recuerda que el lunes tenemos ir a nuestros TRABAJOS.

being rromani-an

>600k from china and south asia

are you guys doing skill-based migration like us and australia? this is kinda surprising imo since I mostly only saw africans/arabs imo.