>Best navy
>Best air force
>Best normal scientists
>Best playwrights
>Best poets
>Best novelists
>Best comedians
>Best monarchs
>Best TV
>Best colonial empire
>Best flag
>Worst chefs
Why is this?
>best navy
>best air force
>best playwrights
>best poets
>best novelists
>best monarchs
>Best navy
Are you actually autistic?
It's not the 19th century anymore
You can't be this dumb to rise to obvious bait.
Why is America so excessive? I mean how many aircraft carriers do you need.
You underestimate my stupidity.
Why does Thailand have an aircraft carrier?
You're just jealous. ;)
*blocks your path*
Ramps are the future m8.
>I mean how many aircraft carriers do you need.
Being world police is a tough job but someone has to do it
>Best normal scientists
>Best playwrights
>Best poets
>Best novelists
>Best comedians
>Best monarchs
>Best TV
>Best colonial empire
>Best flag
These ones are right
Best navy was true until WWII.
>Best playwrights
>Best poets
>Best novelists
>Best monarchs
I'm afraid you're wrong.
>>Best flag
It's funny because it's true.
I thought people hated our food. We have a lot of world-class chefs here.
wtf your flag doesn't even have stars on it
>>Best navy
Bitch please. Behold, the Invincible Spanish Armada
Just keep that beast away from Gibraltar and we're cool.
>Invades Gibraltar
Psssh, nothin personnel, kidd
>worse theeth
watch it burrito man
>You will never be brought to tears by based Gordon
Kitchen Nightmares and the one with the hotels are some of the best entertainment ever. I had no Internet a few months back and I would veg out watching it and playing Civ V for hours.