What did you guys do while watching a tv show?

What did you guys do while watching a tv show?
I need to do something with my hands like drawing.

jesus it looks like what's left of a person after a street suicide bombing

That za' looks FUCKING delicious.

I can make a better looking pizza, and I'm a retard

Bottom pic looks like some nasty scenes I saw during porn.

That bottom image looks like a practical effect from the Evil Dead movies.

Same OP, I like to play games that don't require too much attention but I'm struggling to find one right now. Settling for messing around with bots in Rocket League until I can think of a better game for this purpose.

I just fondle my balls.


I guess Im picky, but the pizza looks meh to me. The dough is all in the crust, it looks flat, slimey. I want it to be a bit more evenly made. The dough is there, just not in the right place. It barely looks like pizza.
Pic related is more my style

Nothing like coming home and enjoying some quality 'go 'za

I hate this so much.
That fucking Chicago bullshit is NOT pizza. It's a cake, or a casserole or something

If you've seen the episode you'll surely know that that 'go 'za was truly a delight

relax, don't do it, when you want to go to it.

pepperoni is actual dog shit, it makes me feel sick even eating them.
only a 300lbs hamplanet would enjoy greasy pepperoni.

Im 6'5" and 170lbs, I just turn pizza into diarrhea and gain no weight.


Why don't you americans go to that guy's place and demand that pizza? It could become a meme and go straight up into Ramsey's arrogant ass

What show, season and episode is this. It looks good and I never understood this mmee

I love deep dish, but that's just stupid, that's waaaay too deep.

I bought some kinetic sand recently

fun to play with and leaves the hands clean

Hmm I'll give that a try

According to the comfy pizza thread last night -

Dominos > Pizza Hut > Papa Johns > shit > Little Caesars

papa johna (before the reddit meme) > dominos >pizza hut > shit > little caesars


>people hating on stuffed pizza or deep dish pizza
>people don't know the difference between stuffed and deep dish
>majority of them haven't even been to chicago to have either

dominos tastes like wet dog

I can't even remember the last time I had Pizza Hut. Did they get good like Domino's now? Or still the same?

They went full retard with different kinds of crusts and sides and most are kino.

comet ping pong is better desu

Who the fuck adds sugar to boxed cake mix

I usually cup my balls if im on my own which I almost always am.

that thing on the left can hardly be considered a pizza


What are you talking about? Neopolitan style is pizzakino. It's the Sopranos of pizza.

Go back to your shitty Papa Johns, pleb.

it's literally a cracker with sauce
it's not a pizza, it's an abomination for third-worlders

What the..... DOMINOS?!?!? FIrst?! The fuck.....

Little Caesars aint great, but it's cheap as fuck. I guess living in cali Im spoiled. There's Red boy, Mary's Mountain mikes, tons of locally owned places. I don't fuck with dominos ever. Fuck that place.

That pizza is fuckin NASTY

so poverty vs wealth

>he doesn't know about wood-fired pizzakino

>it's not a pizza, it's an abomination for third-worlders

holy fucking shit you fucking americans

the thing on the left is literally the original pizza, it's like you guys are looking at a square and say "that's not a square, that's a circle!"

more like decency vs. disgust

this thread was a fucking mistake
t. op

>p-please st-stop laughing at our food, American.

When Europoors are furious that their shitty food has been completely overtaken by superior American cuisine.

The one in the left looks like semen.

>dominos and Pizza Hut #1 and #2

Top kek

>People unironically saying Pizza Hut and Domino's are good

I feel sorry for all of you, I really do.

plain pizza is the only good 'zza

Why did Obama like the shit on the right so much?

>the original
So what? Its the original garbage peasants ate hundreds of years ago. The original journey/johnny cake recipes are garbage compared to modern ones and pancakes are also better.

Does plain include just mozz' and 'ta on the 'za?

That show is ten years old, the restaurant is probably gone after the recession if the owners arent dead

This. Papa Johns is a couple dollars more than Dominos because you pay for quality

>the thing on the left is literally the original pizza

Yeah, and this is the original gun

holy dick you're thin.

I'm 6'1" and about 160lbs

/skellycrew/ here

I'm 6'5" and 290lbs, I just turn pizza in to logs and gain manboobs.

>This. Papa Johns is a couple dollars more than Dominos because you pay for quality

Americans literally argue about fast food options and present it as a fight over quality food.


You are a faggot and I hope your mom dies in a fire.

Organize my porn collection.

pizza you made at (insert chain) when you worked there at 16 and could customize the fuck out of it and eat it as soon as it got out of oven > local non-chain pizza place > chains = fancy artisan shit from hipster land > frozen supermarket shit

r8 n h8

i can already tell this is some bongland abomination

Pizza Hut below Caesars. Not even memeing.

You get what you pay for and Pizza Hut is fucking ass by that metric. Caesar's deep dish isn't even that bad.

Are you me user? I'm 6'6" and I'm like 180. Are you super skinny

Pizza Hut's Queen pizza (without mushrooms) is pizzakino. It's probably the the chemicals they put in it to enhance flavor, but still.

You're not skinny at all. I'm the same height and weight as you right now because I'm 30 and became fat.

plain p'za is only the 'st and 'liv 'il

play roonskape

>implying the change was superior
user, im American and more embarrassed about your shit taste than you are. let the Europe man win on this one. that "cracker" looks more delicious than op's pick by a mile

Can someone tell me what are those turd looking things on the pizza?

america essence


Literal balls of grease.

jesus that's not skelly I'm 6'3" and 125lbs

Papa murphy's > everything > shit > little caesers
