Your country

>your country
>your (erect) dick size

Hard mode: not lying

OK you first

8 inches

7.75 inches

I have never had sex

>inb4 cletuses posting inches pretending anyone will understand



19 cm untouched

You have the free time to convert it, it's not like you have a job to do

You have the free time to convert it, it's not like you have a job to do

5 inches no lie. But sometimes it seems like it gets up to 7 inches? Whats up with that?

Okay be right back

16 cm

8.25 inches

I am also 6'2 can bench press 300 @ 180 pounds and can run marathons in 2.5 hours

>tfw grower not show-er

Increased blood flow?

5.5 inches. I was 6.5 inches before I got fat

W-what if you are a trap a-user?

17 cm

and 7 cm tiny dick while not erect, if i ever by some unfortunate series of events i end up without pants in public i will have to get instant hard on otherwise i will never ever recover

>ITT everyone has above-average dick size for some reason

lmoa same with IQ and height

>tfw dicklet manlet iqlet

7x6 inches. I've only ever used it on a woman once.

>tfw manmore with genius level IQ and huge penis
>tfw nobody believes me on the internet

You normies don't know how easy you have it

Didn't you know that autism increases penis size?

25 cm


>16 cm
>used to be 13 cm but then I lost 20 kilos
Feels good.

14 centimeters

I wish it was at least 2 centimeters longer


14 is fine

sick comeback

>having a penis
>not using the metric system

21cm length

16cm circumference


~7 inches

[Citation needed]

16 is the perfect penis size, long enough that will look huge in your girlfriend's hands and small enough that the majority of girls will not have a problem with it when penetrating them

>tfw 17,5 cm

Worst korea
7.5 inches


6.5 inches

My dick is 16cm while flaccid and 10cm while erect


metric and imperial is not interchangeable you know

5.5 Freedom Meters
I have no shame, and I have had intercourse with more female individuals than every liar in this thread.

>17.5 cm
It doesnt really matter my gf still love it

born in serbia
8.5 inches
21.6 CM

15cm erect. 4cm flaccid.

i like her face


we're not the ones complaining in the first place so we don't need to convert

stay mad

Pics or it didn't happen

0cm :)

Huge over here

Like 5.5inches
So 14cm I guess?

Kinda sucks desu wish I was bigger because I'm also 5'8

last i measured it was 15cm, that seems to be average? I think I can get an extra centimetre if I'm really turned on but that might just be my perception being flawed or something.

Just over 6.5 inches

don't know how much that is in inches though

26 cm.

Post Sup Forumsernational qts for me and I'll measure it

Nothing special but it gets the job done

it does actually, if you are "autistic" it just means you are too manly to play those bullshit social games
only women and betas enjoy kissing ass and making conversation all day, refusing this sad state of affairs means you are too genuine and manly for it, and therefore you must have a big dick as well
prove me wrong protip you can't

ps my dick is 30cm

-see flag
-normal dick class; 16 cm variant

wouldn't it be easier to say just "finland"?

it has one character less than "see flag" if you count the space

>17 cm length, 16 cm circumference

6.5 inches

Gee, it's almost like people with big dicks are more likely to want to bring attention to their dick size.

>18cm dick
>and a manlet

19cm and 19,5-20cm if I use viagra and get super horny

would rather have 17cm or something since it's often too big

5 inches/12cm

>tfw 15cm dicklet

16 cm but its thinn

that's above average

also, what is the circunference, how it is measured?

>how it is measured?

are you perhaps retarded?


wouldn't it be even easier to look right above the message?

Unless this was intended for people who are abroad or use proxy servers or something.

There are a number of different measurement methods. Erect or flaccid, but pulled by the head, ruler pressed against the pubic bone or rested without pressure against the soft tissue, etc.

Then you shouldn't say anything besides your dick length desu you fucking retard

I haven't measured but at the very least it ain't big.


gee I wonder if it's bone pressed or not

When we start caring about the opinion of a 'murricuck, we'll be sure to tell you.

5 cm

21 cm flaccid
14 cm erect

I interpreted it as two separate questions, but that might not have been the case.

8" though desu I wish I had a cute small one.

i like her face


i know they are two seperate things as you put it

but i would look desperate as fuck if i were to explain how big my cock actually is and there's no reason for a big cocked man to be butthurt over his penis size so i would say you're right about two measurement systems being not the same?

17 cm, maybe 16.7 cm.
Would trade an inch for half an inch in height.
>Living in a country where every male is 2 inches taller than you

could get few cm more by losing bit of waist chub

Why are all of your dick sizes so big? Why is mine so small?

what's yours, I bet you are in the avg

It's like 4cm flaccid. I don't know its size erect.

there are people who have small flaccid penis but a huge one when it goes erect

14 cm long
12.7 cm girth
>all this 17+ cm ITT
C'mon dudes, no need to lie on an anonymous anime board.
>hurr I ain't lying
Then the average penis sizes wouldn't be 5.5 inches or 14cm, right?

This is not my case, I estimate it can't be more than 10cm.

18.4cm by 14.5 cm, measured with measuring tape

also asian if that helps with unusually stocky frame with really thick wrists, knees and joints and wide feet (use to get called duckfeet in middleschool).

i also have this going on the right, i suspect i had way too much growth hormone for some reason as a kid which would explain weird body proportions. but i've lifted weights for 4 years so i managed to get it portioned out and not look as awkward.


5.2 inches

not even mad

-> this guy here

you sound like an upgraded version of me since i'm only 5'9 and povertybench 200lbs though i squat 3.5 and dl 4.