If diaspora love their "homeland" so much, why don't they leave?

If diaspora love their "homeland" so much, why don't they leave?

Other urls found in this thread:

gbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/03/03/gbe.evw046.full.pdf html

because they understand that shit tier people like them have absolutely no chance at their homeland where nobody is gonna tolerate their bullshit. Moreover they wouldn't be special snowflakes anymore

cuz fuck whitey

Becuase they want a job

What is with this thinking face shit? I see it all over this site now and I can't conclude it's anything other than normalfags trying to force emoji on an imageboard.

try harder to fit in, redditor

that which you replied to is an absolutely abhorrent post, i refuse to (you) it

to colonize the world for Greece

Because they actually want your economic power NOW but in their country

So you move to Africa while we colonise YOUR country

they romanticize their shitholes because whites do not accept them

It's all about attachment to particular schemes, not about superiority.

what do you mean
i do not understand

Russki hit it on the head
Also most diaspora tend to be too dumb to learn their """"homelands"""" language

Half of our diaspora hate our homeland

fucking leftie trash

yahudis are evil Greek mongrels

confirms what I always suspected

i am greek

Why are we included in this picture of the third world?

because i needed png map of balkans and got this

>Slovenia, Romania, Moldova and Anatolian Turkey part of the Balkans
>Greece isn't
every time

So according to your image, your constant nationalistic ramblings prove that in fact, you have no qualities whatsoever. Note taken, Iki.

i removed Greece from that map

i have other intentions
you are just subhumans

They still feel atachment to their homeland, honestly I dont get this, you can still love your home while staying somewhere else

I did

It's a stupid emoji normies use on their social media but it became some sort of acceptable post-ironic shit on Sup Forums

because they know that they came from a big shithole and that their new country is a better option for plunder and to get free stuff, like your country for example... giving all those free housings to paquis, who wouldn't move there?

I wouldn't, its shit where it constantly rains and the houses are expensive and small, literally ugliest of all the euros and pretty rood

because they are spoiled kids
t. chinkgook diaspora or CHI or pooinloo


As a matter of fact, Ashkenazi jews are more closely related to ancient aryans than Germanic people are

Yeah, and I bet that you are merely pretending to be retarded too, right ;^)

thats racist

Latest science says modern Jews are Greek/Iranian converts:

>New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population descends mainly from people from ancient Anatolia, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.

>The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized northern Anatolia more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.

>According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Anatolia.

Direct link to the study:
gbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/03/03/gbe.evw046.full.pdf html

>Jews are getting destroyed by their own Jew Science
>Israeli Jews destroyed, you cant claim territories your ancestors never set foot on
>Evangelicals who support Ashkenazi Jews migration of Israel under the pretext that they are descendants of ancient Israelites, destroyed
>Jews can now claim they are whiter than Germans

you subhumans are just jealous of Greeks and needed a scape goat whenever i showed you why Greeks are better than other humans


This site is literally facebook now.