Does your country worship any mortal as much as we Yanks worship George Washington?

Does your country worship any mortal as much as we Yanks worship George Washington?

Other urls found in this thread:'_Medici

I live on george washingtons estate, literally a few blocks away from the standing structure where he lived. I wasn't under the impression that anyone worshipped him. people visit the gift shop around here and take pictures just like any other tourist attraction.

what is he famous for?

the dollar bill

Yes, Charles De Gaulle.

We were losing Algeria, politicians wanted to give it up, acknowledging it was a trend in history. But the Army didn't want, so we were very near a military coup.

De Gaulle was military, but not as obsessive as the others. He became President of the Council, then President of the Republic, promising he would defeat Algeria's independists.

But then he realised it wasn't working, so he gave up Algeria. There wasn't a military coup because the military respected his decision, and he had the authority, promising to sentence to death any general that would disagree. (there were assassination attempts though, like the one remembered as the "Petit Clamard")

So yeah he saved our ass, maintained democracy while we could have had a Franco or Hitler. But he's quite over-rated. Just a new Napoleon. I think we should worship Robespierre more (there's not a single Robespierre street in Paris, while De Gaulle has the biggest turnabout in posh districts), because Robespierre was about fair chance and equal opportunities, while De Gaulle was about national pride, sovereignty and authority.

He made the USA by gaining independence from the Queen of England. Or so was I told.

Pic is the apotheosis of Washington from the US Capitol. It literally depicts Washington's ascension to the pantheon of gods.


Of course

King not Queen and it was actually the parliament he initially wanted rid of, not the monarchy.

americans are dumb and don't even know that exists

Throwing some tea in a harbor (destruction of someone else's property)

Still, American myths about Washington are things like his inability to tell a lie.
Meanwhile Canada's first PM is remembered mostly for his legendary alcohol consumption.

wtf Queens, btw?
Was France ever ruled by a Queen?

>Still, American myths about Washington are things like his inability to tell a lie
that's abraham lincoln, honest abe m8.

Not really. People like Bismarck who were responsible for the unification of the German states are seen as the cunning and opportunist statesmen they actually were.

This is NK tier.

funny how only dead people get worshipped

>Russian education

It's both actually.

I guess Churchill or the Queen.

The US has a ship named after Churchill

Metro stations under the Champs-Élysées are Concorde, Clemenceau, Franklin D Roosevelt, George V, Charles de Gaulle

>who are the de meici's

I beg your pardon?

I flew from New York to Berlin, with a layover in Paris. When I landed in Charles de Gaulle airport (which does not seem to actually be in paris, but that's what I tell people), I was quite amused to see on google maps that we were on "Rue de New York".

Remove borjuis, remove invaders. Install third international'_Medici

Queen of France for a period. Although more of a regeant.

oh, didn't get it without the "d"
also we write Médicis here.
yeah, thought about it, but the Loi Salique wouldn't allow us to have a true Queen.

Arguably our greatest historical zenith was under a queen, can't complain really.

he invented america

If you don't worship based hat king you get put in jail

Some liberal jew masonic faggot british puppet, who helped with the breaking apart of the Central American Federations.

Inventor of the onion belt buckle.


Thanks nice ally