
sunday fun day edition

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Fuck off with this shit



5th wank of the day
might go to bed soon

Get fucked Wayne!

Starting cider #3



*you remain stuck in traffic*


we're in here


odo's spunk was a part of the great link

we're in here

hope those aren't koppabergs

we're in here

what 5 things did you wank to
you should keep a wanklog
*reports you*

announcing a report is against the rules, reddit shitskin


It's a gimmick one of the tarded Canadians started here

When there's two or more of the same non-brit flags in a row you can snap them

If there's two snap posts in a row you crackle them

If there's two crackle posts in a row you pop them

Pop master race here

>what 5 things did you wank to
>you should keep a wanklog
ballbusting and shemales multiple times

So what do you think Odo turned into to fuel his fap fantasies? Turning himself into Kira's toilet is the obvious thing but what else? Turning into bra? Sweety boots?

Golden State lad
Added some voddy too

child like spatial capabilities
low social networking skills
basically the calculators of the world

laughing at that 106 IQ, i'm nearly MENSA but I'm a mess of a human being

it means stop north american posters


Any Yanks here ever been shot? What does it feel like?

how long do they last?

sounds fun for about 2 minutes thanks for the info
sounds better for about 2 minutes thanks for the info


It's gotta be all caps

I don't use food stamps.

brother's friend got shot in the leg by accident at a shooting range. he said it isn't as bad as he imagined.

not sure what that has to do with english sailors


yank women a terrible combination

Did he return fire?


got shot by a black kid with a bb gun back in elementary school, that count?
the skill level that drawing took is on par with a third grader
embarrassing really



yeah, self defense. the other guy died after something like 62 shots


all me


what a bad look


Never seen Koppabergs over here

Post this in /cum/ until they start crying

>Shut up, bitch! Suck my dick, lick my ass and make me a fucking sandwch!

it's been known to knock people out after just a few sips

I so want to know the original source of this but you won't divulge.
Wish I was here.

you do it, if you're not afraid of j.....


is this the world famous british banter I've been hearing so much about?

Like 4Loco?

snibbedy SNAP

Wow the Quran is the icing on the top

10 minutes
30 if I edge

why do americans pronounce craig as "creg"

like wtf??????

Haha look at this doggo!



black americans pronounce it "creyeg" which is more the proper way

hello nigger


why would I want to wank longer than 30 minutes?
or are you one of those mongs who thinks that sex should last at least 2 hours just like porn films?

And they pronounce 'egg' like 'ayyyyg'

no we don't

never heard this one before

just got back.. aisha post pics of her rooty tooty yet?

this is aisha btw like for real

Shagged her for a good 2 hours

>yanks pronounce "herbs" without the h and put a lot of emphasis on the ERB part

ahhh yes

just a bit of fun innit




welcome to the real yank hours

Got a pilonidal cyst, lads

Might kill myself :)

>bongs cant say r and just say heuubs

yanks are nicer than brits

>Although herb has always been spelled with an h, pronunciation without it was usual in British English until the 19th century and is still standard in the US.
kek, it's actually the real british way to pronounce it
doop off now

unless someones name is Herbert, in which case we call them Herb with the h as their nickname



wanked about 20 minutes ago


just smoked an ehb me lads

Had one of those a few years ago, they're fucking awful. Live in fear each day that it will come back.

Genuine sympathy for you mate

didn't work

*goes back to the 19th century*
wow everyone is speaking english properly!

Just finished shagging a prodding lads
didn't shag the milf I originally posted because she must have gone to sleep by the time I got there but luckily rang another prossie that was close by

she was actually one of the few good prossies and almost worth the £60
very good shag, she didn't rush me and was very affectionate, almost seemed genuine which is rare

I'm a young alri looking lad and they're probably used to all sorts of states so I do reckon some prossies do genuinely enjoy a booking with me more than other clients but I try not to get too tied down with this and I refuse to shag the same prossie twice out of principle, there's enough around anyway

vocaroo it

wanked about 2 minutes ago x

had a sex wee?

just fake nice

gf has it, it's not the end of the world la

implore you not post this image again

no mic
but I pronounce the r

only because otherwise us brits would kick ur a**

what do you mean


It's not the end of the world but it's fucking disgusting. They're painful as fuck when they're growing, and when you get it drained you have an open wound on your back which has to be packed regularly and changed.

They're fucking disgusting.