"Holy crap, Lois! That was almost as bad as the time that I went swimming with Jeff Buckley!"

>"Holy crap, Lois! That was almost as bad as the time that I went swimming with Jeff Buckley!"

fuck off cartman

holy CRAP lois this is almost as bad as that time i heckled Ou Est le Swimming Pool

>geez Brian, that's worse than the time hell be fine with Lemmy!

holy crap lois this is worse than that time i instagrammed myself with lil peep

holy crap lois this is worse than that time i operated on kayne west's mom

holy crap louis xD

holy crap lois this is worse than that time i tripped with nick cave's son

hey Beter

lois i am gay

holy crap lois that was almost as bad as the time I was listening to iggy pop with Ian Curtis

>Holy crap, Lois! That was almost as bad as the time that I threw that aerosol can in the trash!"

holy crap lois this is worse than that time i lent mark david chapman that book

Holy freaggin crap! This is worst than the time I moshed at an xxtenacion concert.
> Hey buddy wh youre elbow it kind kf poked my side a little and
- And what fatass?
> You sir are no gentlemen
- Don't talk to me lardo
> You know what ive had it
* Roundhouse kicks guy off screen
> Roadhouse
* Julkan Casablancas comes up to Peter and asks him for some hair dye
> No, ahhhhhh. What you need julian, ahh isn't dyed hair, it's "sigh, acting your own age.
* Jun Casablancas materializes into sand that blows away.


That was Tim Buckley though, Jeff Buckley stabbed himself in the chest for some reason and died.

haha omg xD

Face me, embrace me.

>holy crap Louis, this is just like that time I gave Lil Peep fenathyl

> Peter what was in that cup, i feel nauseous i can't...
> Ahhh, one white rapper with face tattos down, 6 more to go
- * sees couple pass by
* Peter summons shotgun from animation magic and blasts the man in the face
> Oh my god why did you do that?
> My bad, I'm just a little bit on edge
> My husband's dead!
> MyHehehehehhehe.

Funny how this works on both levels, him either talking with Brian or with Brian Wilson

Don't ever chat shit about Donda West again

Nope. Tim Buckley OD'd, Jeff Buckley drowned. Elliott Smith stabbed himself in the chest (twice).

>holy crap, this is worse than the time I was a consulting technician for Michael Jackson's Pepsi commercial.

Beter Beter bumpkin eater

>Holy crap, Lois! This is worse than that time I let Elliott Smith borrow our kitchen knife!

>anime posters thinking they know things and trying to correct people

>Holy crap, Lois! That was almost as bad as that time we let Courtney Love borrow our shotgun!

>It's not that bad. Heheheh, you remember that time I went drinking with John Balance

>Holy crap, Lois! This is worse than the time David and Bowie and me ate cancer together, but I didn't eat any of the cancer.

only one in this thread that would actually work as a family guy gag

holy crap Lois this is almost as bad as the time I waited in line for John Lennon's autograph

>Holy crap Lois! This is even worse than the time I attempted to sedate Prince in an elevator.
