How would you redesign this area?

>would want to reduce China, India, Pakistan, Korea, Bengladesh, Arabia, Southeast Asia's population to 10% of what is now
>replace cold areas with Europeans and whites
>give Japan more temperate areas
>give warm tropical areas to half caste Chinese and Arab Eurasians
>force Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan to give up Islam

Other urls found in this thread:ạch_Đằng_(1288)モンゴルの樺太侵攻

I'd leave it as it is except for a reunified Korea and China.




Get out.

Like clockwork

Shut the fuck up. I will get a Japanese girlfriend and my descendants will conquer East Asia and defend Christendom from Islam, negroes and the shitskins. The Empire of Kekistan will become a reality mark my words

>give warm tropical areas to half caste Chinese and Arab Eurasians
You need to kill yourself.
Fucking retarded Sup Forumsack cunt


install a Democratic™ system of government under the supervision of america, survey the area for oil, install rothschilds banks within each region


>force Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan to give up Islam
Why not just all of Asia?

>Only South Asia.
>Split Pakistan into two halves vertically.
>Left side goes to Afghanistan.
>Force the new Afghanistan to convert to Buddhism, anyone who remains Muslim is expelled.
>Reduce the population of the remaining Pakistan by 20%,India and Bangladesh by 40%.

Please bump /sag/ already, man.


replace every country's government with a liberal, secular democracy to achieve world peace

The whole area is now a nature preserve and all the humans are gone.

Tibetans are more civilized than Chinese and aren't billions and billions. They deserve a country.

>Force the new Afghanistan to convert to Buddhism
They should go back to their native Zoroastrian faiths imo.
Proxyfag or something else?

Zoroastrian faith was originally Persian. Afghanistan has been Buddhist and I much prefer being a Buddhist than worshiping fucking fire. Not proxy fag.


I wanna get my autistic Ibukistan

This will fix asia

Most Afghans wouldn't agree with you desu. I've seen a few here even from my country that said they'd prefer to stay muslim. Are you that agnostic paki?

I wanna get my autistic Ibukistan

Champa is dead af But if you do this, Champa has the coastal areas only, the South of nowaday Vietnam given to Cambodia, and Tây Nguyên slitted into 4-5 countries for big tribes.

This can come true


we and Vietnamese are not.ạch_Đằng_(1288)モンゴルの樺太侵攻


The prospective anthem:

Please, explain. Is Suika involved?

Why are there Sultanates in China though
Maybe in Xinjiang but why in those places

OP I think you may have autism

The spirit of autism says yes

And I also like view of taiga

Give China supremacy over SEA and EA, with other nations acting as tributary states

I lived in Guangzhou for a while. Only Hong Kongers want separation from Beijing.




tell chinks to govern sk and nk. i dont really want anything else. though its better chinks are split into several countries.

remind me this


I still don't get it. Mount Ibuki is in Japan, so where did you get the "Ibukistan" name from?

From Ibuki Suika
It was the first thing that came into my mind desu

That makes no sense. Name it Taigastan and leave the Oni in Japan.

Ibuki is a flower mein nigga

The oni's gonna stay in taiga desu

I wouldn't touch it. Fucking with the borders means another 10 year war

'Taiga' will be the capital

I'm not so good on the subject since I'm from nog continent, but I tried.
>Reduce indian subcontinent population by 60%
>Destroy Hinduism
>Raise fertility rate of japan to 2 children, but reduce population by 30%
>Remove all slums and force regional traditional architecture
>All uninhabited areas in East and South east Asia turn into forest.

>remove gooks
>remove japs
>remove pajeets
>remove sibera
>fuck it, remove the entirety of these untermenschen

>Remove Islamic extremism

What's to fill the gap without Hinduism and Islam?

in your dream

>>Remove all slums and force regional traditional architecture
THIS so much. As much as I like some of the modern cities of China/Japan/South Korea, it's pretty sad that they're so lacking in architecture with any regional flavor at all. I realize that it's impractical to build all new buildings with some regional flair, it would be nice if there were some prominent structures which just looked Chinese/Korean/Japanese instead of just le modern global city. Honestly, cities without any recognizable regional architecture are plain depressing to me. (Also I know this criticism could be leveled against most American cities, but you get my point)


Why not just force all of Asia to convert to Buddhism? They need it as much as you guy's do.

Just let it be, China and India are gigantic markets to be tapped. Mad dosh to be made selling palm oil to billions.

What the fuck is wrong with American posters

I don't really know what you mean


If I'm not mistaken about 4 million Indonesian died during Japanese occupation. Nobody likes being forced to build railway in Burma.

Was thinking the same thing.

so he meant it was in my dream? or against this thread?

And it worths it

Against the idea of your empire.
In your dreams means not gonna happen.

>not gonna happen
I still feel he's against this thread itself


>netouyo is ranting again

I posted a map of the empire Japan in a sarcastic way

I could totally understand if he just said fuck you

what does Ibuki mean?

That was the spirit of autism ~~~ !!

( - - - - )

I really don't get why China Haters still think this is possible.

Most of 'Manchuria' is inhabited by Chinese. Has been so every since they came up with the harebrained idea that if they just population bomb the sparsely inhabited regions the Europeans would stop invading.

Giving Inner Mongolia to Mongolia would effectively make them Chinese majority state overnight.

nomad's spirit?

I'd say so!

Kazakhstan is cute CUTE

True, although there're some Mongol communities right at the borders.

>be nomad
>get assimilated

The power of autism is unlimited, buddy

tfw no qt Kazakh bf

The Mongols through, although they were savage as fuck back then, they're know how to preserve their culture. There's a republic in Russia, called Kalmykia, north of the Caucasus, where the descents of Gengis Khan still live and practise Buddhism.

Asians are more fit for cold climate than we are.

Asians=cold climate
Whites=temperate climate
Blacks, arabs, latinos, indians, etc=hot climate

>they're know how to preserve their culture
>where the descents of Gengis Khan still live and practise Buddhism.

Maybe they have a chance but giving the whole of Inner Mongolia to Mongolia is asking Mongolia 'do you want to become a Chinese nation tomorrow night?'

Yeah, that's part is a bit odd lol. They still preserve the music, customs and (some) the language through.

Mongols were the ones who allowed the flourishing of Buddhism in China.
They did a small scale invasion of Tibet and then spoke with a religious leader who helped them take over Tibet. They needed deep ties with the Tibet clergy to rule over it.

here you go.

>>Destroy Hinduism
fuck off cunt. reform is in order (and will happen organically) but I'll never support destruction of indigenous culture
>Kerala + Tamil

>lumping all of NE into Bangladesh
>I'm not so good on the subject
you don't say
delet thread NOW


What do you think about Tungus?

>being this ill informed
Zoroaster the founder/prophet of zoroastrianism was literally from Balkh in modern day afg. Both zoroastrianism and buddhism both thrived in afghanistan, so what? Islam is there now and has been there for more than a 1000 years and is more relevant since it's become so ingrained in the tradition and culture. Fuck off.

Yeah but Islam is an absolutely shit tier religion. I think he's trying to make his country better.

>his country
Umm take a look at his flag then which nation he was talking about.

>includes the sarawak state
Oh please. I'm Sabahan and do not welcome pilak. Also
>disgusting butchered Malay language names with a mix of Sp*n names

Now this is what I call shitposting.

I suppose they're our distant relatives

thank you for replying me.
we also are a part of Tungus, tho.