Orson Krennic aka /ourguy/

He'll be the best villain since Heath Ledger's Joker. Pure Star Wars kino. Those shots of him strutting around the Death Star evoke a very classic Star Wars feeling.

He's everything Thrawn should be.

Other urls found in this thread:


looks fucking gay and retarded

Stop shilling for this garbage.

>He's everything Thrawn should be.
you know, except for being blue with red eyes, sure why not

How will you backpeddle when he turns out bland?

>wears OJ gloves


Is he in charge?

It's cool the stormtrooper masks come with built in washboards to scrub their jockstraps.

Don't they have a cure for lip herpes in a galaxy far far away?

Fucking black power fist right in the center of the poster. He's a traitor I'm calling it now, lads.

If the movie doesn't end with Krennic and Vader re-enacting that scene I will walk out


le shill maymay

your NEET is showing

You should be at the front of the line to see it then won't you you short bus homo?

Why has Sup Forums been shitting on Star Wars so hard lately? G-get hyped, bros.

Reading the tie-in prequel novel atm and he seems like a pretty cool guy, if a bit duplicitous.

Is Arnold under that face?

He looks like a young Jeff Bridges trying to squeeze out a fart.

Inly white males dressed in white can be villains now.
It will be so righteous when the brave womyn and her POC sidekicks will crash him.
I am so glad Disney keeps propagandazing this in the Nu Star Wars.

I guarantee he's going to make tough guy speeches all movie and then do absolutely nothing and not be a threat at all just like the tfa "villains"

That's Danny from Bloodline. Great to see he's getting more acting roles. He's a great actor.

Remember Leia?

Trump wins and you insecure white bois are still finding something to cry about

Trump will make Star Wars great again.



He looks more lame than the space nazis in TFA.
I won't bother torrenting it.

Sup Forums contrarianism, my friend.

He looks kino as fuck what the hell are you talking about

Why is that stormtrooper on the right carrying a german WW2 ammunition pouch on his shoulder?

star wars guns have always been WW2 guns made to look more sci-fi

the stormtrooper's E11 is a Sten, the snowtrooper's machine gun is an MG42, etc

>Near the end of the movie Orson gets knocked into a vat of highly experimental weapons grade death star fluid and dies
>after credits scene has him coming out alive with blue skin and red eyes

Thrawn already exists in Canon m8

>cartoon shit

>If I don't like it, it isn't canon
You're just as bad as the #Notmypresident people.

underage please

Holy fuck Chiss are a species not a fucking skin deformity.