
socialist revolutionary edition

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one step ahead la

notice neoliberals girl deleted her twitter account. were one of you being mean to her or spooking her?


everything at mcdonalds for a new hire runt is really easy and you can pick it up in a day
the tills to all the math for you, you just hit the buttons
the issue is a lot of McDicks new hires are painfully retarded and helpless, your manager will appreciate if you can string a few words together and think for yourself

Me on the left you on the right edition

>configured my phone to alert me whenever the western authorities are after me for noncing charges

works great

I surely hope not. She seems like a very melancholic person, and I regret posting rude things about her previously.

socialist reformists > socialist revolutionaries > HEATH

love being a radical globalist, you're pretty much guaranteed to be in the right whenever you get into a debate with a mong from a different ideology

get urethra pain when i wank
any tips?

what English accent should I learn? that mexican who posted the queston earlier made me want to do it too
NOT american please not because I hate yanks but because it seems to be the hardest for me
thinking edinburgh scottish or TV southern english


South African

acupuncture your willy




amen to that my rad-globe brother

Have a romantic date this evening at khaosan lad. Wanna meet? You can bring your gf too.


>romantic date
>at khaosan

yeah but i don't do people. can just about tolerate coworker levels of people, but dealing with maybe hundreds of randomers waiting in a queue per day, standing exposed looking out on a busy shop, etc. fuck that.

oh fuck, is this real?

And IIIIIIII Will Always Love Piiiiiiiiiiints
Will Always Love Piiiiiiiiiiints
Will Always Love

just when you think something can't be any more bleak and bonkers...


inb4 she's not dead, he just wants to buy something retarded

Just do it. Tell yourself you'll do it for one month and see how it goes before you decide. Guarantee you'll feel much better and learn a lot.

love are warwick

fake news


busy body little twat

don't know what to think of this
any other suggestions?

Stop browsing r/communism

I always have my romantic dates there. It's close and there's a lot of shit to do. What's wrong with that thailad? Stop being a smug cunt and deliver the information. What's a better place to take girls that's not too expensive?

shan't be falling for that weak bait but shall be enjoying myself reading the newest issue of sonichu's adventures that just arrived



Enjoy watching this channel, one of them is a saffer who moved to china 11 years ago and they usually just ride around on bikes talking about stuff, he has a nice accent too

Proxy twat


Thailad is the kind of guy who takes his dates to rooftop restaurants in sukhumvit with a waiting list

might have a rest day



how do i stop growing these gyno tits like sonichu? thought theyd be completely gone in my teens

LOVE Shirley Williams
Simple as.

It's me lad. Sorry for the insult. It was in good spirit.

I don't believe you

dire gimmick

your body produces too much estrogen you little twat. you're basically a woman

easy way to waste money
wanted to get lunch yesterday and accidentaly ended up at some expensive chinese place with menus I couldn't understand, ended up with some weird mushroom and tofu dish while the gf got some sort of broth in a hotpot

was a good meal but cost a lot more than I wanted for a quick lunch date, I didn't want to walk out though because that would be embarrassing

You'll sound like a fucking muppet learning with a Scottish accent seeing as you're foreign. Just go with a neutral south-eastern accent

Here is an exclusive pic as proof

Thailad hurt my feelings, hate him now

david owen was a handsome fella

Thoughts on this bike?

>You're a woman, you do the shopping, right Shirley?
>Good, you're on in 5.

It's probably just fat.

You'd only be growing them if your hormones were really fucked

you look like you're a 45 year old, how old are you m8

Sorry I doubted you lad, I generally go to expensive malls like Siam Paragon

eat better and work out? if your skinnyfat it means you're not getting enough protien
how big is the engine?
looks a bit small but good for dirtbiking

No I don't. Proto-yanks always with exageration.

*scuttles into the thread on all fours*

Ok, Bangkok has literally everything, just go by what you want to eat and google it and choose from a choice of places. Or go to a mall and wonder around looking at restaurants.

I'm mid-30s, I only date girls under 20 though


every fucking time

>that Gervinho hairline

ahhh yes, the old "replying to it" gimmick

not a fan

I think it's the hairline, positively grim

But that's expensive, I only want to pay 50 baht for a meal, I don't earn as much as you

thoroughly unsettling
but i want one


prefer this trio


>I only date girls under 20

Why did you feel the need to mention this? Utterly bizarre lack of self esteem you have Alan

want this

>proxylad shitting yet another comfie conversation with thailad
He literally lives here kek

Keir Hardie was a total rorke
>Keir Hardie, in his evidence to the 1899 House of Commons Select Committee on emigration and immigration, argued that the Scots resented immigrants greatly and that they would want a total immigration ban. When it was pointed out to him that more people left Scotland than entered it, he replied:

>'It would be much better for Scotland if those 1,500 were compelled to remain there and let the foreigners be kept out... Dr Johnson said God made Scotland for Scotchmen, and I would keep it so.' According to Hardie, the Lithuanian migrant workers in the mining industry had "filthy habits", they lived off "garlic and oil", and they were carriers of "the Black Death".

I know, he's getting better at imitating you though

Just came here to say fuck Nassim for ruining our reputation.

>Hardie was a rorke
>Callaghan was a rorke
>Nu-Labour are rasheed as fuck

What went wrong, /brit/?

the 'f had a 'n in last night


Our version of treacherous, evil, third negative adjective Finance Minister Roger Douglas.

>>'It would be much better for Scotland if those 1,500 were compelled to remain there and let the foreigners be kept out
ah yes
where have i seen this before

Which is really the proxyfag paradox. If he makes realistic posts posing as me, hemight as well post his own ideas kek.

Lenin didn't like the Labour party

but that wouldn't be fun for him, you should tone it down a bit with the noncing though, it's just giving him ammo

you just replied to the proxy

they both sound almost american to me
what other channels do you like
I thought it'd be easier since they pronounce the R like I do in Spanish
but I just realised I'll probably never even go near Scotland and will sound fucking ridiculous just trying to mimic one anywhere else, might as well just stay with the beaner one

peng show


Bet the same people who are outraged over the Charlie gard case are also raging pro choicers

Never posted anything remotely noncey. The 17 years old gf is legal and I didn't even shag her.

Rate my fit /brit/

640 cc

can hear my parents talking and throwing in innuendo
fucking hate it

>people wearing entire outfits made up of new unworn clothes

find this highly autistic

oh nvm then lol
for some reason it looked smaller in the pic

17 years old is a bit noncy though