Are you people really racist irl or is it all just memes

are you people really racist irl or is it all just memes

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meme, I've got polish and latvian friends irl

even african

I don't know. Why don't you ask the policeman who pumped 10 shots into a nigger for holding a burger.

I'm not really racist but I like hating on other people on the Internet.

No we really do hate wh*tes here


I'm not racist, I just get pissed off when I see a white boy with an Asian girl but feel glad and cheerful when I see the Asian man with a White woman.

nobody here is anything irl

Give people an anonymous forum and everyone without exception will appear racist, even us blacks against others

horribly racist and seriously hate anyone non white but only on the inside

on the outside i am willing to make friends with anyone

this, but hate both ways

i feel like he is diluting his gene pool even though he is likely a beta anyway

How about asian man + black woman or black man + asian woman?

how do we make sudan great again?

My beef is mainly with whites, you know due to the colonial history and all. But i'm not prejudiced though, I won't irrationally attack white people.

Blacks i'm not as pissed off about since my experience with them has been limited, but if they start acting like they do in Europe/USA in Asia then i'd start disliking them.

Nuke the Islambot people

But seriously, more and more people are reconsidering recolonization

I like to call myself a post-modern racist, sometimes its ironic, sometimes its real, infact I can't really tell the difference anymore

I make racist jokes and remarks from time to time but if the person is good I don't give a shit about what colour he is

are there any whites (european) left in sudan?

also why didn't you have your flag yesterday?

Also, reestablish greek influence, even the coptic descendants of the ancient Greeks did great things back in the day

No, only whites are expatriates making money off resources, or Chinamen collecting on debts by making money off resources

The Islamists got what they want now there crying for Arabs, Asians and Whities to reinvest and get swindled

is north sudan better of than the south?

I dislike blacks a bit , I have fought with several in the past because they tried to rob me, hard to beat

Of course, but like someone with a chronic infection like syphilis vs. terminal cancer

Also its an open secret that the Islamists spent billions and armed the Southern opposition, to destroy the young nation. They're even celebrating every massacre, drawback and epidemic on a near-daily basis in the papers

Unironically racist. Grew up around blacks and nothing they do will ever make me like them

I h ave had friends from many nationalities, and aside. Just avoid americans, they are either poltards or SJW. 20% of them are cool thoug

what do you think the future holds for sudan?

No, it's just memes (pls don't doxx me cnn)

I'm black on top of being a spic so I cannot be racist. It would be an oxymoron If I were deemed as such.

The current economic deterioration will accelerate because of the Islamists constant looting and idiotic policies

1. Another military coup by a faction that can't handle splitting the cake with the main one (2 times have been curtailed, once by MI6)

2. Mass riots and overthrowal of the current government, reformists suddenly appear from it and restart the looting process

3. Large scale invasion in a regional war

4. Become a full proxy-state for Saudis/Qataris and they govern the country through locals

How mixed are you though?

Here I spout stuff like chinks, spics and roachs but in reality I have three asian friends, would want to meet people from Latin America and love Turkish culture.

>even african
Eggsplain ?

Not racist. I do use offensive words in here every now and then, tho, but I try not to.

all old EU countries have all sorts of people to some degree

implying you could midget chink

>thinking about sudan hurting
i don't think things are going to be very much improved in 50 years, but i hope they do sudanbro

Thanks buddy

you are a doctor so therefore wealthier than the sudanese person and probably influential to some degree

you should strive to make your homeland better

>irrationally attack white people
there are quite a few asians here my friend and all of them are beta
literally none of your people are capable of holding their own in a fight
maoris pick on and rob you guys all the time over here lmao

I'm not pretending when I say all Muslims should be gassed.

Are there any Maori New Zealanders on Sup Forums?

The answer I tell them is simple, abolish the theocracy, create a secular government, industrialize, educate the people, but they'll just explode when they realize its going to be non-Islamic

Country deserves its fate

There's only one kind of black.

You are 100% black?

you should act a missionary, educate the people as much as possible to western ideals

unless they hate the west

no idea desu
not entirely sure what maoris do on the internet at all
probably online poker or something

Probably a couple

Do not do this.
Whites are quite literally the worst at colonizing and I mean no offense to you my Greek friend.
They will take control of the best jobs and slowly make sure that their race benefits.

>western ideals

fascism, genocide, witch-hunting, serfdom, monarchism, imperialism etc.

Educating people in western ideals does not equal plantation and colonization by whites, friend

he doesn't have to let a million of whites to steer the place clear, he just has to educate people unable of using the internet/books to prevent them from being indoctrinated

kind of a process of westernization

also human rights, freedom, philosophy, democracy, science and tolerance

>philosophy, science

not particularly western (or 'ideals', wtf?)

the rest seems very new and/or limited, I'll go with the traditional western ideals that characterized Europe historically more

sounds like a good way of letting everyone in the neighbourhood know who the kuffar is

Why even stay in Sudan? You're an educated guy why not just go to Europe?

>asians are betas
>maoris pick on you
And what race are Maori's my friend?

because poltards will think he is rapefugee

>human rights
From Persia

I dunno if I'm racist. I believe that there are a certain proportion of the population that are scum and human trash and that each race or ethnic group just have their own particular flavor of human trash (niggers, white trash, spics, kikes, sandniggers, etc.). I believe some groups have a higher proportion of human trash that do others. Do these beliefs make me a racist?

There's no point to it, I'll just be branded a communist/heretic/apostate like countless times before on FB, don't want to try it IRL like said

They want Islamic regression, they can enjoy the consequences

Autism and inability to function completely even here

>muh Cyrus cylinder

retarded Persian diaspora, stop pushing this narrative

>Autism and inability to function completely even here

oh come on, don't be your own enemy

Its that bad, my brothers even worse. I even had a court case while while verbally accosting someone and then him and his friends ganged up on me, someone hit with something sharp and I need 5 stitches on my forehead

Its eventually going to be gulf-state job within the coming months or bust, to make financial ends meet, nothing like the threat of poverty to give you motivation

im not. int taught me that you shouldnt make friends with these internet retards. both alt-rights and sjws are insecure af. would never talk about any racial topic with any foreigner.

lol you already got back your flag. pretty faster than i expected.


i love all races, just not the wh*tes

I wasn't racist until I had to live amongst minorities.

Probably the ISP, knowing what happened they must've done something horrible

No such thing. There's only the Caucasoid, Negroid, Australoid and Mongoloid races.

Well, leaving bad jokes aside, dunno, and it's not like I care about this issue too.

Despite still (sometimes) discriminating against people based on their skin color or ethnicity, people here surprissingly don't give a fuck about ancestry and such.
>being retarded

Every normal person has in-group preference, a.k.a. "racism", and if you don't you are
1) a retard
2) indoctrinated

higher IQ people have less strong preferences of the racial in-group kind you're referring to, so I guess we'll at best stick with 'indoctrinated' for now, my dumb friend

That's a sub group. Not a race.

They are normally not interested in knowing how mixed they are, or what kind of mix they are the product of. That is except for nazindios (and their inferiority complex) who find themselves obsessed with claiming european ancestry and will scrutinize every drop of their blood searching for any trace of it that allows them to validate their claiming.

I don't think I'm the indoctrinated one

I've noticed this as well, but more intelligent people are less susceptible to confirmation bias or consensus-bas, and therefore probably refer to racial matters in a particulate form (not whole-group condemnation as usual), they might be discriminative but not the usual way at least

Spaniards are not white so we can't be racist.

japan always is accused of being racist even by poc so no.

Keep telling yourself that, Gallego.

I'm not racist at all, I'm even a leftist.
I just consider that maybe unchecked immigration without a proper policy to handle the migrants and integrate them is unsound.

As said, Colonisation only brings in thieves and exploitative people.

I regularly propagate the ethnic cleansing of my country. I have recruited 5 people to that end in this site. We have meetups.

It unironically is just memes

But of course you making this thread will have tons of people rushing at it like "no fuck Sup Forums everyone look at me I'm an annoying ass fucking leftist"

at least you managed to separate yourself from the herd

>male baldness pattern

not really, but foreigners are really annoying

You are "honorary aryan", dont you remember?

We are not white therefore We cant be racist.

>being a shitskin

>having disgusting wh*te skin

I don't believe that some races are genetically superior/inferior to others. Racial stereotypes(obnoxious nigguhs, gypsies living off welfare, asians studying hard) are pretty much accurate, though.

Yeah well some cultures need to be changed but I don't feel the need to eradicate the people. Especially gypsy nomadic culture that just doesn't work without stealing

Races being different and having strengths compared to others =/= superiority and being better

I'm really unpleasant, When i see thrid world worker.