What is the most hated European country ?

What is the most hated European country ?


the answer is France


Dammit I opened the thread to say this and it's the first comment

No such thing, at any given moment and depending on the person, any European country can be the most hated

They all blame them for gypsies

sorry but russia is a eurasian country
>Russia (/ˈrʌʃə/; Russian: Poccи́я, tr. Rossija; IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]; from the Greek: Ρωσία — Rus'), also officially known as the Russian Federation[12] (Russian: Poccийcкaя Фeдepaция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya; IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲJdʲJˈratsɨjə]), is a country in Eurasia.[13]
>a country in Eurasia


rromani-a is not European
Everything east of the Carpathians is not Europe

the real answer is Brits. The whole world hates them because of muh imperialism
the 'lets make these now-weak folk think they're the most relevant still' answer is france

I personally despise England and it is also the only European country I hate.
Rest of the UK is fine to me tho.

This. Romania singlehandedly destroys Sup Forums with shitposts

Either us or the Germs because of muh refugees and muh black people.

he didn't say in Sup Forums idiot but in the world

but its still france or england/germany

france obviously


Britain is a sin. Uk is ok tho

Any place with the despicable anglo

Germany or Sweden right now I guess, because of politics

Racially and mentality-wise, Albania


Lefties hate it because of the past
Rightwingers hate it because of the present
Everyone still "remembers" le war (even though they weren't there)
And I could go on but meh


france or england/germany

they are top3 based countries to us japan.