At least you Americans get the blacks that are good at sports and entertainment. Somalian blacks are just like abos...

At least you Americans get the blacks that are good at sports and entertainment. Somalian blacks are just like abos, good at nothing and ugly to look at. Should count yourself lucky.

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except that they don't "get" blacks. the blacks have been around for almost as much as the whites and are mixed

It's because we selectively bred our blacks from the slave days.

Shit > Bugs > Eastern Africans > Western Africans


Theyre still pretty much black in america not like the creole or brazillians. There was a big stigma in America with fuggin your slaves or breeding with them. Just West african blacks like Jamaica, the Usain Bolt breed is superior.

Where does the Somalians in Sweden meme come from? Does the Swedish government and Somalian one have some special agreement like Morocco and Belgium used to have?

was about to post this

Somalia has a lot of refugees and Sweden has a fairly open immigration/refugee policy I believe so I guess they just end up there but iirc there are more people from Iraq and Afghanistan as refugees.


I'd love to watch that fine specimen pound my gf.

abos are actually very athletic, have incredible eyesight and far better spacial awareness than most europeans (only link of the video I could find)

Love the filename.

What does it say? I cant see it im on phone right now

I probably have more Somalis in my American city than you do in your country. And I'd take them over most American blacks.

had an uber driver from Somalia last week

very friendly guy

>There was a big stigma in America with fuggin your slaves or breeding with them
Statistics have shown that African America blacks have approximately 20% European blood.

This. I've met a lot of somalis and they're decent people

Sweden YES... pls.webm


Somalis detected. Not a single soul who has interacted with these bottom feeders in even Africa would have anything pleasant to say about them.

You haven't interacted with american blacks. When I'm walking around and see a group of black males ahead of me I think oh shit until I see by their hair style that they're somali. I know they are not gonna chimp out.

we get spics, the blacks didn't really immigrated here.

What's the problem? We have almost double what you have

per capita is the problem

Don't try to use logic and reason

Somalis at least don't do terrorism

Not an argument

Unfortunately true.
Somalis have a habit of pissing off every ethnicity with their unwarranted superiority.
>Sweden has taken a lot Somalis recently.
>The United Kingdom has around 12 times the population of Sweden

>Somalis at least don't do terrorism

*lot of Somalis
It's pretty late here.

we had one get picked up recently for something

You in mn?

He is not lying.
Besides that stabbing in Saint Cloud by the insane guy and the OSU incident.
Somalis have a decent record(at least here in America)
I do.

*I am.

Is there much difference between Somalis and Eritreans? I find it difficult to tell you apart.

>blacks that are good at entertainment
that's a meme

Boney m literally brainwashed a generation in Europe. Germans have only upped their entertainment factor.

There is a fairly large difference.
Besides the fact that we worship different religions.
Eritrea has 15 different ethnic groups while Somalia only has 1 (Somalis)
If you are talking about physical looks then certain Eritrean ethnicities do look like us.

>There was a big stigma in America with fuggin your slaves or breeding with them

No there wasn't. If anything it was encouraged because breeding new slaves was much cheaper than buy and shipping them over.

Don't pay any attention to these eurofags talking shit. You guys are welcome in MN.

Are somalis mixed with arabs or something?

Kill yourself.

>100,000 Somalis
Not all of them live in Minnesota
I'm also fairly curious as to why you haven't replied to me directly.

Along with Ethiopians etc mixed with Semitic people in general, for a long time. Somalis on the Arabian peninsula who ended up there because slave trade may have mixed more recently with Arabs.

Not really "mixed" as in another ethnicity entirely.
Africa is probably the most diverse continent, biologically and linguistically speaking.

We migrated from Libya and Egypt and mixed with Arabs through trade and whatnot so we are pretty related to the Ethiopians.
Somalis sold slaves to the Arabs.
We also kept some of the Bantu slaves for ourselves to work on our plantations
The descendants still live in Somalia but are generally shunned by Somalis.
I personally think they are hardworkers.

Cause him seeing a Somali whose more itelligent than him is giving him cognitive dissonance

>I'm also fairly curious as to why you haven't replied to me directly.
I did?
Who do you think you're fooling you ape?

That is not me.

They are good at cucking you out of existence.

Literally no girl no matter how degenerate would get with a somali. They are maybe the ugliest peoples besides russians.

i thought arabs enslaved your women and made them their sex slaves

It rarely happens and when it does the kid looks like a Southern European anyway.
Somalis have a clan system that does not like marrying with foreigners or outsiders.
That would be Mauritania and West Africa.

nice to see it got you.
You Swedes are one among the most miserable people on this planet just because of your delusions.
Soon you will be surrounded by no one by native black swedes.
You are cucked nation of pathetick mouthbreathers who can only rely on some other countries in desperate hope that you will be saved while at the same time shooting yourselve in the foot.

>The Arab slave trade was the practice of slavery in the Arab world, mainly in Western Asia, North Africa, Southeast Africa, the Horn of Africa and Europe.

It doesn't say anything about west africa. The blacks that the arabs enslaved were mostly east african women.

>Somalis at least don't do terrorism
you retarded?

I won't be digging information for you in the future.
>Slavery in Somalia existed as a part of the Arab slave trade. To meet the demand for menial labor, Bantus from southeastern Africa captured by Omani Arab slave traders were sold in cumulatively large numbers over the centuries to customers in Somalia and other areas in Northeast Africa and Asia.People captured locally during wars and raids were also sometimes enslaved by Somalis.
That is very local.
Al-Shabab only attacks Nairobi and Somalia and they do far more damage to us.
They've been pushed back to the far south of Somalia by the Somali National Army but they somehow manage to smuggle a bomb into Mogadishu almost every week.

>when it does the kid looks like a Southern European
Bowie had a child with a som*li that came out looking like the ugliest mexican ever
Kinda funny how Swedes not only created Russia, but remain a better country than Russia in every measurable metric today even with our refugees. We would literally have to infuse ourselves with maybe three times as much of the third world to be comparable to your shithole, Ivan. Does this upset you as you squat in your run-down apartment building while your mum goes to the breadline?

>It rarely happens and when it does the kid looks like a Southern European anyway.

>There was a big stigma in America with fuggin your slaves or breeding with them.

When this meme will die? All African Americans are mixed.

>that came out looking like the ugliest mexican ever
She's alright

>southeastern Africa
Still doesn't say anything about west africa. Bantus aren't even west africans.


Fuck off Pajeet. You are literally subhuman.

Aborigines>Niggers>Bugs>Designated Shitting Streets>Indians
Fixed that for you Pajeet, you are far below Abos, you're barely human

She doesn't look
half bad.
My cousin is half Italian and he looks around 0% Somali.

Shit! I meant the lesser than symbol. Otherwise there's no significance, think about it. My bad.

Literally mexican-tier. Not even a looker in mexican villages. Memes about southern Europe aside, absolutely NO ONE would confuse this mongrel for a Euro.

She's representative of all mixed Somalis now?

I am going to sleep now.

GREAT post

"part of the caucasian race"